1. What identifies a row in a table as unique?
2. Which is used to control case sensitivity?
3. A .... is a stored program that is attached to a table or a view.
4. Statements used to manage transaction processing in MySQL?
5. What limits the type of data that goes into a table?
6. How do you select all the records from a table named 'Persons' where the 'FirstName' is 'Peter' and the 'LastName' is 'Jackson'?
7. Which SQL statement is used to update data in a database?
8. What does SQL mean?
9. What does SQL stand for?
10. How do you select all the columns from a table named 'Persons'?
11. A table column can have null values
12. How can you delete the records where the 'FirstName' is 'Peter' in the Persons Table?
13. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?
14. It is possible to add a constraint after a table is created
15. A datatype can be changed after a table has been created.
16. Which is not a valid aggregate function?
17. With SQL, how can you insert a new record into the 'Persons' table?
18. Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database?
19. * in a SELECT statement portion does what?
20. Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database?
21. Which is TRIGGER in Mysql ?
22. With SQL, how do you select a column named 'FirstName' from a table named 'Persons'?
23. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named 'Persons' where the value of the column 'FirstName' is 'Peter'?
24. MySQL is a tool to:
25. How do you remove a table from the database
26. Which statement about Stored Procedures is true?
27. With SQL, how can you insert 'Olsen' as the 'LastName' in the 'Persons' table?
28. With SQL, how can you return all the records from a table named 'Persons' sorted descending by 'FirstName'?
29. How would you write a query to select all teams that won either 2, 4, 6 or 8 games?
30. A SELECT statement without a WHERE clause returns _____.
31. Can I create another MySQL instance in the same machine?
32. Maximum number of constituents for a SET datatype?
33. With SQL, how can you return the number of records in the 'Persons' table?
34. Which statement is correct?
35. What is A in ACID?
36. Which clauses can be used in a SELECT statement to reduce the results to a unique list of values?
37. What locks can be applied to MyISAM tables?
38. What does the following command output: 'SELECT 1'
39. Which query returns all the rows whose names start with 'S'?
40. Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result-set?
41. Having a key with a unique value for each row, best describes?
42. Which set operator is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements?
43. What function eliminates beginning and ending white space characters from a string?
44. How do you rename a table?
45. In linux how do you restart the MySQL service?
46. When a MySQL database is 'normalized', by common definition, it means which of the following?
47. Which can add a row to a table?
48. I would like to retrieve the date with this format : dd/mm/YYYY in a field called btimestamp. Choose the correct way.
49. Which is not a valid name for a column
50. TCL stands for ?
51. The OR operator displays a record if ANY conditions listed are true. The AND operator displays a record if ALL of the conditions listed are true
52. Which clause will order results by the last_name column?
53. Which statement about MySQL optimization is True?
54. The DELETE command in MySQL need an *
55. The USE keyword is used to select a _____.
56. .... displays the hour as an integer with zero padding, in 24H format.
57. which is not engine of msyql
58. Which statement is required to add a column to an existing table?
59. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named 'Persons' where the value of the column 'FirstName' starts with an 'a'?
60. What is a surrogate Key ?
61. How can you do an UPDATE?
62. HAVING clause is used in combination with _____.
63. The correct way to average all of the values from a column 'values' from table 'foo' is
64. How to write a query to select all orders that contain either 3, 5, 7 or 9 items?
65. Assume, you have two tables company (id int, name text) and employee(id int, company int, name text). How would you select all employee names and their corresponding company names, e.g. John, Microsoft Mary, IBM Jane, Oracle
66. A table may be joined to itself.
67. The default size of the buffer for client/server communication is _______?
68. What represents an unknown or unspecified value?
69. The data type BLOB stands for:
70. ... statement enables listing of tables that match a certain pattern.
71. Correct way to retrieve rows with no duplicates?
72. What does DCL stand for?
73. You have just inserted a new row into a table whose Primary Key has the AUTO_INCREMENT property, without specifying the Primary Key. How would you retrieve the new row's Primary Key from the database?
