Questions included in a questionnaire or interview schedule to help explain answers to other important questions are called as Interpretive questions
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___ question that is asked of only a subset of survey respondents.
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Do you disagree that schools should not allow morning prayer?” is an example of ______.
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A double negative
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The ethical question that arises most frequently for group surveys is ______.
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Respondents may feel coerced to complete surveys
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A phone survey conducted with random digit dialing has all but which of the following features?
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Postcard follow-ups to those who don’t answer the phone
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In-person interviewing has all of the following advantages compared to other survey designs EXCEPT ______.
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The interviewer has little effect on how the respondent answers
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If a respondent is forced to choose an answer from a list of responses, but the respondent doesn’t really know anything about the question, the person who designed the survey has not taken which of the following into consideration ______.
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The type of survey design that is most expensive per completed survey is ______.
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In-person interview
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Surveys are popular research designs because they are versatile. This means ______.
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They can enhance understanding of just about any social issue
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The potential for context effects is greatest when two or more questions concern the same issue or closely related issues.
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Unless your focus is on major events that are unlikely to have been forgotten, limit survey questions about the past to no more than the past month.
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Response rates are higher for telephone surveys than with any other survey design.
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Floaters are people who are neutral but will choose an answer if not given a neutral response choice.
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The following is an example of a double-barreled question: Do you agree or disagree that taxes should be raised and that more money should go to public schools?
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___ survey that is accessed and responded to on the World Wide Web.
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Unlabeled unipolar response options are Response choices for a survey question that use numbers to identify categories ranging from low to high (or high to low).
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____ Research in which information is obtained from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions about themselves or others.
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____ pretest is method of evaluating survey questions and procedures by testing them on a small sample of individuals like those to be included in the actual survey and then reviewing responses to the questions and reactions to the survey procedures.
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Split Ballot design is Unique questions or other modifications in a survey administered to randomly selected subsets of the total survey sample
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The tendency to “agree” with a statement just to avoid seeming disagreeable is social desirability bias
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The unique combination of questions created in a survey by filter questions and contingent questions is skip pattern
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The survey instrument containing the questions in a self-administered survey is questionnaire
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____ survey in which interviewers question respondents over the phone and then record their answers.
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When responses to a general or summary survey question about a topic are influenced by responses to an earlier, more specific question about that topic is whole question effects
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____ survey that covers a range of topics of interest to different social scientists.
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_____ survey that is conducted by more than one method, allowing the strengths of one survey design to compensate for the weaknesses of another and maximizing the likelihood of securing data from different types of respondents
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Mixed mode
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Matrix questions are a series of____questions that concern a common theme and that have the same response choices.
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____ survey involving a mailed questionnaire to be completed by the respondent.
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Likert item is statement followed by response choices ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.”
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Labelled unipolar response options are Response choices for a survey question that use words to identify categories ranging from low to high (or high to low).
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Interview schedule is the ___ instrument containing the questions asked by the interviewer in an in-person or phone survey.
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Interactive voice response is survey in which respondents receive automated calls and answer questions by pressing numbers on their touchtone phones or speaking numbers that are interpreted by computerized voice recognition software.
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A survey in which an interviewer questions respondents face-to-face and records their answers is ___ interview
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In Person
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Idiosyncratic Variation in responses to questions that is caused by individuals’ reactions to particular words or ideas in the question instead of by variation in the concept that the question is intended to measure.
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Group administered survey survey that is completed by individual respondents who are assembled in a group.
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A survey that is completed by individual respondents who are assembled in a group is force choice Questions
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Survey respondents who provide an opinion on a topic in response to a closed-ended question that does not include a “Don’t know” option, but who will choose “Don’t know” if it is available is called
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___ survey question used to identify a subset of respondents who then are asked other questions.
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Fence sitters are Survey respondents who see themselves as being neutral on an issue and choose a middle (neutral) response that is offered
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___survey that is sent and answered by computer, either through e-mail or on the web
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___Negative is a question or statement that contains two negatives, which can muddy the meaning of the question.
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A single survey question that actually asks two questions but allows only one answer is ____
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____ letter sent with a mailed questionnaire that explains the survey’s purpose and auspices and encourages the respondent to participate.
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When one or more survey questions influence how subsequent questions are interpreted is ___ effects
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_____ is the provision of research, in which identifying information that could be used to link respondents to their responses is available only to designated research personnel for specific research needs.
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Computer assisted telephone interview in which a questionnaire is programmed into a computer, along with relevant skip patterns, and only valid entries are allowed; incorporates the tasks of interviewing, data entry, and some data cleaning.
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Computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) explains the personal interview in which a laptop computer is used to display interview questions and to process responses that the interviewer types in, as well as to check that these responses fall within allowed ranges.
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A technique for evaluating questions in which researchers ask people test questions and then probe with follow-up questions to learn how they understood the question and what their answers mean is called ________ interview
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Response choices to a survey question that include a middle category and parallel responses with positive and negative valence (can be labeled or unlabeled) are called Bipolar response options.
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An observation in which the researcher categorizes, according to strict rules, the number of times certain behaviors occur is called
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Behavior coding
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A provision of research, in which no identifying information is recorded that could be used to link respondents to their responses is called Anonymity
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