1. Unity has a complex and powerful __ for creating and combining particles to give you all sorts of special effects?
2. The UI system allows you to create ____ fast and intuitively. This is an introduction to the major features of Unity's UI system?
3. What are the Scene navigation tools?
4. You will see this system in other 2D elements that you work with in Unity, like _____ (GUI) elements?
5. Using the following code, How to disable keyboard input when user is typing?
6. Accessing users data from Google play game services in Unity?
7. How to play audio while animation in unity 3D?
8. An audio clip named __ to be played upon collection of a cell by the player, in the Book Assets | Sounds folder?
9. Colliders interact with each other differently depending on how their Rigidbody components are configured. Following important configurations are?
10. The Unity NavMesh system consists of the following pieces?
11. Which types of properties are supported in the animation system?
12. The Min Distance and Max Distance values allow you to set a ____ range?
13. Choose a True statement for types of lighting of Pixel / Phong?
14. A Mesh Renderer must be present in order to draw surfaces onto the mesh of a 3D object. It is also in charge of the following?
15. The area types are specified in the Navigation Window’s Areas tab. There are __ custom types?
16. The weight of the object in kilograms. Bear in mind that setting mass on a variety of different Rigidbodies will make them behave realistically. For example, a heavy object hitting a lighter object will cause the light object to be repelled further?
17. The Audio Listener acts as a master switch to _____ sound in a scene?
18. The area types are specified in the Navigation Window’s Areas tab, Select following built-in types?
19. How can set the animation speed using the following code?
20. Play an audio clip using the following code statement?
21. Selecting the root node allows us to establish correspondence between _____ clips for a generic model?
22. How we can Unity game window size?
23. Unity’s networking has a 'high-level' __ API?
24. Which one can not be used to find GameObject(s)?
25. Two public member variables of data type AudioClip, for allowing sound clip drag-and-drop assignment in the Inspector panel?
26. Normal maps are a means of creating virtual geometry for _____ calculations?
27. The asset selector is one way to load images, animation clips, and sound clips into components, shaders, or other parameters in your?
28. UnityScript, a language designed specifically for use with Unity and?
29. The real-time shadows blend into the lightmap shadows ___ meters out from the Main Camera ?
30. Which function is called for each object in the scene at the time when the scene loads?
31. Unity uses a multiplier on the alpha channel maps to brighten the?
32. The Animation _____ drop-down menu allows you to choose several different settings for how animations will play back (once, in a loop, and so on)—these can be set individually on the animations themselves, so if you do not wish to adjust a setting for all, then this can be left on Default?
33. Now that our scene is prepared—note that the Terrain object itself is marked as static by default—we are ready to bake! At the bottom of the Lightmapping panel, there are buttons?
34. How do determine the priority in which animation transitions happen?
35. The Unity GUI consists of a GUI and GUI ?
36. Using the following code you can Assign material to second material slot?
37. GUI texture and GUI text objects can be draw-ordered, using their ____ position in the Inspector?
38. Unity supports the file types of __ and Blender by converting them internally into FBX format?
39. Most of the Renderer components in Unity contain Light Probes. There are following options for Light Probes?
40. The curve’s _-axis represents normalized time and always ranges between ___ (corresponding to the beginning and the end of the animation clip respectively, regardless of its duration)?
41. Using the following code you will Play Animation A after Animation B ends?
42. Which pair can be used to create and remove a game object?
43. Lighting: In 3D, basic, non-GI is performed on a per _____ basis?
44. Choose a correct syntax code to define a Internal reference to all listeners for notifications, adding a Dictionary of Listeners to the NotificationsManager?
45. A Rigidbody is the main component that enables physical behaviour for a ___. With a Rigidbody attached, the object will immediately respond to gravity?
46. ____ are a common concept to all 3D applications, as they provide the means to set the visual appearance of a 3D model. From basic colors to reflective image-based surfaces?
47. This option deletes any currently stored lightmaps, allowing you to see only dynamic lighting and the original lightness of an object's materials and textures?
48. The collider can be resized via the Radius property but cannot be scaled along the __ independently?
49. Which code you will use for unblock navigation?
50. Using the following code you can Change navigation keys for UI at runtime?
51. What are the Physics Events?
52. The Motion fold-out heading, along with the __ and Events headings?
53. There are three main steps in creating an animated humanoid character from scratch?
54. The Animations section of the Importer allows you to interpret the animations created in your modeling application in a number of ways. From the Generation drop-down menu, you can choose the following methods?