74. How would you select all the user_name values from records whose user_phonenumber field is null?
75. What is the BDB Configuration for RAM dedicated to holding rows and indexes?
76. What statement would delete the data in a table without deleting the table structure?
77. Difference between an inner join and an outer join?
78. Which option gets the current time in the following format? 2012-06-18 19:47:31
79. With SQL you can manage files
80. ... application performs verification, repair, analysis, and optimization of MySQL databases, tables, and data.
81. Which correctly calls the stored procedure 'test' which has no parameters?
82. Which options for the INSERT statement will cause an existing row to be updated in the event of a duplicate Primary Key value?
83. Correct use of the UNION operator?
84. TEXT is case-insensitive in BLOB.
85. When joining tables using a left join, which values are always preserved?
86. Maximum length of a table name ?
87. Which are true about MyISAM vs InnoDB?
88. Which of the following is a synonym for 'INDEX' in MySQL.
89. Which table declarations creates column 'name' to hold a fixed-length string?
90. Why would you turn on delay_key_write?
91. Assign the custom `foo` variable with the value `bar`
92. What does this statement: DELETE FROM xpto WHERE 1;
93. What tests whether integer column i is at least 1 but no more than 10?
94. What happens when a Unique or Primary Key column is set to AUTO INCREMENT, and an INSERT would exceed the maximum value for that column?
95. What term describes the number of unique values in an index?
96. Statement used to remove user accounts from MySQL?
97. Which is used to count the number of rows with different items?
98. Which is not a Spatial Data Type?
99. Which are true concerning indexes?
100. Assume, you have a table inventory(id int, description text, price int). How can you change the type of price from int to decimal(10,2)?
101. In a WAMP environment, what is the correct way to permanently change the largest possible packet that can be transmitted to or from a MySQL server?
102. Given two tables, t1 and t2, the join condition 't1.t2_id = t2.id' how do you get rows from t1 that have NO counterparts in t2?
103. How would you remove all rows from a table 'STAFF'
104. The user-created stored function 'test' takes a varchar(5) and an integer and returns a varchar. Which of the following correctly calls the function?
105. ______ - Nothing that’s being read is actively being changed by another transaction.
106. To select the multiple values from a column as a string use the _________ function.
107. The _____________ privilege is often used when loading a file into a database table.
108. Major difference between MyISAM and InnoDB storage engines?
109. Which foreign keys do MyISAM tables support?
110. Which queries returns 100 results, starting from the 25th result?
111. Which will return the values of the 'order' column in the 'slides' table in descending order?
112. What command executed by a client exports data to a file?
113. Which is used to access a result set stored in memory after execution of a query, allowing the result data to be manipulated on a row-by-row basis?
114. How do you get the number of rows affected by query?
115. Which is not a MySQL Operator?a. Between..and..,b. Like,c. IN,d. Is NULL
116. How many triggers can be created for each tables ?
117. What will be returned? SELECT column_name FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
118. Which SQL function returns the current date?
119. Considering table foo has been created with:create table foo (id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(100));Is the following query syntactically valid?delete from foo where id = id-1;
120. Which are valid MySQL Data type?
121. Which statements are true?
122. Which is not a String column types?
123. Which is a valid declaration? 1) CHAR(0) 2) CHAR(1024) 3) CHAR(256) 4) VARCHAR(-1024)
124. Which 'MySQL' client utility option is useful for MySQL query execution on the command line?
125. Consider a list of date ranges (range-start and range-end): 10/06/1983 to 14/06/1983 15/07/1983 to 16/07/1983 18/07/1983 to 19/07/1983 What will be the best way to find out if another date range containing any of the ranges already exists in the above list?
126. Best way to store variable length text data in a MYSQL database?
127. If you use NULL with Logical operators, NULL is considered as:
128. Which are true in case of Indexes for MYISAM Tables?
129. Which is not a valid Arithmetic operator?
130. Which operator has the highest precedence?
131. Which are aggregate functions in SQL?
132. Which one must be specified in every DELETE statement?
133. Which are not Numeric column types?
134. Which of the following results in 0 (false)?
135. Which ones are true?
136. Consider the following table structure of students: rollno number(4) name varchar(20) course varchar(20) What will be the query to display the courses in which the number of students enrolled is more than 5?
