1. Embedded macros can be attached to the event property of a form, report or control.
2. How can you define how various tables of information are related?
3. What would Format('1267.5', 'Currency') return?
4. What is a report?
5. How to you ensure that a field is filled out properly?
6. What is the maximum number of indexes that you can create on an Access table?
7. If tables are for storing data, what are queries used for?
8. A primary key can be described as:
9. The Is Null criteria searches for fields that are ____.
10. What would LCase('124ABCd') return?
11. Can a primary key be used as a non-primary key in another table?
12. To change the type of data input for a specific field, you:
13. Before you split a database, you should:
14. What happens when you freeze a column?
15. In an Access Query, if you would like your result to display blank values, what criteria would you use?
16. This holds data in a database:
17. The functions of Avg, Sum, Count, etc. can be found in which tool group?
18. Which query can you delete records?
19. What is a primary key?
20. What is the best way to view and print the results of a query?
21. What is a form?
22. Which data type allows for text and numbers to be added to a field?
23. True or False: You cannot assign a Macro to a Command Button.
24. Which database object acts as a storage container for the data?
25. To edit how a form looks, you go to:
26. You can edit the field size for allowable characters in:
27. What character do you use to concatenate two character strings?
28. Which is NOT a valid data type in an Access table?
29. How do you ensure that a field is filled out in a table?
30. Why use a database instead of a spreadsheet?
31. Which of these is a proper example of how to write an equation for a query?
32. Can relationships be between primary keys and non-primary keys?
33. What does field size do?
34. A good feature for having a unique primary key is:
35. What is a caption?
36. To ensure a value no greater than 30 is entered into a field you would use:
37. If you delete a field from a table:
38. What do you call a value that is automatically entered in a filed for new records?
39. Which of these would be a proper way to type a parameter?
40. How do you make sure that a field from a query is displayed in the results?
41. Why should you enter sample data in tables after creating them?
42. When you press the Tab key, which way does the insertion point go?
43. The Where function does what?
44. Which two objects can a report object be based on?
45. What language is used to extend and automate MS Access?
46. Which takes you through the process of creating a table
47. How do you create a new table by importing an Excel Spreadsheet?
48. What is the shortcut key combination for stopping the execution of a query?
49. What is the file extension of an Access 2010 database?
50. Access _____ the saved query each time it is opened.
51. What keyboard shortcut key do you press to get help?
52. You need a shortcut on a form to print a specific report. Which form design tool do you use?
53. Your sales entry form does not tab through in the order you want between fields. You should:
54. What would Len('Tech on the Net') return?
55. Which of these is considered a record?
56. What is each column in a table called?
57. Which Database Tool allows you to identify tables with repeating information and suggest a more normalized table design?
58. If you wanted to create a query that removed records from an existing table, what kind of query would you create?
59. Name the object that is linked to a table that is used to enter data?
60. Where in an Access window can you search for a specific record?
61. What are two ways to enter data into your database?
62. What are relationships for?
63. In the 2007 and later versions of Access, databases are not encrypted when a database password is applied.
64. In query design, if you want to find all records where the CITY field begins with the letter D you would enter:
65. How do you move to the last record in a table?
66. Access will allow Joins between two linked tables on different servers.
67. What type of query is used to show data but that does not alter data on the table?
68. Which 'Filter By Group' Options available in database objects pane:
69. When you use the Max function, you are searching for...
70. What does setting 'Allow Zero Length' to 'Yes' in a text field allow?
71. The Input Mask Wizard is used to....
72. To find records within two dates you use
73. What would Len('124ABCd') return?
74. What is the difference between regular version and runtime version of Microsoft Access?
75. If you wanted to create a query that added records to an existing table (without overwriting existing records), what kind of query would you create?
76. Before deleting a query object in your database you need to check whether any report objects are based on it. How do you do this?
77. To hide repeating data in a column on a report you would set the Hide Duplicates Property to 'No.'
78. Can you modify information while viewing a report?
79. A best practice in managing a relational database such as the Access Jet database engine is:
80. What is the name of a query to which you can add records?
81. What are the 3 buttons for sorting data?
82. You can use SQL to write Queries.
83. An Input Mask is:
84. Which of these is not a valid aggregate function for a query search?
85. Choose the correct criteria to enter when prompting a user for the Customer Name in a Query.
86. Do you have to have relationships set up in Access?
87. How does changing the appearance of a datasheet affect the underlying table structure?
88. You want to limit what people can enter on a Form. The easiest way is to:
89. Where can you find the # of results in a Query?
90. What would Replace('alphabet', 'bet, 'hydro') return?
91. How do you resize a column?
92. When you run a query to find records in related tables, Access, by default, uses...
93. You have imported data from Excel. You want Access to help you split your data into different tables. What do you do?
