MCQs > Educational Methods And Research > Research Methods (Qualitative) MCQs > Five Qualitative Approaches to Research Inquiry MCQs

Five Qualitative Approaches to Research Inquiry MCQ

Cross Case Analysis applies to_____


Correct Answer: Collective case study

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Within Case Analysis applies to_____


Correct Answer: Both

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In Context of the Case the setting is _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Analysis of themes is also known as_____


Correct Answer: Development of issues

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In Embedded Analysis the researcher selects multiple analytic aspects of the case for presentation.


Correct Answer: False

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In Holistic Analysis the researcher examines the entire case and presents _____ and assertions related to the whole case.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Purposeful Sampling applies to _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Collective Case Study includes _____ case study.


Correct Answer: Both a and c

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This is a type of case study with the focus of the study on the case because it holds intrinsic or unusual interest (Stake, 1995)._____ is a type of case study with the focus of the study on the case.


Correct Answer: Intrinsic Case Study

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Instrumental Case Study is a type of case study with the focus on the case rather than on a specific issue.


Correct Answer: False

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Assertions is the last step in the analysis, where the researcher makes sense of the data and provides an interpretation of the data couched in terms of _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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When a site is selected for the case, it might be located at a single geographical location it is called_____


Correct Answer: Within-Site

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When a site is selected for the case, it might be located at _____ geographical location it is called multisite.


Correct Answer: Different

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_____ would be called categorical aggregations in case study.


Correct Answer: Case Theme

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_____ is the first step in analysis of data in a qualitative case study.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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One aspect that characterizes good case study research is the use of many different sources of information to provide “depth” to the case.


Correct Answer: True

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The Bounded System refers to the case selected for study that has boundaries, often bounded by _____


Correct Answer: Both band c

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_____ can be called a Case.


Correct Answer: Any of these

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Holistic might include the group’s history,_____ and environment.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The final product of ethnography is _____


Correct Answer: Cultural Portrait

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Etic refers to the type of information being reported and written into an ethnography when the researcher reports_____


Correct Answer: His personal views

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When the researcher reports his or her own personal views, the term used is Emic.


Correct Answer: False

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Description of the Culture-Sharing Group is one of the first tasks of an ethnographer is to simply record a description of the culture-sharing group and incidents and activities that illustrate the culture.


Correct Answer: True

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Analysis of the Culture-Sharing Group is the process of _____ of the data.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Key Informants are individuals with whom the researcher begins in data collection because they are_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Gatekeeper refers to the individual the researcher must avoid before entering a group or cultural site.


Correct Answer: False

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_____ approach involves the researcher as an “objective” observer, recording the facts and narrating the study with a dispassionate, omniscient stance.


Correct Answer: Realist Ethnography

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Critical Ethnography examines cultural systems of _____ and authority in society.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Fieldwork involves a prolonged period of time with varying degrees of immersion in_____ and settings of the cultural group.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The ethnographic researcher becomes Immersed in the field through a prolonged stay, often as long as _____


Correct Answer: 1 year

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In Participant Observation the ethnographer gathers information in many ways, but the primary approach is _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Behaviours are the focus of attention for the ethnographer as he or she attempts to understand what people _____


Correct Answer: Do

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Culture-Sharing Group is the unit of analysis for the ethnographer as he or she attempts to understand and interpret the_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Language is the focus of attention for the ethnographer as he or she discerns what people _____


Correct Answer: Say

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Discriminant Sampling occurs _____


Correct Answer: After a researcher develops a model

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Substantive Level Theory evolves from the study of a phenomenon situated in_____


Correct Answer: One particular situational context

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_____ is the particular set of conditions within which the strategies occur.


Correct Answer: Context

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Central Phenomenon is an aspect of axial coding and the formation of the_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Logic Diagram is drawn with _____ indicating the process or flow of activities.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Properties appear in_____analysis.


Correct Answer: Open Coding

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In Saturation the inquirer can still find new information that adds to an understanding of the category.


Correct Answer: False

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Conditional or Consequential Matrix enables the researcher to both _____ levels of conditions and consequences specified in the axial coding mode.


Correct Answer: Both b and c

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_____ might be social, economic, and political forces that influence the strategies in response to the central phenomenon.


Correct Answer: Intervening Conditions

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_____ are the categories of conditions in database that cause or influence the central phenomenon to occur.