137. Consider the following queries: create table foo (id int primary key auto_increment, name int); create table foo2 (id int auto_increment primary key, foo_id int references foo(id) on delete cascade); Which of the following statements is true?
138. In which sequence are queries and sub-queries executed by the SQL Engine?
139. What will happen if you query the emp table as shown below: select empno, DISTINCT ename, Salary from emp;
140. What is true about the ENUM data type?
141. Consider the select statement and its output: SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY column1; Column1 -------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 Given the above output, which one of the following commands deletes 3 of the 5 rows where column1 equals 2?
142. Which is not a MySQL Data type?
143. Which is used to change the structure of a table once it has been created?
144. View the following Create statement: 1. Create table Pers 2. (EmpNo Int not null, 3. EName Char not null, 4. Join_dt Date not null, 5. Pay Int) Which line contains an error?
145. Consider the following tables: Books ------ BookId BookName AuthorId SubjectId PopularityRating(the popularity of the book on a scale of 1 to 10) Language(such as French, English, German etc) Subjects --------- SubjectId Subject(such as History, Geography, Mathematics etc) Authors -------- AuthorId AuthorName Country Which is the query to determine the number of Authors who have written books on more than 2 subjects?
146. Which operator will be evaluated first in the following statement: select (age + 3 * 4 / 2 - 8) from emp
147. What does DETERMINISTIC mean in the creation of a function?
148. What is wrong with the following statement? create table foo (id int auto_increment, name int);
149. Maximum size of a row in a MyISAM table?
150. What is the correct order of clauses in the select statement? 1 select 2 order by 3 where 4 having 5 group by
151. You want to display the titles of books that meet the following criteria: 1. Purchased before November 11, 2002 2. Price is less than $500 or greater than $900 You want to sort the result by the date of purchase, starting with the most recently bought book. Which of the following statements should you use?
152. The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns: STUDENT_ID INT SEMESTER_END DATE GPA FLOAT Which of the following statements finds the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) per semester?
153. The Flush statement cannot be used for:
154. Which of the following queries is valid?
155. Examine the two SQL statements given below: SELECT last_name, salary, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY salary DESC SELECT last_name, salary, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY 2 DESC What is true about them?
156. What kind of joins does MySQL support?
157. Is it possible to insert several rows into a table with a single INSERT statement?
158. Which are not String column types?
159. If you insert (00) as the value of the year in a date column, what will be stored in the database?
160. Which is not a SQL operator?
161. You are maintaining data for a Products table, and want to see the products which have a current stock of at least 50 more than the minimum stock limit. The structure of the Products table is: ProductID ProductName CurrentStock MinimumStock Two possible queries are: (a)select * from products where currentStock > MinimumStock + 50 (b)select * from products where currentStock - 50 > MinimumStock Choose the appropriate option with regard to the above queries.
162. What is NDB?
163. What are MySQL Spatial Data Types in the following list?
164. In the 'where clause' of a select statement, the AND operator displays a row if any of the conditions listed are true. The OR operator displays a row if all of the conditions listed are true.
165. What privilege do you need to create a function?
166. Assuming the column col1 in table tab1 has the following values: 2,3,NULL,2,3,1 What will be the output of the select statement mentioned below? SELECT count(DISTINCT col1) FROM tab1
167. Which operator has the lowest precedence?
168. The REPLACE statement is:
169. What is wrong with the following query: select * from Orders where OrderID = (select OrderID from OrderItems where ItemQty > 50)
170. Can you run multiple MySQL servers on a single machine?
171. Consider the query: SELECT name FROM Student WHERE name LIKE '_a%'; Which names will be displayed?
172. Which commands will list the tables of the current database?
173. To quote a string within a string, which can you use?
174. Consider the following table definition: CREATE TABLE table1 ( column1 INT, column2 INT, column3 INT, column4 INT ) Which one of the following is the correct syntax for adding the column, 'column2a' after column2, to the table shown above?
