1. In an application, under which of the following types of testing will a test scenario fall, which verifies that past dates are not a part of the search results?
2. Which of the following statements is correct about mobile and desktop application testing?
3. It is recommended to conduct memory leakage testing on the actual device rather than an emulator.
4. In order to capture screenshots, it is not required to connect a device to a desktop.
5. Which of the following types of testing techniques can be described as the initial testing process that verifies whether or not the software under test is ready or stable for further testing?
6. Which applications doesn't involve an upgrade? 1) Pre-installed applications 2) lnstallable applications 3) Browser-based applications
7. lf script reusability is the criterion for selecting a test automation tool, then which of the following types of tools should be used so that high degree of script reuse can be achieved?
8. Which of the following types of applications is/are supported by the Xamarin Test Cloud tool?
9. Which of the following Android Test Case classes of the Android-testing framework extends jUnit TestCase and contains methods used for accessing resources such as Activity Context?
10. In mobile applications testing, for which of the following purposes should operational testing be performed?
11. In mobile application testing, which of the following is a characteristic of functional testing?
12. Which of the following testing tool types does NOT provide Cl support?
13. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the testing tool, Ranorex?
14. If an app is being pre-Iaunched and you want Appium to force the use of a specific UDID, which of the following commands should be used?
15. Which of the following is/are the correct difference(s) between using a real device and using a simulator for testing?
16. Advantage of using mobile device cloud for mobile app testing? i) It is highly responsive. ii) It has automation capabilities. iii) It is very cheap. iv) It is always secure.
17. Which of the following statements is/are correct about acceptance testing?
18. Which of the following types of tools captures real user interactions on an iOS app?
19. It is very critical to test these applications in prototypes - These applications cannot be uninstalled and can deal with the very core data and functions of a device
20. Which of the following tests must run on an emulator/a real device, which should either be connected to a developer's computer or an integration server?
21. Which of the following types of testing should preferably be performed on real devices and, in which, the test cases should be prepared and executed by quality assurance engineers?
22. In the Android testing framework, which of the following components of lnstrumentationTestRunner is used for providing APls. which are used to write a program for controlling an Android device or emulator outside of Android code?
23. Which of the following types of testing should be performed for verifying whether or not time zone changes are being handled gracefully for a mobile application?
24. In mobile application testing, examples of interruptions? i) Incoming call ii) Camera activated iii) Receiving incoming call iv) Losing network connection and regaining it
25. During which of the following types of non-functional testing, a database of maximum size is created and a large number of client queries are fed into a system for checking how a mobile application handles such amount of data?
26. Which of the following Options is used for pushing a build to an app store and for confirming that norms are followed as per the authority of the operating system?
27. Which of the following types of testing is carried out for ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which a user achieves specified goals in certain environments?
28. A test case scenario, which involves moving an application from internal memory to SD card, is related to which of the following types Of testing?
29. Analyze steps of testing and determine the testing strategy being discussed.
30. Which of the following is/are the correct difference(s) between a simulator and an emulator?
31. The android testing tool Appium supports the testing of which of the following versions of Android?
32. In which of the following types of automation testing tool types, the approach used is independent of the screen size and is mainly used for Android devices?
33. Which of the following testing tool types provides/supports public device test cloud?
34. ln Appium, which of the following Android-only capabilities skip the checking and signing of an app with debug keys and works only with UiAutomator?
35. Which testing tool types has the following characteristics? - It is an iOS-Only test framework - It combines Cucumber and JSON - It does not require app code changes - It is difficult to run directly on devices
36. Which of the following mobile application testing types should be performed for checking the auto deletion of temporary files?
37. Which of the following types of testing is used for testing the history, bookmarks, navigation flow and settings of an application?
38. Which of the following types of testing should be performed to verify whether or not an application handles interruptions correctly?
39. When a mobile application uses a voice and/or data connection for performing some functions, which of the following types of testing should be performed for finding out glitches?
40. Which of the following testing tool types is used for the test automation ofAPl tests?
41. Which of the following testing techniques tests the level of difficulty faced to decompile application binaries and also tests an application for data leakage?