94. Which is not a valid view for an Access Form?
95. To create a table relationship you would click on...
96. Normalization is the process of:
97. When do you use the Lookup Wizard?
98. The Following statements are all true except:
99. You want to create a flexible query that prompts the user for additional criteria. What will you create?
100. You require a form control that provides a text box to which a drop-down list is attached. Users can either type a value directly into the text box or select from the list of choices available. Which control will you choose?
101. Which term is used to refer to a single piece of data stored in a field?
102. In which row of the query design grid do you specify what is used to filter the results?
103. You require a Grand total to be printed on a Report. You create a calculated field and place the control in which section on the report?
104. If the 'Row Source' property on a combo box was set to 'Beginner';'Intermediate';'Advanced', what value would you assign to the 'Row Source Type' property on that combo box?
105. Each sales person has many customers. Each customer can have many orders. In building a query for how much in sales a salesperson is generating, what kind of relationship will exist between customer and orders?
106. What would Mid('Alphabet', 3, 10) return?
107. How would one bypass the the execution of AutoExec Macro when you open Microsoft Office Access database?
108. How do you create a switchboard?
109. What happens when Best Fit is used?
110. What does an Action Query do?
111. What does it mean to enforce referential integrity.
112. How do you password protect your database?
113. Which helps to study the information in a table and then make changes to streamline the data?
114. In a loop that begins with 'Do Until rs.EOF = True', what problem occurs if you omit 'rs.movenext'?
115. What does the Run button do?
116. Which one listed below is not a valid version of MS Access?
117. What is one way to run a macro when opening an Access Database?
118. You can upgrade a 2003 or earlier Access file (.mdb) to a 2007 or later Access file (.accdb) while a database password is configured.
119. How do you copy a record?
120. What would RTrim('Tech on the Net ') return?
121. Double Clicking the Active Tab on the Ribbon will:
122. When creating or editing a table in design view, the 'Required' field property default value is 'No'.
123. What format must the filename be in to be protected?
124. What keyboard shortcut will bypass autoexec macros when opening an Access database?
125. What is the maximum size of Microsoft Access 2010 database file?
126. In Design View, what is the first step to create a query?
127. When editing a relationship in the Relationships screen, which of these is not an option?
128. Which of these aspects of a Linked Table cannot be changed?
129. Access is available for a Mac.
130. The report header displays on:
131. When you move between records on an Access Form, which one of the following events fires?
132. What does DAO stand for?
133. Which of the following is NOT a type of query in Access?
134. Union Queries must be created by manually writing the SQL.
135. Which of the following are views that a table can be changed to?
136. Access 2007/2010 theoretically allows how many concurrent users accessing the same .accdb database file?
137. What does a Pass-Through Query do?
138. To filter a table in Datasheet view, what do you use?
139. 'Yes/No' answers in Access are commonly stored as:
140. You put the following code near the top of an Access form: Global rs10 As DAO.Recordset The code causes an error because?
141. The Yes of a Yes/No data type field equates to which?
142. Is it possible to use the record MACRO function in Access?
143. You are creating a Macro and you require the SetValue Action, but it does not exist. What do you do?
144. What does ADO stand for?
145. Which is not included in the Access Built-In Functions for SQL Aggregate
146. How is the Blank Web Database template different from the Blank Database Template?
147. What must be the same for a relationship to work?
148. What would Format('210.6', 'Standard') return?
149. In the design view of an update query the top row, labeled field is:
150. When you open an Access Form, what is the second event that fires?
151. Field selectors are located...
152. Which of these statements are false?
153. What is the 'iif' function named?
154. Which macro action does not require you to select 'Show All Actions' in order to use it in Macro Design?
155. What would Format('0.981', 'Percent') return?
156. What are the three wildcard characters Access allows you to use when searching?
157. Concerning the code below, which statement is False? Dim rst as ADODb.Recordset
158. How do you widen the columns in the design grid?
159. What is typically displayed on a Relationship Report?
160. You need to create a lookup field where more than one option can be chosen. Where would you do this?
161. On printing a report you find that the Comments field is printing </div> for every record in the Comments field. How do you rectify this?