175. Is the FROM clause necessary in every SELECT statement?
176. Which is not a Table Storage specifier in MySQL?
177. Which is a valid declaration?
178. Which is not a MySQL statement?
179. Consider the following tables: Books ------ BookId BookName AuthorId SubjectId PopularityRating (the popularity of the book on a scale of 1 to 10) Language (such as French, English, German etc) Subjects --------- SubjectId Subject (such as History, Geography, Mathematics etc) Authors -------- AuthorId AuthorName Country Which is the query to determine the Authors who have written at least 1 book with a popularity rating of less than 5?
180. Is the following query valid? create table foo (id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar);
181. What will happen if two tables in a database are named rating and RATING?
182. Consider the following query: create table foo (id int); Which is true?
183. Main purpose of InnoDB over MyISAM?
184. What will happen if you write the following statement on the MySQL prompt? SELECT NOW();
185. Which query will display data from the Pers table relating to Analyst, Clerk and Salesman who joined between 1/1/2005 and 1/2/2005 ? Which query will display data from the Pers table relating to Analysts, Clerks and Salesmen who joined between 1/1/2005 and 1/2/2005 ?
186. What is true regarding the SET data type?
187. Name of the utility used to extract NDB configuration information?
188. What is true regarding the TIMESTAMP data type?
189. Which format does the date field accept by default?
190. Examine the query:- select (2/2/4) from tab1; where tab1 is a table with one row. This would give a result of:
191. Correct SQL syntax for returning all the columns from a table named 'Persons' sorted REVERSE alphabetically by 'FirstName'?
192. Which is not a valid Logical operator?
193. How will you change 'Hansen' into 'Nilsen' in the LastName column in the Persons Table?
194. MySQL supports 5 different int types. Which one takes 3 bytes?
195. Which statement grants permission to Peter with password Software?
196. What is the correct SQL syntax for selecting all the columns from the table Persons where the LastName is alphabetically between (and including) 'Hansen' and 'Pettersen'?
197. What will happen if some of the columns in a table are of char datatype and others are of varchar datatype?
198. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT e.employee_id, (.15* e.salary) + (.5 * e.commission_pct) + (s.sales_amount * (.35 * e.bonus)) AS CALC_VALUE FROM employees e, sales s WHERE e.employee_id = s.emp_id; What will happen if all the parentheses are removed from the calculation?
199. Which one correctly selects rows from the table myTable that have NULL in column column1?
200. ascending order of the ProductGroup column. Secondary sorting should be in descending order of the CurrentStock colum
201. Transactions and commit/rollback are supported by MySQL using the MyISAM engine
202. Examine the data in the employees table given below: last_name department_id salary ALLEN 10 3000 MILLER 20 1500 King 20 2200 Davis 30 5000 Which of the following Subqueries will execute well?
203. Which statement is true regarding character sets in MySQL?
204. Which is not a valid Comparison operator?
205. Which will show when a table in a MySQL database was last updated?
206. Which will reset the MySQL password for a particular user?
207. Consider the following SQL queries: create table foo (id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(200)); insert into foo (name) values (id); select * from foo; What will be the value of the 'name' column returned by the select query?
208. Which relational database management systems is simple to embed in a larger program?
209. Why is the following GRANT statement considered a bad security practice: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_test.* TO 'john'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '0!Nh6l7tEjohn'
210. What value return 'type' column in EXPLAIN plans for a full table scan of select query?
211. Which statements is true?
212. Correct query to find out the number of ENUM('M','F','NA') datatypes columns that exist in all databases?
213. Examine the description of the STUDENTS table: STD_ID INT COURSE_ID VARCHAR (10) START_DATE DATE END_DATE DATE The aggregate functions valid on the START_DATE column are:
214. Consider the following tables: Books ------ BookId BookName AuthorId SubjectId PopularityRating (the popularity of the book on a scale of 1 to 10) Language (such as French, English, German etc) Subjects --------- SubjectId Subject (such as History, Geography, Mathematics etc) Authors -------- AuthorId AuthorName Country Which query will determine how many books have a popularity rating of more than 7 on each subject?