42. Syntax of the method to inject an instrumentation into a test case.
43. Which of the following is an Android testing tool that is used for generating many system-level events and pseudo-random streams of user events such as clicks, touches, etc.?
44. ln mobile application testing, documentation testing can be categorized under which of the following types of testing?
45. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for stress testing in mobile applications?
46. Which of the following tools can be used for testing both Android and iOS apps?
47. Which of the following options is/are used to mimic mobile device software, mobile device hardware and mobile operating system?
48. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about using UlAutomation for performing Ul testing on an iOS device?
49. Which factors should be considered before selecting a mobile device for testing? i) OS version ii) Compatibility factor iii) Screen resolution
50. Which of the following options represents the default port of Selendroid?
51. Which of the following test cases are covered under usability testing?
52. Which two of the following are the advantages of using Selendroid?
53. Which of the following statements are correct about automated android testing?
54. Which of the following statements are NOT correct about mobile application automation?
55. Which two of the following are the correct differences between native apps and mobile web apps?
56. Which two of the following are functional testing techniques used for mobile application testing?
57. While running Appium on Windows, which of the following flags must be supplied for Android to work on Windows?
58. Which of the following are image-based mobile testing tools?
59. Which two of the following are the drawbacks of the testing tool, Robotium?
60. Which of the following are the advantages of using cloud-computing-based testing?
61. In accordance with the application store compliance, which of the following statements are NOT correct about pre-publishing procedure and testing?
62. Which of the following statements is correct about the instability testing technique used for testing a mobile application?
63. Which Of the following Android application components is responsible for messaging wiring components together?
64. In Android Studio. which of the following commands is used for setting the maximum heap size to 2GB?
65. Which of the following guidelines should NOT be followed in iOS for avoiding client side injection?
66. Which of the following is an example of the usability testing test scenario?
67. While testing an application using Ul/Application Exerciser Monkey in Android Studio, which of the following commands should be used for launching a user's application and for sending 500 pseudo-random events to it?
68. In iOS. which of the following file extensions is used for user interface?
69. Which Of the following commands is used for installing the Calabash Sandbox on OS X?
70. The automated UI acceptance tests enabled by Calabash are written in which of the following languages such that they can be run on both iOS and Android applications?
71. Which protocols is an implementation detail of Integer and should not be used directly?
72. Which of the following classes of Ulautomation framework is responsible for representing the high-level user interface elements of a system under test?
73. Which Of the following iOS app frameworks is used for defining a base layer of Objective-C classes and also introduces several paradigms used for defining the functionality not covered by the Objective-C language?
74. In mobile applications. which types of testing is performed to deal with issues such as network out of coverage area, poor bandwidth, low memory and transferring a heavy file?
75. In iOS app testing, Wrong statements about ad hoc provisioning profile and registering test devices?
76. While using Calabash, syntax of the command used for reassigning an APK before running a test in an Android emulator?
77. Which Of the following technologies is used by the 3G mobile technology?
78. Tools built on pure shell scripts and is used for listing out difference between two applications belonging to the same type?
79. Which of the following types of automation tools provide high degree of script reusability?
80. Correct statement about the Android feature, explore by touch?
81. Sub-layers in an LTE protocol stack is responsible for broadcasting system information related to the non-access stratum as well as access stratum?
82. Which usability testing tools provides the following features? A/B testing Analytics Segmentation
83. In OS X, which of the following syntax uninstalls the Calabash Sandbox?
84. Which of the following is the correct delivered achievable throughput by 3G technologies, EV-DO and HSPA?
85. Text entry methods provided by Calabash-iOS? i) enter_text ii) keyboard_enter_text iii) clear_text
86. What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?
87. Which of the following types of testing includes testing of enterprise policy compliance and marketplace guidelines compliance?
88. In Android Studio, debugging modes uses only LLDB for debugging a user's code and does not provide the Java debugger session view?
89. The opacity of which of the following mobile application testing techniques is white-box testing? i) Network Testing ii) Unit Testing iii) Usability Testing
90. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the iOS UI element, picker?
