MCQs > Educational Subjects & Techniques > Early Childhood Education MCQs > Social Behaviors in Early Childhood Education MCQs

Social Behaviors in Early Childhood Education MCQ

To be effective, evidence-based behavior guidance techniques must be administered ______.


Correct Answer: Consistently

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______ is when a child intentionally hurts or inflicts pain on another person.


Correct Answer: Bullying

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Identify a strategy early childhood educators can use to help families deal with challenging behavior.


Correct Answer: Inform them of what is typical for the age of the child.

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Use of physical punishment ______ child use of challenging behaviors such as aggression.


Correct Answer: Increases

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______ involve(s) allowing children to experience the natural outcomes of their actions.


Correct Answer: Logical consequences

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Easy, slow to warm up, and difficult are all ______ categories that influence how children interact and behave in social settings.


Correct Answer: Temperament

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Most early childhood educators take a(n) ______ approach to guide behavior in the classroom.


Correct Answer: Eclectic

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Any behavior guidance approach should be based on ______.


Correct Answer: A genuine respect for all children

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______ is the use of ongoing techniques that direct behaviors in a desired way.


Correct Answer: Guidance

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When using ______ reasoning, adults use logic and reasoning to help children understand consequences of their behaviors.


Correct Answer: Inductive

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Rachel is a three-year-old who refuses to try any new foods and often gags when eating. Mealtimes are very challenging as she often throws tantrums when asked to try what is in her lunch. What may be the cause of Rachel’s behavior?


Correct Answer: She may have a sensory deficit.

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Biting is a developmentally typical challenging behavior exhibited by preverbal children.


Correct Answer: True

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Identify an example of effective praise.


Correct Answer: “Wow, you put all of the long blocks back on the shelf!”

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What is important to understand when addressing challenging behavior?


Correct Answer: The underlying cause and goals of the behavior

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When behavior guidance techniques have not been effective and a child is continuing to use unsafe behaviors, early education professionals should ______.


Correct Answer: Consult with a community professional

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You-message in which Thomas Gordon’s term for a response to a child’s behavior that focuses on the child’s character (usually in negative terms) rather than on how the adult feels.


Correct Answer: You-message

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_______ is a way of conveying acceptance to children by letting them know they are valued and liked; attention that is not given in response to a specific behavior.


Correct Answer: Unconditional attention

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______ are techniques in which the child is removed from the reinforcement and stimulation of the classroom.


Correct Answer: Time-out

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Special time is a method for spending a few minutes a day with just three child as a way of providing conditional attention.


Correct Answer: False

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Sensory deficit consists of ______.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Self-selected time-out is a technique in which children are not given the responsibility for removing themselves from the classroom if they feel they are not about to control.


Correct Answer: False

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Use of physical force with the intent of causing bodily pain or discomfort to a child for the purpose of correcting or punish­ing the child’s behavior is known as _________.


Correct Answer: Physical punishment

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Rudolf Dreikurs’s technique of allowing children to experience the natural outcome of their actions are known as Illogical consequences


Correct Answer: False

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_______ is a guidance approach in which the adult uses logic and reasoning to help the child see the consequences of a behavior for other people.


Correct Answer: Inductive reasoning

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Thomas Gordon’s term for a response to a child’s behavior that focuses on how the adult feels rather than on the child’s character is known as .?


Correct Answer: Message

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A principle of behavior management that involves removing all reinforcement for a given behavior to eliminate that behavior is known as ?


Correct Answer: Ignoring

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Ongoing process of directing children’s behavior based on the types of adults children are expected to become is known as ?


Correct Answer: Guidance

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Gantrell’s term for a classroom in which all chil­dren and their families feel that they are supported and affirmed is known as ________classroom


Correct Answer: Encouraging

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A form of encouragement that focuses on children’s activi­ties rather than on teacher evaluation of their work is known as ______praise.


Correct Answer: Effective

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Describing an approach in which various desirable features from different theories or methods are selected are known as Eclectic approach


Correct Answer: True

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Discipline is generally considered a response to children have not misbehavior


Correct Answer: False

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The social–emotional abilities that children need to develop in order to become productive participants in a diverse society is known as______life skills.


Correct Answer: Democratic

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A stress hormone that is elevated when the person is under some form of stress and when external demands exceed the person’s ability to cope is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Cortisol

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Which of the behaviors intended to harm the victim ?


Correct Answer: Bullying

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Behavioral approach to guidance is known as Behavior management.


Correct Answer: True

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Problems in establishing a secure attachment can not result in later disturbed and inappropriate social relations are known as Attachment disorder.


Correct Answer: False

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Physiological reactions to environmental or food substances that can affect or alter behavior are known as ?


Correct Answer: Allergies

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Behavior deliberately intended to hurt others are known as _________.


Correct Answer: Aggression

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What have they said as a way to help them find their own solu­tions to problems ?


Correct Answer: Active listening

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