215. How can a InnoDB database be backed up without locking the tables?
216. Is it possible to use group by clause to concatenate strings?
217. How to return a JSON representation of a MySQL query?
218. Which datatype is used to store binary data in MySQL?
219. Which statements relating to Alias names is true?
220. Which makes a backup on the whole database except the tables sessions and log?
221. Correct way to show that last queries executed on MySQL?
222. Which represents a valid use of COUNT() in a WHERE clause?
223. Which will reclaim unused space in all databases of a MySQL server instance?
224. How to find all occurrences of text 'owner' in all fields of all tables in a MySQL, database?
225. Examine the code: SELECT employee_id FROM employees WHERE commission_pct=.5 OR salary > 23000 Which of the following statements is correct with regard to this code?
226. Suppose a table has the following records: +--------------+-------------+----------------+ | Item | Price | Brand | +--------------+-------------+----------------+ | Watch | 100 | abc | | Watch | 200 | xyz | | Glasses | 300 | bcd | | Watch | 500 | def | | Glasses | 600 | fgh | +--------------+-------------+----------------+ Which of the following will select the highest-priced record per item?
227. Which function is used to get the higher of two values, a and b, in MySQL?
228. When running the SELECT query: SELECT ID FROM ( SELECT ID, name FROM ( SELECT * FROM employee ) ); The error message 'Every derived table must have its own alias' appears. Which of the following is the best solution for this error?
229. Correct way to change the character set to UTF8?
230. Most common use of the mysql EXPLAIN statement?
231. Is there any function in MySQL that allows for replace through a regular expression?
232. How can the following error be solved in MySQL? ERROR 1153: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
233. Which is not a valid Bit operator?
234. Which is correct in regards to the syntax of the code below? SELECT table1.this, table2.that, table2.somethingelse FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.foreignkey = table2.primarykey WHERE (some other conditions)
235. Consider the following Table EMP: ------ empId empName empSalary empJoinDate Which SQL is incorrect for finding out the count of records on EMP table where empJoinDate is between 2012-10-01 and 2012-12-30?
236. You can not associate a Trigger with?
237. Which are valid encryption functions?
238. InnoDB prevents which operations when innodb_force_recovery is greater than 0?
239. Which operator is used to select values within a range?
240. How can you delete the records where the 'FirstName' is 'John' in the Customers Table?
241. Is select count(*) faster than select count(identifier)?
242. Which operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column?
243. Select examples with a valid comment syntax:
244. Which will check whether a MySQL database exists or not?
245. Best way to update multiple rows? Example: Name id Col1 Col2 name1 1 6 1 name2 2 2 3 name3 3 9 5 name4 4 16 8 Update Col1= 1 where id = 1 Update Col1= 2 where id = 2 Update Col2= 3 where id = 3 Update Col1= 10 and col2= 12 where id = 4
246. Correct syntax for selecting all rows from a table 'PERSONS', with strings in the column 'LASTNAME' starting with 'JOH'?
247. Which will restore a MySQL DB from a .dump file?
248. Correct syntax to restore a database from command line?
249. Correct syntax to call a stored routine country_hos with a parameter of type VARCHAR is
250. Correct syntax to grant all privileges on all databases to a user?
251. Which command converts Unix Timestamp to Mysql Timestamp and vice versa?
252. Syntax to list all databases in mysql?
253. Which is NOT a valid string type available for column?
254. How do you get the field names and associated type of a MySQL table?
255. Correct syntax to switch to a new database in MySQL?
256. Which is correct about CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH?
257. Which is valid for % and _ in the LIKE clause in a mysql query?
258. How do you return fifty events starting from 40th? Assume table name is events and you need to select only the column event_title.
