Moral Development MCQ

Preconventional morality is to postconventional morality as ________ is to ________.


Correct Answer: Self-interest; ethical principles

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Andrea sees her classmate smash her finger and start to cry, so she walks up to her and gives her a hug. Which of the following best describes Andrea’s behavior?


Correct Answer: Empathy

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Jenna has been frequently bullied by her classmates for the past few years. She is quick to anger and will yell at anyone who insulter her. Which of the following best describes Jenna’s reaction?


Correct Answer: Reactive aggression

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Which of the following is a characteristic of victims of bullying?


Correct Answer: Victims have few good friends.

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What emotional ability is considered a motivator for prosocial behavior?


Correct Answer: Empathy

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______ is a male-dominated form of moral reasoning that is based on abstract principles.


Correct Answer: Justice orientation

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Which stage of Piaget’s perspective on moral reasoning involves children having a more flexible understanding of rules?


Correct Answer: Morality of cooperation

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______ can be summarized as a person’s involvement, attitudes, and participation in a religion.


Correct Answer: Religiosity

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When Devon’s 5-year-old daughter misbehaves, he responds by saying “Don’t do that! I want to go to your room until you calm down.” He then does not pay attention to her until she behaves. Devon is demonstrating what approach to discipline?


Correct Answer: Love withdrawal

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Which of the following characteristics of children who bully is typical of a girl bully?


Correct Answer: Spreads rumors about others

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Javier is from a religious household. He and his family go to church every Sunday. He attends a religious school where spiritual topics are discussed regularly. As Javier goes through adolescence, what will most likely happen to his religious beliefs?


Correct Answer: He will likely disregard his beliefs.

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Jenna has been frequently bullied by her classmates for the past few years. She is quick to anger and will yell at anyone who insulter her. Which of the following best describes Jenna’s reaction?


Correct Answer: Reactive aggression

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Which stage in Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning involves children understanding and internalizing the norms and standards of authority figures?


Correct Answer: Conventional moral reasoning

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Which of the following is a consequence of physical punishment?


Correct Answer: Physical punishment increases the rate of social problems in children.

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According to Gilligan, the most mature forms of moral reasoning incorporate ______.


Correct Answer: Justice and care concerns

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Aggression used to achieve a goal is called ______.


Correct Answer: Instrumental aggression

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Children learn best when they are ______.


Correct Answer: Reinforced for good behavior

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A more general term than religiosity and denotes a search for meaning beyond the self is called


Correct Answer: Spirituality

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Refers to religious involvement, sharing the attitudes and beliefs of a religion, and participating in its practices is called


Correct Answer: Religiosity

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A psychiatric diagnosis that refers to a severe form of antisocial behavior, characterized by aggressive behaviors is conduct disorder


Correct Answer: True

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Bully victim is a child who attacks or inflicts harm on others and who is also attacked or harmed by others; the child is both bully and victim.


Correct Answer: True

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An impulsive, hostile response to provocation or a blocked goal is called


Correct Answer: Reactive aggression

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Peer victims is ongoing interaction in which a ____ becomes a frequent target of physical, verbal, or social harm by another child or children.


Correct Answer: Child

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Harming someone through nonphysical acts aimed at harming a person’s connections with others, such as by exclusion and rumor spreading is called


Correct Answer: Relational aggression

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Aggression is the Behavior that harms or violates the rights of others, whether overtly or covertly


Correct Answer: True

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Behavior that harms others, is disruptive or hostile, or that transgresses social norms is ____ behavior


Correct Answer: Antisocial

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Delay of gratification is a measure of self-control in which researchers administer tasks in which children have to wait a period of time to achieve a reward.


Correct Answer: True

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A discipline technique in which a child is removed from a situation for a period of time is called


Correct Answer: Time out

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Strategy to control children’s behavior that relies on reasoning and discussion is inductive discipline


Correct Answer: True

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____ is the methods a parent uses to teach and socialize children.


Correct Answer: Discipline

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___ is the capacity to understand another person’s emotions and concerns.


Correct Answer: Empathy

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Actions that are oriented toward others for the pure sake of helping, without a reward is called


Correct Answer: Prosocial behavior

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A male mode of moral reasoning proposed by Gilligan that emphasizes the abstract principles of fairness and individualism is known as


Correct Answer: Justice orientation

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Gilligan’s feminine mode of moral reasoning, characterized by a desire to maintain relationships and a responsibility to avoid hurting others is called


Correct Answer: Care orientation

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Kohlberg’s third level of moral reasoning emphasizing autonomous decision-making based on principles such as valuing human dignity is called


Correct Answer: Post conventional moral reasoning

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Kohlberg’s third level of moral reasoning emphasizing autonomous decision-making based on principles such as valuing human dignity is called


Correct Answer: Conventional moral reasoning

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Kohlberg’s first level of reasoning in which young children’s behavior is governed by punishment and gaining rewards is called


Correct Answer: Preconventional reasoning

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Autonomous morality is piaget's ____ stage of morality in which children have a more flexible view of rules, believing that rules are self-chosen rather than simply imposed upon them.


Correct Answer: Second

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Piaget’s first stage of morality when children become aware of rules and view them as sacred and unalterable is heteronomous morality


Correct Answer: True

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