1. Which cryptographic algorithm is supported in iOS1O or higher?
2. Which statement is correct about Apple Pay Buttons?
3. With respect to the DispatchSource.ProcessEvent event in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), which of the following options is/are the valid instance method(s)?
4. We have two objects: OBJA and OBJB. OBJB points to another object OBJX. Which of the following test cases are correct related to these 3 pointers?
5. Which statement is correct about NSManagedObjectContext?
6. Which statement is correct about 108 10?
7. Which classe is deprecated in Sirikit?
8. Which option is correct regarding automatic reference counting (ARC)?
9. Which function of the AVCaptureSession class manage the running state of a capture device?
10. In iOS10, which is the new behavioral changes in Core data?
11. Which statement is correct about background app modes?
12. Which stage of an ln-App purchase are handled by the App Store?
13. Apple Pay JavaScript API is supported on which of the following?
14. Which Option is the three components of App Thinning?
15. Which class have DispatchObject as the base class?
16. In iOS 10, which option is correct about pasteboard?
17. Which Accessing Action attributes belong to the CXAction class?
18. Which method of the UlAppIication objects are called by an app that requires additional time for the completion of a task ?
19. In ios10, which statement is correct about Xcode auto generation of classes?
20. In iOS, which option is correct regarding slicing?
21. Which statement is correct about NSFetchedResuItsController?
22. In ApplePay JS, which is correct about the ApplePayPaymentRequest data type?
23. Which App Extension points are available both in iOS and macOS?
24. Which statement is correct about the NSManagedObject class?
25. Which option is correct about the Operation class, NSOperation?
26. The iMessage app is used to:
27. In iOS 10, which is the new methods introduced in the NSManagedObject class?
28. Which statement is correct about NSFetchRequest?
29. Which App Transport Security dictionary keys are of the type, Boolean?
30. Which is the App Transport Security (ATS) exception domains dictionary keys (not primary keys)?
31. Which classes provides input data to a capture session?
32. To prevent memory leakage, iOS uses a policy based on a number, which is maintained by every reference object. What is it called?
33. which class object is used to manage capture activity and coordinates the flow of data from input devices to capture outputs?
34. In SiriKit, which INSearchCallHistorylntent class instance properties is deprecated in iOS1O onwards?
35. Apple Pay uses Passkit framework. Which classes in Passkit framework is used to store information about Apple Pay Cards?
36. You want to pay for a gym subscription for 10 months. The payment is to be made via Apple Pay. It is a type of:
37. You want to pre-order an item from an online store. The payment for the pre-order is to be done using Apple Pay. This scenario comes under which of the following transaction types?
38. Core Data now supports pinning an NSManagedObjectContext to a specific query generation. Which of the following classes iS used to specify a pinning behavior or a specific version from another context?
39. In the AVFoundation framework, which classes contains per-pixel distance or disparity information, while capturing images using iphone 7 plus?
40. In the NotificationCenter framework, the NCWidgetController class is inherited from the:
41. The lNVocabulary class in SiriKit is inherited from which of the following classes?
42. Which classes is used to specify a notification's content and the condition that triggers its delivery?
43. In the AVFoundation framework, which classes has been deprecated in iOS 10?
44. Which is a new class in the AVFoundation framework, which is used to provide a modern interface for capture workflows related to still photography?
45. Which is a new key for the info.plist file introduced in iOS 10?
46. Which Trigger class objects indicates that a notification was sent by the Apple Push Notification Service?
47. Which SiriKit components is a type of protocol?
48. Which CodeDate classes maintains a small connection pool for allowing concurrent database operations for NSSOLiteStoreType persistent stores?
49. Which event of the Apple Pay JS framework defines the attributes contained by the onshippingmethodselected callback function?
50. Which is an object that manages a memory—based data buffer in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)?
51. Which classes manages notification-related activities for an app or app extension?
52. Which ApplePay JS Data Types showcases the outcome of authorizing a payment request and contains encrypted payment information?
53. Which Messages framework classes is used to display a dynamically-generated list of stickers. which is capable of drag-and-drop functionality?