259. Which is NOT a valid Aggregation Function?
260. Statement to return only different values?
261. Valid modes of parameters in stored routines?
262. Which will truncate all tables in a MySQL database?
263. Which are valid MySQL functions?
264. Valid types of table present in MySQL?
265. Whichaare true for user-defined variables?
266. Correct syntax for updating a table using LEFT OUTER JOIN?
267. How do you control the max size of a HEAP table?
268. Which are valid Scalar Functions?
269. Default port for MySQL Server?
270. Correct syntax to create a view?
271. Correct syntax to get the MySQL Version?
272. Correct syntax to turn on the global event scheduler?
273. Syntax to backup a database from command line?
274. Correct syntax to view the global event scheduler’s status in MySQL process list?
275. What happens to privileges for a table when you delete the table in MySQL?
276. Correct syntax to create a new user in MySQL?
277. Correct command to check if MySql service is running or not in RedHat?
278. Which command is used to create a stored routine?
279. Full form of ACL?
280. Properties of transactions?
281. How many Triggers are possible in MySQL?
282. Which are correct about HEAP tables?
283. Which numeric data types has a storage value of 8 bytes?
284. What's the output ? SELECT DATE_FORMAT(‘2006-06-00'. '%d')
285. What is the result? SELECT 5 <=> 5, NULL <=> NULL, 5 <=> NULL
286. In MySOL 5.6, you can write triggers containing direct references to tables by name.
287. Output? if you try to perform an arithmetic operation on a column containing NULL values?
288. Default value of locale for the FORMAT(X,D[locale])D function?
289. Which escape sequence represents the backslash ('\') character?
290. Which are the properties of MySQL Cursors?
291. Which functions were introduced in MySQL 5.6.3?
292. Which is NOT a valid comment style in MySQL?
293. What will be the output? SELECT ELT(5,'dev', 'developer', 'develop'. 'dev')
294. Which functions return the smallest integer value not less than the argument specified?
295. in which types can the CONVERT() function return the results?
296. Which ALTER TABLE partition options have been added in MySQL 5.6?
297. Consider table named TESTTABLE: tbIName tbILname FN LN FN LN What will be the result? SELECT 1 FROM TESTTABLE WHERE tblName iN ()
298. Which SQL statements will change the table default character set and all character columns (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT) to a new character set?
299. What will be the result? SELECT CONCAT('MY', 'S', 'QL')
300. Which data type has been deprecated in MySQL 5.6?
301. Which is INCORRECT regarding the DECIMAL data type?
302. Which forms of the SELECT statement writes a single row to a file without any formatting?
303. Which optimization tips holds true?
304. Which methods can speed up the INSERT statements?
305. Prior to MySOL 5.6.1. what did the isSimpie(g) function always return?
306. Correct order in which the clauses of the SELECT statement are used? 1. SELECT 2. LIMIT 3. WHERE 4. ORDER BY 5. HAVING 6. FROM
307. Result of the following two queries? 1. SELECT 2+3 2. SELECT 2+(3'3)-5
308. Which functions are synonyms of NOW()?
309. Which are valid INSERT statements?
310. Which is correct regarding the CREATE DATABASE statement?
311. Which is INCORRECT regarding the date data type?
312. Which are reserved words in MySQL 5.6?
313. Which queries will return NULL records from the table myTable?
314. Return value in case str is not found? FiELD(str.str1.str2.str3,...)
315. Which account management statements was added in MySQL 5.6?
316. Which function decodes to a base-64 string and returns result?
317. Which functions will return a set of comma-separated strings that have the corresponding bit in bits set?
318. Correct order in which the clauses of the DELETE statement are used? 1. DELETE 2. WHERE 3. ORDER BY 4. FROM 5. LIMIT
319. Which are valid forms of the SHOW statement?
320. What will be the result of the following query? SELECT 11 DIV 2:
321. Which statement is INCORRECT?
322. Which are Fixed-Point data types?
323. Which statements are INVALID?
324. What will be the result of the following query? SELECT 105/(1-1):
325. Which is correct regarding the ALTER PROCEDURE statement?
326. Spatial indexes have which characteristics?
327. Which can be used instead Of the ALTER DATABASE statement?
328. What will be the result of the following query? SELECT 'hello hel lo he 0'
329. Which relational comparison operators can be used to compare row operands as well as scalar operands?
330. Which is NOT a constraint of the INSERT DELAYED statement?
331. Which statements regarding the TRUNCATE TABLE statement are correct in MySOL 5.6?
332. Which are valid MySQL DATETIME and TIMESTAMP value formats?
333. Which constructs for flow control are supported by MySQL?
334. For GRANT statement. which is used to grant all permissions to a user?
335. Which are correct regarding the CREATE TABLE statement?
336. In MySQL 5.6, if either operand has a noninteger type. the operands are converted to DECIMAL and divided using DECIMAL arithmetic before converting the result to BIGINT.
