1. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
2. Compare given manuscript copy to the final proof copy and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
3. Compare manuscript copy to the final proof copy and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
4. Which one carries an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
5. The .... has announced a new appointment to its board of trustees. The .... board currently consists of 21 men and women.
6. Which one contains an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
7. Which one uses correct punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
8. The hostess required us to send in our ________ card by ________ 26.
9. Which one is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
10. Which sentence contains an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
11. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
12. Which one does NOT contain an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
13. The recipe called for 2 ________ of sugar, 3 _________ of cream cheese and ½ ________ of vanilla.
14. Which one contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
15. Which sentence contains an error in number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
16. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
17. Find the line/s that contains an error in number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook.
18. Find the line that contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
19. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
20. The ________ is currently reviewing the case against disgraced police ________ Frank Papetti.
21. Select the line that contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
22. The guest list included .... Johnson and Howe, .... Arthur and Lovitz and .... Hannigan.
23. Which one carries an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
24. Which one contains an error in apostrophe usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
25. Which one contains an error in comma usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
26. Read passage and identify line with error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook.
27. My .... daughter has already read .... of the encyclopedia.
28. The deadline for submissions is .... , although some applicants may be granted an extension until the end of ..... . The fall semester will begin on .....
29. The government provided between ..... in aid to several struggling countries.
30. Which sentence contains an error in apostrophe usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
31. Which one carries an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
32. The tomato factory effuses such a strong odor of rotten produce that the town's citizens have become skeptical about the quality of the products it churns out.
33. Jack decided to ________ his share of the company for a song, which made us all think he was a real ________ .
34. Which one does NOT contain an inconsistency?
35. The group of .... bowlers, who were all in their .... , brought in scores that included .... and ....
36. Each of the choristers know when and how to warm up and get ready for a performance.
37. The family was recently forced out of its long-time home at .... and has had to take refuge at the Mission Shelter on .... .
38. Which one does NOT contain an error in comma usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
39. Which sentence contains an error in number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
40. Sentences that contains an error in capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
41. Which one contains an error in capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
42. Which one contains an error in capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
43. The boss offered the reluctant employee an ultimatum: .... the task now or face the consequences. And the employee knew what the consequences were: .... of wages, a permanent black mark on his record, and possible dismissal.
44. Which sentence is punctuated correctly, according to the AP Stylebook?
45. Which sentence is most correct in terms of punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
46. The master of ceremonies then announced, ' ... Herbert and .... Linwald would now like to share a few thoughts with the audience.'
47. Albert Ewing, who has a .... in psychology, regaled the crowd with anecdotes of his time at Stanford University when he was working on his .... .
48. Gerald found ________ on the sidewalk, of which he lent ________ to Miranda.
49. Read passage and select line carrying error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook.
50. His .... contract includes a yearly salary increase of .... .
51. Which three words can be abbreviated when used with a numbered address, according to the AP Stylebook?
52. Rallies took place across the nation from Jacksonville, _________, to Nome, ________ .
53. The ________ is one of the five major branches of the armed forces of the _______ . The Air Force falls under the direction of the ________.
54. Which sentence is correct in terms of number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
55. Which one is capitalized correctly, according to the AP Stylebook?
56. Which sentence contains an error or inconsistency?
57. History students were dismayed to learn that ________ Fortnoy planned to retire and that his replacement would be the unpopular ________ Combs.
58. Read sentence and choose option that should be edited to remove wordiness.
59. A security guard at the local ... has accused a .... student of vandalism. The guard is a recent hire who has been working at the school
60. Compare manuscript copy to the final proof copy and identify the line in the proof copy that contains an error.
61. The researchers thought they had found relics dating from .... ; on further inspection, however, the relics were attributed to ....
62. Which series is correctly punctuated, according to the AP Stylebook?
63. Democratic .... Al Franken of ..... , who took office on July 7, 2009, was honored to be given the desk of former .... Paul Wellstone, ..... , who had died in a plane crash.
64. If you don't .... your files on a regular basis, you should have a .... plan in case you lose all your data
65. Which sentence contains an error in apostrophe usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
66. Which sentence contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
67. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
68. Which sentence contains an error in capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
69. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
70. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
71. Which phrase is capitalized incorrectly, according to the AP Stylebook?
72. Which sentence contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
73. Which of the following sentences contains an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
74. Which sentence contains an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?
75. Which sentence contains an error in number usage, style or consistency, according to the AP Stylebook?
76. Which sentence contains an error in capitalization, according to the AP Stylebook?
77. Which sentence contains an error in spelling, grammar or usage, according to the AP Stylebook?
78. Which sentence does NOT contain an error in punctuation, according to the AP Stylebook?