54. Which classes handles the editable content of a notification?
55. Which core extensions of Intents framework represents the entry point for an Intents extension?
56. Which classes handles the communication between a user and an app involving the intent object?
57. Sliced apps are supported by devices running:
58. Which App Extension points handle tasks related to supporting Siri integration with an iOS App?
59. Which protocol define the methods to handle the displaying and editing of content in the Today Widget?
60. Which primary ATS keys disables all ATS restrictions for media. which an app loads using the AV Foundation framework?
61. Which function participate in the preparation of a session, using the SecureTransport API?
62. Which function is used to provide the largest data packet, which the operating system guarantees, can be sent without fragmentation?
63. Correct sequence of steps for creating an object that supports background downloading? 1: Create the configuration object using the backgroundSessionConfigurationWithldentifier method of NSURLSessionConfiguration. 2: Set the discretionary property of the configuration object to YES, in case the app starts the transfer while in foreground. 3: Set the value of the configuration object's sessionSendsLaunchEvents property to YES. 4: Use the configuration object to create your NSURLSession object.
64. Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) provides functions to access several common dispatch queues in an application. Which of the following functions, when called from inside a block object, returns the queue, to which the block was originally submitted for queuing?
65. Which of the following classes defines an object, which specifies if the widget has content to display?
66. Which Messages framework classes is used to create and update messages?
67. Which class is used to find and monitor the available capture devices on a system (iphone/ipad)?
68. Which class object is used to perform certain tasks, in response of a delivered notification?
69. Which method manage the execution of work items in a queue?
70. The INGetCarLockStatuslntent class in SiriKit is inherited from which class?
71. Which protocol is used to present custom content in the Siri and Maps interfaces?
72. In iOS1O CodeData, NSPersistentContainer uses a new class to describe the configuration information to pass to NSPersistentStoreCoordinator. while adding a persistent store. That class is:
73. In Sirikit, which protocol is used to get the current status of a car's locks?
74. Which classes in the CallKit framework declares a programmatic interface for objects that represent a telephony action?
75. Which type of queues is provided and managed by Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), using which, an app can submit tasks, in the form of block objects?
76. Which VOIP protocols manages the searching of a user's call history?
77. If you want to rotate an object using Core Animation, in radians, in the z axis, which of the following key paths of a layer’s CATransform3D matrix will you use?
78. What happens if Xcode is not able to find a file or folder at the path defined for it in the project?
79. Which statement is correct regarding functions fopen and open in generic C?
80. What is the function of the Code Sense feature in Xcode?
81. If the code is written using the Core Foundation and Foundation macros, the simplest way to create strings files is:
82. What method definition do if the value of the accessed counter is 0? - (void)discardContentIfPossible
83. Which Core Audio Service framework is used to record, play back, pause, loop, and synchronize audio in iPhone OS 4.0?
84. What will the hitTest: object of the CALayer class return if the point lies outside the receiver's bounds rectangle?
85. Apple's implementation of HTTP Live Streaming supports DRM (Digital rights management).
86. You want to animate a layer's opacity to 0 while moving it further away in the layer. Which of the following code snippets will you use?
87. Which properties of the UIImage class are not in use after iOS 4.2?
88. Which part of the HTTP Live Streaming is responsible for taking input streams of media and encoding them digitally?
89. Which defined types is a dynamic object type in Objective-C?
90. Which terms are related to Memory Management in Objective-C?
91. Which is NOT a parameter of function SecKeyDecrypt of the class SecCertificate in iPhone OS 4.0?
92. Which properties of ADBannerView class are readonly?
93. Which is NOT the default behavior of an audio session in iPhone OS?
94. Which Audio Toolbox framework file defines an interface for reading and writing audio data in files in iPhone OS 4.0?
95. What is the functionality of the beta parameter of function catlas_caxpby in class cblas?
96. The genstrings tool can parse _____.
97. What is the data type of extendStart parameter of function CGShadingCreateAxial of class CGShading?
98. What will you get from the default database? NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSArray *languages = [defs objectForKey:@'AppleLanguages']; NSString *preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
99. Which symbol is used as a syntactic marker for blocks of code in iPhone OS 4.0?
100. Which need to be modified while localizing an application?
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