162. To query two tables that are unrelated you:
163. You can add your company logo to a form in:
164. Which is considered an 'Unsafe Action' in an Access 2010 macro and would require you to 'Show All Actions' in order to use it in Macro Design?
165. What key displays the Database Window?
166. Which is not a benefit of upsizing to an SQL server?
167. What would Instr(20,'Tech on the Net','t') return?
168. To adjust the length of fields in a report while displaying data you would use:
169. How do you print a database?
170. Which of these can you apply conditional formating to?
171. Datasheet views are different from continuous forms in very subtle ways. Which of the following statement is false?
172. Which of these statements is true?
173. What does a group header or group footer do?
174. What type of database is Access?
175. You wish to filter data on a report before printing without changing the design of the report. How do you do this?
176. What would Instr(1,'Tech on the Net','n') return?
177. You can specify a startup form to launch when Access begins?
178. How do you disable security alerts in the message bar when first opening a database
179. When writing a query, how do you force a numeric field to be 0 if it has no value?
180. If you convert a database to an .accde file using Microsoft Office Access 2010, which versions of Microsoft Access can you open it in?
181. While working with the Microsoft Access 2016 database, which keyboard shortcut is used to copy a screenshot of the current/active window to the Clipboard?
182. In which of the following relationships in Microsoft Access 2016 database, the Indexed property of a primary key and foreign key fields must be set to Yes (No Duplicates)?
183. Which of the following types of table relationships are supported in Microsoft Access 2016? 1. A one-to-one relationship. 2. A one-to-many relationship. 3. A many-to-many relationship.
184. To enforce referential integrity in Microsoft Access 2016 database, which statements are correct? 1. In the primary table, the common field must be a primary key or have a unique index. 2. The common fields in both the tables must be of the same data type. 3. Referential integrity can be enforced on linked tables.
185. Which field marked in the given image represents a foreign key?
186. In Microsoft Access 2016 database. which keyboard shortcut will you use to check the spellings?
187. Logan is working with the tables in Microsoft Access 2016 database. If he wants to show/hide the property sheet. then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will he use?
188. Which is the correct operator that can be used to combine two strings to form a single string and propagates null values (ie if one of the values is Null, then the whole expression evaluates to Null)?
189. In Microsoft Access 2016, which is the correct operator that combines two strings to form one string?
190. While working with the datasheet in Microsoft Access 2016 database. which keyboard shortcuts is used to insert the current date in a datasheet?
191. While working with objects in Microsoft Access 2016 database, which option is the correct functional key that can be used to rename the closed object?
192. Which function can be used to return zero. a zero-length string (' '), or any other specified value?
193. We can create a parameter query in an Access app.
194. In an Access app. which aggregate function cannot be used? 1. Avg 2. Count 3. StDev 4. VarP
195. We can create a table by importing or linking to data stored on different locations. We can import or link to data in which of the following options? 1. A Windows SharePoint Services list. 2. An Excel worksheet. 3. A Microsoft Outlook folder. 4. An XML file.
196. We can edit data in an Excel worksheet by using a linked table in Microsoft Access 2016.
197. Operator when used with two expressions, returns True if both the expressions are true, or both the expressions are false?
198. Which can be used as a valid decimal separator in the Val () function?
199. Which keyboard shortcut is used to show or hide the navigation pane?
200. With regard to the Shell function in Microsoft Access 2016, which parameter is mandatory?
201. While creating a database in Microsoft Access 2016, how many foreign keys can be there in a table?
202. In Microsoft Access 2016, a primary key of a table consists of only one field that is used to identify each record uniquely.
203. If you are working with the form Design view in Microsoft Access 2016 and want to switch to Form view, which one of the given keyboard shortcuts will you use?
204. Benefits of using relationships in Microsoft Access 2016 database? 1. Consistency 2. Efficiency 3. Comprehensibility
205. While working with the datasheet in Microsoft Access 2016 database, which keyboard shortcut is used to insert the current time in a datasheet?
206. Which date is returned by the following function? DateSeriaI(2016 -10, 7 - 3.1 - 1)
207. What is the size of the Large Number data type?
208. Consider the given tables and answer. What will be the output? SELECT DISTINCTROW Company_name FROM Consumer INNER JOIN Order ON Consumer.Conle = Order.Conle;
209. Consider Employee table and answer. Which of the given options will give the following result?
210. In the context of UBoundO function, consider the following line. Dim B(1 T0100. 0 To 3, -3 To 4) Which value will be returned by the function UBound(B, 2)?
