Analyzing Research Ethics MCQ

The interpersonal and preferably positive relationship between a researcher and participant is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Rapport

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Protocols are specific _________ for the conduct of a study or interview .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Principal investigator is the lead researcher of a study, designated as the “PI” on an IRB application .


Correct Answer: True

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Mandated reporters are Individuals with a legal obligation to report any suspicious or criminal activity to officials .


Correct Answer: True

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Courtesy information for participants about the nature of and procedures for a research study; an IRB might require them ,this process is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Letters of information

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The Institutional Review Board involves human subjects to ensure legal and ethical compliance .


Correct Answer: True

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Full review is an IRB status for a research study proposal that cannot be _______ full board review .


Correct Answer: All of these

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Expedited involves minimal risk for participants when selected criteria are met .


Correct Answer: True

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Exempt is an IRB status for a research _______ that does not require institutional review or approval .


Correct Answer: Study proposal

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Deception is a deliberate action by a researcher to ________ information from a study’s participants, usually for covert investigation .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Confidentiality is keeping information private, such as participants’ identities and their related data .


Correct Answer: True

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An amalgam of different yet related participant quotes or other data into a single representative passage is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Composite narratives

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Belmont Report is a 1979 report published by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare prescribing ethical guidelines and procedures .


Correct Answer: True

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Assent is an agreement to participate, usually oral; minors assent to participate in a study .


Correct Answer: True

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Anonymity is a Keeping the actual ________ of a participant or other entity unknown in a data corpus and research report .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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A collective, composite representation of various data that have been brought together is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Aggregate

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