55. How can you define a variable in C# to see it in inspector?
56. This tool also utilizes the Shift key to reverse its ___. In this instance, using Shift erases painted trees and can be used in conjunction with the Ctrl key to only erase trees of the type selected in the palette?
57. What are the regular update events?
58. How can a component attached into the GameObject in UnityScript?
59. Which attributes are used in C# and UnityScript to prevent the property being shown in the Inspector?
60. How you can change setting up the outpost model?
61. How can a screenshot captured?
62. Emission parameter has a Global Illumination setting, allowing you to specify how the apparent light emitted from this material will affect the contextual lighting of other nearby objects. There are following options?
63. Which Extensible Plug-in Architecture used to increase Unity3D tools capcaity?
64. A C# class can only inherit from _____ class?
65. How can enumeration of colours be defined?
66. Using the following code you will get the distances to the walls in each of the four directions?
67. Which one is valid Generic Function Definition in UnityScript?
68. Initial content of a C# script file?
69. Using the following you are able to apply setting position of child transform, relative to parent in Unity?
70. Which statement is True of Saved by Batching?
71. Which Unity3D support language for writing shaders?
72. The component requires at least Shader Model 4 graphics hardware and _ support, including support for __ Textures with 32-bit floating-point format and linear filtering?
73. Which are Pipeline of Unity Rendering?
74. How do I list a UnityEvent requirement in a C# interface?
75. Which event function will be invoked when an application is closed?
76. In a scene, you can only have one
77. How can you update using the following code function to play a sound once?
78. Which one lets you create a user interface?
79. Assets placed in which project folder will be copied as is to a folder on the target device?
80. How do you create a material asset (MyMaterial.mat) in Unity using Specular Shader through scripting?
81. Which ones are Axe's properties of Inputs?
82. What are the light mapping modes are available?
83. The Level of Details (LOD) optimization technique allows
84. Which one is NOT affected by position?
85. 3D, basic and non-GI lighting is performed on a per _____basis.
86. A new Sprite can be created using:
87. To display the properties of an object of a class in an inspector, the class must be marked with the property;
88. Which is true about Input Manager ?
89. How can we disable physics in Unity?
90. How to create an animation event at a specific keyframe at runtime?
91. Which one is a greedy heuristic searching algorithm?
92. Count all possible paths in 3x3 matrix; from topleft corner to bottom right corner:
93. How can you make a Navmesh agent move to a location?
94. A Navmesh agent can be which of the following shapes:
95. Which audio file format is not supported by Unity?
96. How to play an audio clip at a specific frame of an animation in unity 3D?
97. What does the following code do?
98. In order to detect a collision between two objects, A and B, which criteria need to be satisfied?
99. A ray contains the following
100. Value of Time.deltaTime contains
101. A coroutine runs on a ... .
102. Which one is attached to every GameObject?
103. Which statement is TRUE about 2D and 3D Objects?
104. How do you record a transaction event by a user through Unity Analytics?
105. Which namespace must be included to use the DLLImport attribute?
106. Types of Raycasters?
107. A 2048x2048 pixel resolution image with format uncompressed RGBA 32 bits (without mipmaps) will take up how much memory when loaded?
108. Which one is Core Optimization of GPU Limitations?
109. Output of the following code ?
110. Virtual Functions are functions
111. Tree Editor lets you create and edit
112. An animation can be played using
113. Core Optimization of CPU Limitations are
114. How to playback input from a microphone in Unity?
115. Option to initialize consumable IAP in Unity?
116. Correct order in which the methods will execute?
117. Which code will display a valid Button?
118. How you can a method invoked in 5 seconds?
119. A material contains the following:
120. Which tangent types can be used to ensure smoothness?
121. To play an animation with the Animation component, the imported animation must be of the type:
122. Which shader to apply transformation operations?
123. Which one will call MyUpdateMethod() every 1 second?
124. Output of code would be?
125. An animation controller parameter that has two possible values:
126. Shadow cascading is used to reduce:
127. The process by which objects that are hidden behind other objects are not rendered is known as:
128. A shader that runs for every fragment is called:
129. An object's mesh can be accessed using:
130. What are the Light's properties in Unity?
131. Animation clips imported from external sources could include followings?
132. What are the Precomputed Realtime GI as follows?
133. A prefab in the assets folder of the project can hold references to:
134. Meaning of GUI?
135. Which are the properties of Lights?
136. The distance at which the real time shadows blend into the lightmapped shadows in Unity is determined by:
137. The following code snippets attempt to change an objects color to red during a certain interval of the objects animation. The interval is defined as percentages of the animation duration, enablePercentTime and disablePercentTime (for example, turn the object to red starting 20% of the way through the animation and turn the color back to the original color when the animation is 60% through). Which of the code snippets do this correctly?