211. While working with a report in Design view. which keyboard shortcut can be used to show/hide the Field List pane?
212. OLE Object data type is used to store graphs. pictures, or ActiveX objects. What is the maximum size of this data type?
213. With regard to the interval argument of the DatePart () function, which setting is used to return a weekday?
214. Which statements is True about the following operator? Xor
215. Which given value is returned by the following function? chr(70)
216. Options not available in Access apps? 1. A delete query. 2. An update query. 3. An append query.
217. Rocky wants to set relationships between three tables in Microsoft Access 2016 database. Which tab will he use to set the relationships?
218. Correct operator that divides the first number by the second number and returns only the remainder?
219. This operator, when used with two numbers. both the numbers are rounded to integers, first number is divided with the second number. and then the result is truncated to an integer.
220. In Microsoft Access 2016. Which operator can be used? 1. Is Not Null 2. In 3. Like 4. Between
221. Ethen is working with Microsoft Access 2016 database. If Ethen wants to turn on the Resize mode for the active window (which is not maximized), then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will he use?
222. While using the input masks in Microsoft Access 2016. which character represents that a user can enter a digit, space, plus or minus sign?
223. While using the input masks in Microsoft Access 2016. which character represents that a user must enter either a space or a character?
224. Which of the following statements is/are correct about using the input masks in Microsoft Access 2016? 1. Input masks do not allow exceptions. 2. Input masks are compatible with the Date Picker control.
225. After opening a table in Datasheet View in Microsoft Access 2016 database. which keyboard shortcut is used to display the Field List pane?
226. With regard to the Shell function, which value of windowstyle argument is used to maximize the window with focus?
227. An AutoNumber field in Microsoft Access 2016 database cannot be used as a primary key of a table.
228. Keyboard shortcut used to expand or collapse the ribbon?
229. Correct syntax of the CreateObject function?
230. Correct SQL syntax of the UPDATE query?
231. Suppose you are working with a grid pane in Microsoft Access 2016. If you want to select an entire grid column. then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use?
232. Suppose Diana is working with the Visual Basic Editor in Microsoft Access 2016. If she wants to switch from the Visual Basic Editor back to report Design view, then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will she use?
233. Correct operator that returns true when the first value is not equal to the second value?
234. Correct operator that raises a number to the power of an exponent?
235. The security department of Sam's organization has decided that only digitally signed macros will be allowed in Microsoft Access. Which of the following options is the correct way to restrict the unsigned macros?
236. NOT a valid option for Macro Settings under the Trust Center in Access Options?
237. While creating reports, which type of controls are supported? 1. Bound control 2. Unbound control 3. Calculated control
238. Operators used for matching string values in Access 2016?
239. Wildcard character that can be used to match any single numeric character in an expression?
240. Suppose you are working with Microsoft Access 2016 and you want to switch from the Edit mode (with)insertion point displayed)to the Navigation mode in a data sheet, which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use?
241. Which are the valid parameters of DDESend () function? 1. application 2. topic 3. item 4. data
242. Using Currency data type, the monetary data is stored in the database with how many decimal places of precision?
243. The DDEO function can be used in the ControlSource property of which of the following options? a)Text box b)Option group c)Check box d)Combo box
244. Output will be? SELECT Company_name FROM Consumer INNER JOIN Order ON Consumer.Conle = Order.ConsID;
245. Which statement is correct for naming a table?
246. Which keyboard shortcut can be used in Microsoft Access 2016. if you want to save a database object?
247. With regard to the wildcard patterns in Access 2016. which options are the valid patterns that can be used in expressions?
248. Which option is correct logical operators that can be used in Microsoft Access 2016?
249. While setting the table properties in a desktop database in Microsoft Access 2016. the Default View property can be set to which of the following options when we open the table?
250. Sam is working with Microsoft Access 2016 database and he wants to store some graphic files in the database with the help of Attachment data type. Which graphic file format is supported by Access 2016 that can be stored in the database without the need for any additional software?
251. With regard to Val() function, which statement is correct?
252. Which function is related to the Arrays category?
253. With regard to the functions in Microsoft Access 2016, which is the valid optional parameters of the Filter function?
254. While using a diagram pane in Microsoft Access 2016. which of the given keys can be pressed on the keyboard to remove the selected data column from the query output?