337. How many bytes are required to store the MEDIUMINT numeric data type?
338. Which is an integer division operator?
339. Which Bit function is used to invert all bits?
340. Which queries will return ONE as the result?
341. Which queries will return 2010-02-02 as the result?
342. Which should be done for optimizing SELECT statements?
343. Which statements are correct in the context of the lNSERT statement?
344. Which can be done using the ALTER TABLE statement?
345. Which holds correct while optimizing the query? 1) Use ((a AND D) AND c OR (((a AND D) AND (c AND d)))) instead of (a AND D AND c) on (3 AND b AND c AND d) 2)Use b>5 AND b=c AND 825 instead of (a 3}Use (8>=5 AND 8:5) OR (8:6 AND 5:5) 0R (8:7 AND 5:6) instead of B=5 OR 8=6
346. Result of this query? SELECT lNSERT()
347. In MySQL 5.6.5. how many bytes are required to store the DATETIME data type?
348. Invalid year data type values are converted to which of the following?
349. Which operators are supported by boolean full-text search?
350. Result of the following two queries? 1. SELECT POW(2.2): 2. SELECT POWER(2.3):
351. For the COERCIBILITYO function. what does coercibility value of 0 mean?
352. Which correctly describes the RLIKE operator?
353. What is the result of the query?SELECT 'This\ls\Four\Lines';
354. What will be the result of the following query? SELECT STRCMP()
355. Result of the following query? SELECT ExtractValue()
356. Which values do logical operators evaluate to in MySQL?
357. Which data types can have an additional attribute AUTO_iNCREMENT?
358. Which operators have the same precedence as the <= operator?
359. A centralized database management is subject to a problem such as _____.
360. A distributed database is composed of several parts known as database _____.
361. Attributes may share a ____.
362. Databases are stored in ______ so that they are available when needed.
363. If an error occurs, each of the numeric functions returns a/an ____________ value.
364. If there is no index, the dbms will perform a _____ scan.
365. When you have a subquery inside of the main query, which query is executed first?
366. You need to export the entire database, including the database objects, in addition to the data. Which command-line tool do you use?
367. You must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data in your database. You assign some constraints to limit the type of data that can go into a table. What type of constraints are you assigning?
368. Which option of most MySQL command-line programs can be used to get a description of the program's different options?
369. MySQL uses environment variables in some of the programs and command-line operations. Which variable is used by the shell to find MySQL programs?
370. If you were building a table schema to store student grades as a letter (A, B, C, D, or F) which column type would be the best choice?
371. Which query would NOT be used to administer a MySQL server?
372. MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, depending on the value of the sql_mode system variable. Which mode changes syntax and behavior to conform more closely to standard SQL?
373. MySQL programs are a set of command-line utilities that are provided with typical MySQL distributions. MySQL is designed to be a database.
374. Which MySQL command shows the structure of a table?
375. MySQL uses security based on _ for all connections, queries, and other operations that users can attempt to perform.
376. Which MySQL command modifies data records in a table?
377. What is the best type of query for validating the format of an email address in a MySQL table?
378. In MySQL, queries are always followed by what character?
379. How can you remove a record using MySQL?
380. Which choice is NOT a statement you would use to filter data?
381. In SELECT * FROM clients; what does clients represent?
382. How does MySQL differ from SQL?
383. If you need to order a table of movies by name, which query will work?
384. A trigger is a database object that is associated with a table, and that activates when a particular event occurs for the table. Which three events are these?
385. You are working with very large tables in your database. Which SQL clause do you use to prevent exceedingly large query results?
386. How can you filter duplicate data while retrieving records from a table?
387. What is the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE?
388. How do you select every row in a given table named "inventory"?
389. In an efficiently designed relational database, what does every table have?
390. MySQL option files provide a way to specify commonly used options so that they need not be entered on the command line each time you run a program. What is another name for the option files?
391. After installing MySQL, it may be necessary to initialize the _ which may be done automatically with some MySQL installation methods.
392. You need to export the data in the customers table into a CSV file, with columns headers in the first row. Which clause do you add to your MySQL command?
