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Business Warehousing MCQ

Warehousing and ____ are substitutes for each other.


Correct Answer: Transportation

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During ETL load we generally have


Correct Answer: Sorted data for Aggregator

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You need to create an index on the SALES table, which is 10 GB in size. You want your index to be spread across many tablespaces, decreasing contention for index lookup, and increasing scalability and manageability.


Correct Answer: Partitioned

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Which type of table is usually created to enable the building of scalable applications, and is useful for large tables that can be queried or manipulated using several processes concurrently?


Correct Answer: Partitioned table

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In Star Schema Dimension tables are:


Correct Answer: Short and Fat

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Centipede fact table means:


Correct Answer: Fact table with to many dimensions

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Dimensions are Confirmed when:


Correct Answer: They are either same or one is subset of another

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In 4 step dimensional process, declaring grain of business process is:


Correct Answer: Second Step

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In datamarts stovepipe means:


Correct Answer: Isolated data

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In which type of SCD(Slowly changing dimensions) do we preserve history of data:


Correct Answer: Type Two

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In general data in Data Warehousing is:


Correct Answer: None of Above

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