255. In relation to Join() function in Microsoft Access 2016, which is the valid parameters of this function?
256. With regard to Attachment data type. which attached file is blocked by Microsoft Access 2016?
257. Which operators divide the first number by the second number and returns only the quotient?
258. Which options are the comparison operators?
259. While linking to data in another database in Microsoft Access 2016, which is correct?
260. While importing data in Microsoft Access 2016 database. which is incorrect?
261. Which is correct regarding the Delete query?
262. Which is incorrect regarding DISTINCT keyword in Microsoft Access queries?
263. Which Options available when you click on the SharePoint Lists button on the ribbon under the Create tab?
264. How does a column with the AutoNumber data type make a good primary key?
265. Which lookup field property determines the value from the RowSource that is stored in the lookup column?
266. Which data type does bound text box support?
267. What will be the output of the following query in Access 2007? select 10/0
268. A query that uses the BETWEEN syntax for two numbers is identical to
269. If you want an image on a report to stay the same size, regardless of the size of the image control, what value should you choose for the Size Mode property?
270. Which table view allows editing of records in a table?
271. In which form section is a Title control placed?
272. Which clause is not allowed in a sub-query?
273. Which correctly selects rows from the table myTable that have null in column1?
274. Which is the easiest and fastest method to manipulate records on a subform?
275. From Access 2007 you can link to SharePoint and:
276. What does an MDB/ACCDB offer that isn't available in an ADP?
277. Which condition help create a one-to-one relationship between tables?
278. OLE Object fields cannot be searched.
279. Which can be used as a comparison operator?
280. Which is not a section of a report?
281. By default, Access deletes the related data when records from a table are deleted.
282. Which of the following is not true regarding naming a file?
283. A calculated control may be applied to a field by using
284. Options that lets you resize multiple controls at the same time to maximum fitted control size?
285. How to customize the text on a form or report's window frame or tab?
286. Which placeholder and literal characters can be used in an input mask?
287. When does the Switch function return a value that is Null?
288. Which datatype would be the most suitable to store a Hyperlink in a field of an Access 2007 table?
289. You want to create a table that includes a Description field. If you want to ensure that the Description field accepts rich text formatting, which datatypes should you use?
290. How do you prevent a user from skipping the startup routines when opening an application?
291. How to import a portion of an Excel spreadsheet into Access?
292. How many databases can be opened at one time in a single instance of Access 2007?
293. By using ADO or DAO, how can you fetch the records from a recordset?
294. Which of the following options clears a sort order without affecting the current filter?
295. What does an Access Data Projects (ADP) offer that an MDB/ACCDB doesn't?
296. In Access 2007, a Checkbox cannot be used as a calculated control
297. In the given picture, a total is accumulated from record to record across a group. Which feature has been used to achieve this result?
298. On which event do you place code to validate the entry of an entire record?
299. Which type of Control Layout does the given picture display?
300. What type of query do you use to modify existing records
301. The Database Splitter is one of the database utilities. Which of the following is true about the Database Splitter?
302. When a report is opened in Design view, which of the following statements is true:
303. Which table property defines criteria to display only matching rows in the Datasheet view?
304. A database has two tables named Products and Orders. The tables are joined by a column called ProductID. You have created a query named Query1, which combines the data from the tables.If the Products table is deleted, what will happen when users run Query1?
305. Which of the following functions returns an array, when a string is split using a delimiter?
306. Purpose of time stamping a digital signature in Microsoft 2010?
307. What happens when a user has a database open in Exclusive mode and another user attempts to open it?
308. Choose the appropriate query for the Products table where data should be displayed primarily in ascending order of the ProductGroup column. Secondary sorting should be in the descending order of the CurrentStock column.
309. If you want to encrypt a database by using a password, then the database must be opened in ________ mode.
310. Which is not done when you compact a database?
311. Using which of the following Microsoft Access 2010 database file formats, can we use the Package and Sign tool?
312. See the image above. How would you filter the table so that it returns names of only those students whose last name begins with A, O or Y?
313. Which function determines if a phrase exists in a longer string?
314. Which correctly selects rows from the students table that have null in column1?
315. Advantage of a Class Module versus a Standard Module?
316. Which elements is mandatory for the CREATE INDEX command?
317. Which describes the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) support for Office applications?
318. Suppose you want to apply a calculated field on a TextBox control to concatenate the values of the firstName and lastName fields, with a space between them.Which of the following expressions will you enter in the Expression Builder?
