MCQs > Culture & Ethics > Social World (Problems And Solutions) MCQs > Sampling and Generalizability MCQs

Sampling and Generalizability MCQ

What sampling method is most commonly used when researchers what to ensure that cases from smaller strata are included in the sample sufficiently in order to allow separate statistical estimates as well as comparisons between strata?


Correct Answer: Disproportionate stratified sampling

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Person-in-the-street interviews tend to follow which of the following sampling techniques ______.


Correct Answer: Availability

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In Club S, there are 1,000 men and 1,000 women nationwide. If you want to draw a proportionate sample of 100 members of the club, how many men will you select?


Correct Answer: 50

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You have a list of 100,000 members of Organization R, but only want a sample of 500. Using systematic random sampling techniques, what is the sampling interval?


Correct Answer: 200

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In replacement sampling, ______.


Correct Answer: Each element is returned to sampling frame after it is selected so that it may be selected again.

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As the size of the sample goes up, ______.


Correct Answer: So does confidence in its representativeness of the population

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In a census, the probability of selection for all elements is ______.


Correct Answer: Exactly one

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It is estimated that the 2000 census undercounted about how many people in the United States?


Correct Answer: More than one million

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In a study of educational practices, a researcher first samples schools and then within schools, interviews a sample of teachers. In this example, the schools are called what?


Correct Answer: Primary sampling units

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The entire set of individuals or other entities to which study finds will be generalized is the ______.


Correct Answer: Population

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The probability of selection is different for each element in a simple random sample.


Correct Answer: False

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Sample quality is determined by the actual sample obtained rather than just the sampling method itself.


Correct Answer: True

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The sampling error can be determined regardless of the response rate.


Correct Answer: False

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Random sampling error will always produce an unrepresentative sample.


Correct Answer: False

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Stratified random sampling requires the researcher to calculate a sampling interval to select cases.


Correct Answer: False

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Target population explains A set of elements larger than or different from the population sampled and to which the researcher would like to generalize study findings.


Correct Answer: True

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A method of sampling in which sample elements are selected from a list or from sequential files, with every nth element being selected after the first element is selected randomly within the first interval is called


Correct Answer: Systematic random Sampling

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Overrepresentation or underrepresentation of some population characteristics in a sample resulting from the method used to select the sample; a sample shaped by systematic sampling error is a biased sample is called ________ bias.


Correct Answer: Systematic

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A sampling method in which sample elements are selected separately from population strata that are identified in advance by the researcher is called


Correct Answer: Stratified Random Sampling

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A nonprobability sampling method in which sample elements are selected as they are identified by successive informants or interviewees is called


Correct Answer: Snowball Sampling

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A method of sampling in which every sample element is selected only on the basis of chance, through a random process is called _______ Random Sampling.


Correct Answer: Simple

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Units listed at each stage of a multistage sampling design is called


Correct Answer: Sampling Units

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The number of cases from one sampled case to another in a systematic random sample is called


Correct Answer: Sampling interval

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A list of all elements or other units containing the elements in a population is called sampling frame


Correct Answer: True

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Any difference between the characteristics of a sample and the characteristics of a population; the larger the sampling error, the less representative the sample is called sampling _____


Correct Answer: Error

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The value of a statistic, such as a mean, is computed from sample data is called ________ statistic


Correct Answer: Sample

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A subset of a population that is used to study the population as a whole is called


Correct Answer: Sample

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A ___________ sample that “looks like” the population from which it was selected in all respects that are potentially relevant to the study. The distribution of characteristics among the elements of a representative sample is the same as the distribution of those characteristics among the total population


Correct Answer: Representative

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A method of sampling in which sample elements are returned to the sampling frame after being selected, so they may be sampled again is called


Correct Answer: Replacement Sampling

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Random sampling error explains the Differences between the population and the sample that are due only to chance factors (random error), not to systematic sampling error. random sampling error may or may not result In an unrepresentative sample.


Correct Answer: True

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A method of sampling that relies on a random, or chance, selection method so that every element of the sampling frame has a known probability of being selected is called


Correct Answer: Random Sampling

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A table containing lists of numbers that are ordered solely on the basis of chance; it is used for drawing a random sample is called _______ number table.


Correct Answer: Random

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The random machine dialing of numbers within designated phone prefixes, which creates a random sample for phone surveys is called _________ digit dialing.


Correct Answer: Random

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A nonprobability sampling method in which elements are selected to ensure that the sample represents certain characteristics in proportion to their prevalence in the population is called


Correct Answer: Quota Sampling

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A nonprobability sampling method in which elements are selected for a purpose, usually because of their unique position is called


Correct Answer: Purposive sampling

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A _____________ sampling method in which elements are selected from strata in exact proportion to their representation in the population.


Correct Answer: Proportionate stratified

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A _________ sampling method that relies on a random, or chance, selection method so that the probability of selection of population elements is known.


Correct Answer: Probability

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Probability of selection is the likelihood that an element will be selected from the population for inclusion in the sample. In a census of all elements of a population, the probability that any particular element will be selected is 1.0. If half the elements in the population are sampled on the basis of chance (say, by tossing a coin), the probability of selection for each element is one half, or .5.


Correct Answer: True

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The entire set of individuals or other entities to which study findings are to be generalized is called


Correct Answer: Population

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A sequence of elements (in a list to be sampled) that varies in some regular, periodic pattern is called


Correct Answer: Periodicity

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People or other entities who do not participate in a study although they are selected for the sample is called


Correct Answer: Non- Respondents

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A sampling method in which the probability of selection of population elements is unknown is called __________ sampling method.


Correct Answer: Nonprobability

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_________ statistics describes a mathematical tool for estimating how likely it is that a statistical result based on data from a random sample is representative of the population from which the sample is assumed to have been selected.


Correct Answer: Inferential

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Units that contain one or more elements and that are listed in a sampling frame are called _________ units.


Correct Answer: Enumeration

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The individual members of the population whose characteristics are to be measured is called


Correct Answer: Elements

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A sampling method in which elements are selected from strata in different proportions from those that appear in the population is called Disproportionate stratified sampling.


Correct Answer: True

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A naturally occurring, mixed aggregate of elements of the population is called


Correct Answer: Cluster

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Research in which information is obtained through responses from or information about all available members of an entire population is called


Correct Answer: Census

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A _____________ sampling method in which elements are selected on the basis of convenience is called Availability Sampling


Correct Answer: Non-Probability

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