393. One form of backup, replication, enables you to maintain identical data on multiple servers, as a _ configuration.
394. What is the requirement for using a subquery in the SELECT clause?
395. Each time MySQL is upgraded, it is best to execute mysql_upgrade, which looks for incompatibilities with the upgraded MySQL server. What does this command do, upon finding a table with a possible incompatibility?
396. What mysql statement is used to check which accounts have specific privileges?
397. What table cannot have a trigger associated with it?
398. Later versions of mysql support the native json data type for storing json documents. What is a drawback of json columns?
399. Which statement can you use to load data from a file into the table?
400. Which is the correct syntax of an extended insert statement?
401. You need to make an exact copy of a table, with all columns and indexes. How can you get all of the information needed to accomplish this?
402. You need to make your mysql system secure against attackers. What are you not supposed to do?
403. You manage a database with a table "customers". You created a temporary table also called "customers" with which you are working for the duration of your session. You need to recreate the temporary table with different specs. Which command do you need to run first?
404. You need to run a complex query with recursive subqueries, but without creating a stored procedure or a function. Which command or clause do you use?
405. Which choice is not a processing algorithm for database views?
406. What is the MySQL perror command-line utility used for?
407. How can you list all columns for a given table?
408. How would you list the full set of tables in the currently selected database?
409. Which choice is not one of the table maintenance statements?
410. In which table does MySQL store passwords for user accounts?
411. Management has requested that you build an employee database. You need to include each employee's current position and salary, as well as all prior positions and salaries with the company. You decide to use a one-to-many structure: an employee table with the main information such as name and address, and an employment table with position and salary history. You can use the employeeID field to connect them. What is employment.employeeID an example of?
412. In recent versions of MySQL (8.0+), what's the correct syntax to declare a CTE (Common Table Expression)?
413. What is one reason to introduce data redundancy into a normalized database design?
414. You are loading data into a table. Which command can you use to make sure that all data is inserted and duplicates rows are discarded?
415. Which statement about the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is true?
416. In data migration, there is often a need to delete duplicate rows as part of data cleanup. Which statement works best?
417. When working with MySQL cursor, what must you also declare?
418. Which type of backup includes all the changes made to the data since the last full backup was performed?
419. You need to restore a MySQL database from a backup file. Which command-line tool do you use for the actual data import, after re-creating the database?
420. You are importing data as JSON into a new table. You run CREATE TABLE json_data ( city JSON ); and insert rows into this table. What is the correct syntax to see the list of cities?
421. If you want to use MyISAM instead of InnoDB, which option do you need to specify in the CREATE TABLE statement?
422. Which query lists the databases on the current server?
423. What is the product of the database designing phase?
424. Which choice is not a valid model for a stored procedure parameter?
425. What is the advantage of using a temporary table instead of a heap table?
426. Which is a valid constructor for a class named User?
427. What is the maximum number of columns that can be used by a single table index?
428. Which command will return a list of triggers in the current database?
429. Which statement is true about TIMESTAMP and DATETIME data types?
430. What is the equivalent of the mysqladmin reload command?
431. Explain the security aspect of stored procedures
432. How would you retrieve data on all the customers where no phone number is stored?
433. Which choice is not an available string type for a column?
434. A stored routine is a set of SQL statements stored on the server and takes form as either a procedure or a function. Which statement cannot be used inside stored routines?
435. When a new student is added to a new database, you want new records to be created in the related tables such as Exam, Score and Attendance. How would you accomplish this?
436. Why would you use a common table expression (CTE)?
437. Which option modifier tells a program not to exit with an error if it does not recognize the option, but instead to issue a warning?
438. The left and right joins are also known as _.
439. What is the valid way to create a database view in MySQL?
440. How are permissions implemented in MySQL?
441. Inside a transaction, several operations need to be performed. What would you do if an exception happens during that transaction?
442. What function finds the current time or date in MySQL?
443. What is the correct usage of ENUM in MySQL?
444. The mysqldump command cannot generate output in _.
445. Which choice is an example of an aggregate function?Which choice is an example of an aggregate function?
446. The like conditional operator is used by the _____ operand1.
447. By default, all print jobs have a priority of ____.