319. A query that uses the BETWEEN operator for two numbers is identical to:
320. Which of the following rules apply when you use referential integrity?
321. Which is incorrect about the Quick Access Toolbar?
322. For what reason(s) can a digital signature or certificate be regarded as invalid?
323. Which component can pose security risks in an untrusted database?
324. Microsoft Access uses indexes in a table to find data. Which of the following field types cannot be indexed?
325. Which feature can be used to ensure consistency in appearance between forms and reports?
326. How can you tell if a report has no records to display or print in Microsoft Access 2010?
327. Which Aggregates expression is not allowed in Query Columns context of a Web database?
328. What could be the problem when an error message '#Error' is received in a query?
329. Layouts are guides to align controls that you add to your forms or reports. Which layout has been depicted in the image above?
330. Which is not a Relationship and Lookup error?
331. Which form property determines whether the current record has been modified since it was last saved?
332. What will be the result of the following? InStr(1, 'John Smith', 'S')
333. What will happen when you click on the icon marked as A (see image)?
334. Which of the given text field properties should you set in order to force a user to enter a date value specifically in MM-DD-YYYY format?
335. Consider the following tables: Books --------- BookId BookName AuthorId SubjectId PopularityRating (the Popularity of the book on a scale of 1 to 10) Language(such as French, English, German etc) What is the query to determine which German books (if any) are more popular than all the French books?
336. What is the function of the icon marked as A (see image) when you are creating Macros in Microsoft Access 2010?
337. Suppose you have a table named Cars with fields that store the name, year, price, and condition of used cars that you are considering for purchase. Also suppose that the table has become large and that you frequently include the Year field in queries. You can create an index on the Year field so that your queries return results more quickly. Which syntax will you use to achieve this?
338. How can you share common objects between multiple projects in Microsoft Access 2010?
339. In a report with grouping, how can you display the count of records in each group?
340. How do you create a report for a Crosstab Query if certain column values are missing?
341. Which data-definition query creates a table named Cars, with the following fields
342. What is the purpose of the option marked as A (see image), under General options for working with Access?
343. Which is true about a.accde file in Microsoft Access 2010?
344. Purpose of the Application Parts option in Microsoft Access 2010?
345. Password protected databases offer:
346. How do you start a Microsoft Access application so that the user can't see or use the Navigation Pane (or database container)?
347. Purpose of Option Explicit?
348. Which is correct regarding Crosstab queries?
349. Which is reserved for use by SharePoint and is not supported on the Web?
350. What is the function of the 'Single Step' in Macros as shown in the image?
351. Which textbox property determines that the text box is bound, unbound or calculated?
352. Microsoft Access 2010 does not support more than ____________ fields in a table.
353. Which is not true about the Work Offline option in an Access database linked to SharePoint?
354. Which is true of the Ribbon interface?
355. Using the Package and Sign tool, how many databases can you add to a package that you want to distribute to other users in Microsoft Access?
356. When you run the Compatibility Checker in Microsoft Access 2010, in which of the following scenarios can you get the error- Access was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it relies on an ORDER BY clause that is not supported on the Web?
357. Suppose you want to use data from two tables in a query: tblCustomer and tblOrder. The two tables both have a field, CustomerID, that identifies a customer. Each record in the tblCustomer table may have one or more corresponding records in the tblOrder table, and the corresponding values can be determined by values in the CustomerID field. You now want to join the tables so that the query combines the records from the tables, excluding records from either table if there is no corresponding record in the other table. Which of the following FROM clauses will you use?
358. Correct way to enter the beginning or ending characters of the fields named (UnitPrice and CompanyName) in the AutoIndex onImport/Create field to create an Auto Index ?
359. Which text box property Reports allows the text box to be expanded so that all the text can be fit into it?
360. Which is not true regarding Information Rights Management (IRM) for e-mail messages in Microsoft Access 2010?
361. What will happen when we select the option 'Check for truncated number fields' (marked as A in the image) under Current Database settings?