Correct Answer: Causal Conditions

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In Open Coding researchers try to develop a small number of categories, slowly reducing the number to approximately _____ codes that are then combined into major themes in the study.


Correct Answer: 30

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Constant Comparative refers to the researcher identifying incidents, events, and activities and constantly comparing them to an emerging category to develop and saturate the category.


Correct Answer: True

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Theoretical Sampling starts with a heterogeneous sample of individuals.


Correct Answer: False

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Propositions are written from _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Selective Coding is the _____ phase of coding the information.


Correct Answer: Final

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The purpose of Axial Coding is to identify _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Category is a unit of information analyzed in grounded theory research which comprises_____of phenomenon.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Memoing refers to the written records of analysis that help with the formulation of _____


Correct Answer: Theory

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_____ is a form of grounded theory squarely in the interpretive tradition of qualitative research.


Correct Answer: Constructivist Grounded Theory

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In Discover a Theory researchers might begin with a tentative theory they want to modify or no theory at all with the intent of “grounding” the study in views of participants.


Correct Answer: True

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In Grounded Theory Study, the researcher generates an abstract analytical schema of a phenomenon, a theory that explains_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Essential, Invariant Structure is the goal of the phenomenologist, to reduce the _____meanings of experiences to a brief description that typifies the experiences of all of the participants in a study.


Correct Answer: Both

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In Cluster Of Meaning the researcher clusters the statements into themes or meaning units including overlapping and repetitive statements.


Correct Answer: False

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The second step in the phenomenological data analysis, in which the researcher lists every significant statement relevant to the topic and gives it equal value is known as_____


Correct Answer: Horizontalization

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Phenomenological Data Analysis includes_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Structural Description includes_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Textural Description is from the _____ steps in phenomenological data analysis.


Correct Answer: First three

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In Transcendental Phenomenology, the researcher relies on_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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The first step in “phenomenological reduction,” the process of data analysis in which the researcher sets aside, all preconceived experiences to best understand the experiences of participants in the study is known as_____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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A form of phenomenology in which research is oriented toward interpreting the “texts” of life and lived experiences is known as_____


Correct Answer: Hermeneutical Phenomenology

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Phenomenological Reflection involves the process of _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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According to Intentionality of Consciousness “Being conscious of objects always is intentional.”


Correct Answer: True

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Which statement is true about Philosophical Perspective?


Correct Answer: All are correct

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Phenomenology of Practice describes the _____ of meaning-giving methods of phenomenology.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Lived Experiences is used in phenomenological studies to emphasize the importance of individual experiences of people as conscious human beings.


Correct Answer: True

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Epiphanies are the turning points that can be_____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Historical context may be the participant’s family, society, or _____ trend of the participant’s times.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Culture can be seen in _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Artifacts is the focus of attention for the ethnographer as he or she determines what people_____


Correct Answer: Both b and c

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In Oral History,information is collected through _____


Correct Answer: Both

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Autoethnography refers to multiple layers of consciousness,including _____ in social contexts, the subversion of dominant discourses, and the evocative potential.


Correct Answer: All of these

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In Life History,the individual being studied is alive, and life as lived in the present is influenced by _____ histories.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Consequences are the outcomes of strategies taken by participants in the study. These outcomes are_____


Correct Answer: Any of these

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In axial coding, _____ are the specific actions or interactions that occur as a result of the central phenomenon.


Correct Answer: Strategies

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Stories are aspects that surface during an interview in which the participant describes a situation, usually with a _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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_____ are individual’s life or key events that become the focus for the biographer.


Correct Answer: Life Course Stages

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Phenomenon is the central concept being examined by the_____


Correct Answer: Phenomenologist

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Case Study Research involves the study of a case within _____ context.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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The Ethnographer listens and records the voices of informants with the intent of generating a _____ portrait.


Correct Answer: Cultural

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In research, a Single Individual may be a person whose life is a _____


Correct Answer: Any of these

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Research Problem is discussed as_____


Correct Answer: Both

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Research Focus leads to the researcher narrowing the focus for the_____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Structure is a theme or concept about the social–cultural system or group that the ethnographer attempts to learn.


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is the study of stories or narrative or descriptions of a series of events that accounts for human experiences.


Correct Answer: Narrative Research

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