91. In Calabash, which of the following is the correct iOS query syntax for specifying a ClassName expression?
92. Tools are part of the category that utilizes eye tracking and heat map methods for determining the part of the page a user spent majority of his time on?
93. In Calabash, which syntax will return labels with text, Cell 1 and Cell 10?
94. Syntax of the filter expression used for suppressing all log messages except those with the tag, ActivityManager, having priority Info or above, and all log messages with the tag, MyApp, having priority Debug or above?
95. For an Xcode project, which of the following frameworks is used for writing unit tests, which integrate seamlessly with the Xcode testing workflow?
96. Which of the following types of mobile application testing methods analyzes the behavior of an application after installing it on various versions of compatible as well as non-compatible devices?
97. Which of the following Android Debug Bridge (ADB) commands is used for locating all the emulators and Android devices attached to a computer?
98. Syntax of a filter expression for displaying all log messages with priority level, warning, and higher, on all tags?
99. Which of the following options mimic(s) a device's hardware, software and operating system?
100. Which of the following WCAG 2.0 success criteria is NOT relevant to effective keyboard control?
101. Criteria considered by usability testing for evaluating an application? i) Efficiency ii) Effectiveness iii) Satisfaction
102. In Android Studio. Which logcat command line options is used to print the size of a specified log buffer and then exit?
103. Correct statement about using backdoor method in Calabash-Android?
104. While using OCMock 3 tool for testing iOS. which Of the following commands can create a mock Object.
105. Consider the following code, which is used for declaring a backdoor method in iOS. [Register('MyAppDelegate')] public class MyAppDelegate : UlApplicationDelegate { [Export('MyExample:')] public NSString MyExample (NSString value) [ // Some code } }
106. Which of the following is the correct declaration of the XCTSeIfTestMain() function of an XCTest class?
107. Which is NOT a correct feature of accessibility inspector used with an iOS application?
108. In Android Studio, which of the following commands is used to run instrumented unit tests?
110. While exporting user applications for testing on Mac. which of the following commands is run in a Terminal window to test the installer package?
111. Which iOS integration testing frameworks allows easy automation of iOS applications by leveraging the accessibility attributes made available by the operating system to people with visible disabilities?
112. In penetration testing in mobile applications. which of the following is a debugging tool used to trace system calls and signals?
113. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about TestFlight Beta testing of iOS apps?
114. According to Contrast (Minimum) (level AA) WCAG 2.0 success criteria. what is the minimum value of required contrast?
115. Which of the following databases is used in Android devices?
116. In Android Studio Project View, which of the following options is used for containing files, which are required to be compiled into .apk files in the same condition?
117. In Calabash. which of the following is the correct syntax of the keyboard_enter_text method, which is used for entering text into the view on the Android platform?
118. For penetration testing in mobile applications. which of the following is the correct syntax of the mksdcard command used for creating a virtual SD card?
119. Which of the following options is an Android static analyser, which helps code reviewers in decomposing an APK file and understanding the application better?
120. Method that tries to make a connection between the monkeyrunner backend and a specified device or emulator?
121. In Android Studio, syntax of the monkeyrunner command?
122. Implementing which type of testing for mobile applications results in the testing of the following Options?
123. The usability testing tool, Userlytics, works on which of the following platforms?
124. Which of the following syntax is used for running tests on a device using calabash-android. when there is more than one device connected to the computer?
125. automation testing tools i) When the frequency level of regression testing is high. ii) When the application has large number of test cases.
126. Functional testing is performed on:
127. Which two of the following are monitoring tools used for usability testing of mobile applications?
128. Advantages of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) used for solving the effect of multi-path fading problem present in LTE?
129. While using string handling for avoiding buffer overflow- or underflow-related issues in iOS applications, which two of the following C string-handling routines should NOT be used?
130. Which of the following Options are the advantages of Calabash?
131. What are the advantages of using Appium for mobile application testing?
132. Which of the following types of test cases are covered under security testing for mobile applications?
133. Which of the following mobile technologies support(s) packet switching?
134. In an iOS application, which of the following classes of the Security Interface Framework API is/are used for displaying the contents of a certificate?