362. Which condition should be satisfied to create a one-to-one relationship between tables?
363. What can you do in Report View that you cannot do in Print Preview in Microsoft Access 2010 Reports?
364. Which is NOT possible when you link to an Excel worksheet from within Access?
365. A field in an access database table that has no value is determined by access to have a ____ value.
366. A field used to connect one table logically with another table is called a ____ field.
367. A field whose data type is ____ can contain any characters.
368. A field whose data type is ____ can store text that can be used as a hyperlink address
369. A field with a yes/no data type can store only one of two values. the choices are ____.
370. A join line is also called a(n) ____ line.
371. A modem is required for ________________ internet access.
372. A primary key index is indicated when the index property - primary - has a setting of ____.
373. A query based on more than one table is a(n) ____ query
374. Changing the order of fields in a database table is an example of changing a table’s ____.
375. Criteria ____ is the term for rules by which criteria must be entered in a query.
376. Data in a form may only be modified in ____ view.
377. Formatting date/time fields changes only the way data is displayed, not the field ____.
378. If more users move to an access point, this decreases ________.
379. In ____ you cannot update the data, but you can make changes to the layout of the form.
380. In a table, a characteristic of the data is called ________.
381. In access, table and field names can be up to ____ characters in length.
382. In an access table, each row is one ____ in the table.
383. Input ____ are templates that make it easier for users to enter data.
384. Microsoft access is an example of _____ in an information system.
385. Only a field name or an expression may be used for the ____ property in a calculated control.
386. Queries based on more than one table, must have a ____ field.
387. Query design view presents the fields you can use for a query in small windows called field ____.
388. Records may be added to a table by using the ___________.
389. You can create or modify a table's field names and data types in ________ view.
390. You create a macro in access by entering a specific series of actions in the ____ window.
391. Tables queries and forms are examples of access ____
392. The ____ operator allows you to search for a range of values in one field.
393. The ____ option in the tab order dialog box allows a tab order of left-to-right or top-to-bottom.
394. The _____ instructs access to carry out the instructions and display the results.
395. The comparison operator, < >, is used to insert a condition that means ____.
396. The data type that allows both sequential and random numbering is the ____ data type.
397. The default join type for table relationships in access is a(n) ____ join.
398. The format for a label is displayed in the prototype label box when using the ____.
399. The special criteria that can be used in queries are ____.
400. Access is a ____.
401. Another name for an input in a function is a(n) ________.
402. To place a subform on a form, use the subform/subreport tool on the ____ tab.
403. A(n) ________ is the data used by a function to produce a result.
404. The _____ function returns the current system date in ms access.
405. A report formatted where the page is taller than it is wide is formatted in ____.
406. A summary query calculates statistics about ____.
407. New records can be added to an access table in either datasheet view or ____ view.
408. When you double-click a field in a field list in query design view, it is ____.
409. Billboard advertising is most effective for __________ advertising
410. To include the total row in the design grid, click the ____ button on the design tab.
411. To save the changes to the layout of a table, tap or click the save button on the ____.
412. To show the navigation pane if it is hidden, click the ____ button.
413. When creating a query using the query design command, first you must ____________.
414. ____ is the default entry for each field in the total row of the query design grid.
415. Access uses ____ as the source program to create a graph when the chart wizard is used.
416. Date criteria are automatically enclosed in ____ when entered in a query design.
417. Referential integrity prevents the creation of ____ records.
418. ________ advertising is used when introducing a new product.
419. Two of the basic forms of sales promotion are ____ sales promotion and ____ sales promotion.
420. Microsoft access 2016 can best be described as ____ software.
421. The _____ data type is compatible with number.
422. The autofilter sort method works on a(n)____ field(s).
423. A _____ view shows the content of multiple records on one page.
424. A ________ query is used to summarize data organized by field values.
425. A calculated field is formatted using the ____ for the field
426. A file created in ____ is called a database and has an .accdb extension.
427. A(n) ____ is a saved object within the datasheet.
428. A(n) ____ layout arranges controls vertically with the labels to the left of the control.
429. A(n) ________ is used to change settings such as formatting and captions.
430. Before applying a conditional format in a report, the ____ box must be selected.
431. Controls placed in the ____ form section print only once at the top of the printout.
432. The ____ lists macro actions organized by type.
433. Which form view mode allows you to preview live data while you work on the design of the form?
434. What is the Access string operator that joins or concatenates text strings together?
435. On a report, you want to display a header for each change in month name. How should you set up the Group and Sort options so that they are in the proper chronological order?
436. The relationship field in this table has been created with what feature?
437. What kind of query will display data with both column headers and row headers?
438. What currency format displays a thousand separator, but not a currency symbol, such as $ or €?
439. In Access Option > Current Database, what does turning off the Allow Full Menus option do?
440. You want a form to appear automatically, whenever the database starts. How do you do this?
441. In Design view, which area of a form is the primary location for text boxes, buttons, and other control objects?
442. What tool builds a report containing detailed information about the object in the database?
443. You want to validate a proposed modification to a record's value before the table is saved to the database. What data macro can you add to the table to do this?