138. Which option describes the Destroy (Game Object) method?
139. 9 sliced images are supported by which colliders?
140. Correct program for Loop animation of A, B and C (A-B-C-A)?
141. How can you call methods in C# scripts from unityscript code?
142. Output of the code assuming that myGameObject does not exist in the scene?
143. Following code will allow you to hide an object.
144. What can you use to visually distinguish between Play mode and Design mode in the editor?
145. What does this code sample achieve? Float Answer = Random.value * 10f;
146. Unity scenes may be saved entirely in the YAML format. Why might you do this?
147. Orthographic cameras remove which visual effect?
148. What is Cinemachine Virtual Camera used for?
149. What does the Microphone class save captured audio data as?
150. Cinemachine offers tools for building gameplay behaviours. Which component makes spline based paths for moving objects?
151. When building assets like meshes for Unity. It is good practice to use which measurement unit?
152. The Collaborate feature of Unity Teams empowers whom to do what?
153. The Clear Flags property of the Camera components affects which behaviour?
154. What is the OnAnimatorMove event on MonoBehaviour objects commonly used for?
155. Which MonoBehaviour method runs by default in Editor mode?
156. For the OnTriggerEnter function to invoke successfully on a collision between two objects, at least one must have which two components?
157. UI elements, such as images and buttons, may be fixed at specific screen positions to build responsive interfaces. Which Unity features help achieve this?
158. The occlusion map of a material is often a grayscale image with pixels ranging between black and white. What does this map contribute to an object’s material?
159. What can you use to organize different game objects into groups inside the Hierarchy panel?
160. The Project windows search box can filter the display of assets with text commands. Which command displays only texture assets?
161. A bullet game object is fired from a weapon and travels quickly through the scene using a RigidBody component. It sometimes passes through solid objects even though they have colliders. What is a reasonable strategy for correcting this?
162. Some material types may include normal map textures. What does a normal map achieve?
163. A SkinnedMeshRenderer component is attached automatically by Unity to some mesh objects when they are added to a scene. Which reason best explains why?
164. Which C# attribute can show a private variable in the object inspector?
165. What is a technique for optimizing Unity UI elements?
166. Every time you double-click a C# script file from the Project window, Unity prints the message below (or something very similar) to the console. What is a reasonable step in trying to solve this? Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided
167. What is the Console windows useful for?
168. Sprite atlas assets, large textures containing many smaller sprites, can be optimized by batching together what?
169. You are making a game where you need to execute your own functions in response to critical animation events for a rigged character. Specifically, there are two events you must handle: when an animation state is entered and when it is exited in the Animator graph. Which class may be used to invoke your code when those two events happen?
170. How can you change the unique bundle identifier for a mobile build?
171. Rigidbody components may be added to objects with colliders to make them affected by physical forces. What does the IsKinematic property achieve?
172. The primary directional light in a scene is linked by default to a procedural scene Skybox. What does the rotation of this light control?
173. You can combine quaternions together through which arithmetic operation?
174. Which feature generates binary tree data to optimize camera rendering in a scene?
175. How does the Range C# attribute control the interaction behavior of numerical variables in the Object Inspector?
176. The variable Transform.forward is a Vector3 measured in what?
177. De-lighting is associated with which technology?
178. Humanoid character assets, like NPCs and the player character, feature on Avatar object. Which statement best describes its purpose?
179. Which statement best descibes the function Quaternion.Euler?
180. What does the Destroy function do?
181. You can programmatically control audio effects, like Pitch and Reverb, from C# scripts using which feature of an Audio Mixer asset?
182. Multiple animations may be mixed together on a single character, selectively on different limbs. Which Mecanim feature supports this?
183. What does the PlayableDirector component allow you to do?
184. What does the Grid component do?
185. Timeline sequences can initiate code during an animation using which feature?