444. When you add a group to a report, what automatically gets added to the structure?
445. What program flow function evaluates a condition and either returns a truepart or a falsepart?
446. The display for numerical data defaults to a **_alignment, and text data defaults to **_aligntment
447. Which data type is a modern replacement for the OLE Object data type?
448. How can you ensure that each value saved in a particular field is unique from all other values in the field?
449. Which Access database tool will help you split a single, large, unnormalized data table into multiple related tables that follow the best practices of good database design?
450. When backing up an Access database, what is added to the file name automatically?
451. Which table field property, if supplied, will display instead of the field name as a column header when viewing the datasheet of as a label when the field is added toa form or report?
452. Which form control property creates a small pop-up flag that contains text when a user hovers the mouse cursor over the object?
453. The expression values <=, <>, and > are found in what expression category?
454. Which section of a report appears at the top of every page in the printed report?
455. When would you use a left join query?
456. How can you run a submacro saved in a macro?
457. Which combo box property defines what values appear when the user clicks the drop-down arrow?
458. What does the expression Now() evaluate to?
459. Certain words have special meaning to Access, and you should avoid using them as table or field names. What are these words called?
460. You can include ____ in calculations to indicate which calculation should be done first
461. Field names ____.
462. Rounded corners were first introduced in both the webkit and ____ browser extensions.
463. The group header section prints ____.
464. With a(n) ____, you can enter a value either by typing the value or by selecting it from a list.
465. When access opens a form or report, the ____ event occurs.
466. When the sort field data for each record in a database is different, the sort field is ____.
467. When you change the font color using the ribbon, you click the ____ button.
468. When you display objects in ____ windows, each database object appears in its own window.
469. You have a microsoft account if you use any of the following except ____.
470. One way to create a table, is to click ____ on the ribbon and then click the table button.
471. The contents of the ____ section are printed before the records in a particular group.
472. The line tool is accessed using the more button in the ____ group on the design tab.
473. The value of a field containing no information is a ____ value.
474. To change the report margins, click the margins button on the report design tools ____ tab.
475. To create a form using the form tool, click the ____ button in the forms group on the create tab.
476. To create a table in design view, click the ____ button on the create tab.
477. To display a field list in design view, click the ____ button on the form design tools design tab.
478. To modify a report while viewing actual report data, use the ____ view.
479. To move from layout view to form view, click the ____ button on the access status bar.
480. To print two records from a form, select the ____ option in the print dialog box.
481. To remove a total row that appears in a datasheet, click the ____ button on the home tab.
482. To sort records based on the selected field in the order z to a, use the _____ button.
483. To specify that a field is to be required, change the value for the _____ property from no to yes.
484. Statistical information such as totals and averages is calculated using ____.
485. A calculated field created in a query generates results when ____.
486. In crosstab query results, the value of a checked yes/no data type field will display as ____.
487. Microsoft access can best be described as ____ software.
488. The ____ section appears at the bottom of the form and often is empty.
489. If you open a field list and the tables do not appear in the field list, click ____.
490. In addition to standard colors, the font color gallery displays ____ colors.
491. Use the ____ command to save the current object with a new name.
492. File names cannot contain a(n) ____
493. In the accompanying figure, the arrow number 2 indicates the form is displayed in the ____ view.
494. In sql server, you can use the ____ function to obtain today?s date.
495. When you assign a ____ to a field access
496. The layout view or the design view may be used to create a ____ form.
497. To find duplicate records in a table, use the _____ query wizard.
498. To save a query, click the save button on the ____.
499. Flat, raised, sunken, etched, shadowed, and chiseled are options for the ____ control property.
500. A criterion may be negated by using the ____ logical operator.
501. ____ shows the form on the screen and allows you to use the form to update data.
502. When you create a report using the reports button, access generates the report using a ____ layout.
503. To avoid the display of a security warning when opening a database, place the database ____.
504. Access does not support the ____ data type.
505. The report footer section prints ____.
506. Deleting a record in a form will also delete it from the underlying ________.
507. To resize an image without changing its proportions, simply drag ____ of the image.
508. Validation rules are entered in the ____
509. To open the navigation pane, tap or click the ____ button.
510. A(n) ____ is a temporary view of the data that is removed when you close the datasheet.
511. A(n) ____ is a series of actions that access performs when a particular event occurs.
512. The trading bloc consisting of 28 trading partners in europe is the ____.
513. With a dutch flower auction, ______.
514. To edit an existing relationship, a user will need to right-click on the ________ line.
515. Vba procedures are created, modified, and displayed in the ____ window.
516. Use the field properties pane to create an index for ____.
517. Interim testing normally occurs between the ____ and the ____.
518. When referencing field names within an expression, surround the field name with ____.