MCQs > IT & Programming > Django MCQs > Basic Django MCQs

Basic Django MCQ

1. Which is Fictional HTTP request method?


Correct Answer: PAUSE

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2. Which function in the django.urls package can help you avoid hardcoding URLS by generating a URL given the name of a view?


Correct Answer: Reverse()

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3. Which is not a third-party package commonly used for authentication?


Correct Answer: Django-rest-framework-jwt

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4. To add a new app to an existing Django project, you must edit the _ section of the _ file.


Correct Answer: INSTALLED_APPS;

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5. What python module might be used to store the current state of a Django model in a file?


Correct Answer: Pickle

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6. You are uploading a file to Django from a form and you want to save the received file as a field on a model object. You can simply assign the file object from**_to a field of type__**in the model.


Correct Answer: Request.FILES; FileField

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7. What is a callable that takes a value and raises an error if the value fails to meet some criteria?


Correct Answer: Validator

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8. When should you employ the POST method over the GET method for submitting data from a form?


Correct Answer: When the data in the form may be sensitive

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9. In Django, what are used to customize the data that is sent to the templates?


Correct Answer: Views

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10. Why might you want to write a custom model Manager?


Correct Answer: To modify the initial QuerySet that the Manager returns

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11. Which statement is most accurate, regarding using the default SQLite database on your local/development machine but Postgres in production


Correct Answer: There's less chance of introducing bugs since SQLite already works out the box

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12. Which generic view should be used for displaying the tittles of all Django Reinhardt's songs?


Correct Answer: ListView

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13. What is WSGI?


Correct Answer: A server

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14. What method can you use to check if form data has changed when using a form instance?


Correct Answer: Has_changed()

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15. How would you stop Django from performing database table creation or deletion operations via migrations for a particular model?**


Correct Answer: Set managed=False inside the model.

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16. To expose an existing model via an API endpoint, what do you need to implement?**


Correct Answer: A serializer

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17. Which is not part of Django's design philosophy?


Correct Answer: Implicit over explicit

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18. What do Django best practice suggest should be "fat"?


Correct Answer: Models

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19. What executes various Django commands such as running a webserver or creating an app?


Correct Answer:

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20. Virtual environments are for managing dependencies. Which granularity works best?


Correct Answer: You should set up a new virtualenv for each Django project

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21. Which command to access the built-in admin tool for the first time?


Correct Answer: Python createsuperuser

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22. Which class allows you to automatically create a Serializer class with fields and validators that correspond to your model's fields?


Correct Answer: ModelSerializer

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23. Which type of class allows QuerySets and model instances to be converted to native Python data types for use in APIs?


Correct Answer: Serializers

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24. Which command would you use to apply a migration?


Correct Answer: Migrate

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25. To secure an API endpoint, making it accessible to registered users only, you can replace the rest_framework.permissions.allowAny value in the default_permissions section of your to


Correct Answer: Rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated

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26. What is a callable that takes a value and raises an error if the value fails?


Correct Answer: Validator

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27. What decorator is used to require that a view accepts only the get and head methods?


Correct Answer: Require_safe()

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28. Which infrastructure do you need: title=models.charfield(max_length=100, validators=[validate_spelling])


Correct Answer: A validators file containing a function called validate_spelling imported at the top of model

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29. When to use the Django sites framework?


Correct Answer: If your single installation powers more than one site

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30. When should you employ the POST method over GET for submitting data?


Correct Answer: When the data in the form may be sensitive

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31. You should use the http method ___ to read data and ___ to update or create data


Correct Answer: GET; POST

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32. Which will show the currently installed version?


Correct Answer: Import django django.get_version()

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33. Which is not a Django filed type for integers?


Correct Answer: NegativeIntegerField

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34. What does an F() object allow you when dealing with models?


Correct Answer: Perform db operations without fetching a model object

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35. A project has accumulated 500 migrations. Which course of action would you pursue?


Correct Answer: Use squashmigrations to reduce the number

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36. Which variable name is best according to PEP 8 guidelines?


Correct Answer: Number_of_fingers

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37. Django supplies sensible default values for settings. In which Python module can you find these settings?


Correct Answer:

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38. You have found a bug in Django and you want to submit a patch. Which is the correct procedure?


Correct Answer: All of these answers.

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39. Which function of Django's Form class will render a form's fields as a series of tags?


Correct Answer: As_p()

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40. You receive a MultiValueDictKeyError when trying to access a request parameter with the following code: request.GET['search_term']. Which solution will NOT help you in this scenario?


Correct Answer: Switch to using POST instead of GET as the request method.

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41. Why are QuerySets considered "lazy"?


Correct Answer: QuerySets do not create any database activity until they are evaluated.

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42. You want to create a page that allows editing of two classes connected by a foreign key (e.g., a question and answer that reside in separate tables). What Django feature can you use?


Correct Answer: Actions

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43. Should you create a custom user model for new projects?


Correct Answer: No. Django's built-in models.User class has been tried and tested—no point in reinventing the wheel.

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44. What is the correct way to make a variable available to all of your templates?


Correct Answer: Use RequestContext.

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45. Which is NOT a valid step in configuring your Django 2.x instance to serve up static files such as images or CSS?


Correct Answer: In your urls file, add a pattern that includes the name of your static directory.

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46. Which skills do you need to maintain a set of Django templates?


Correct Answer: HTML and template syntax

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47. Django's class-based generic views provide which classes that implement common web development tasks?


Correct Answer: Abstract

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48. What is the typical order of an HTTP request/response cycle in Django?


Correct Answer: URL > view > template

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49. What will this URL pattern match? url(r'^$', views.hello)


Correct Answer: An empty string at the server root

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50. You have inherited a Django project and need to get it running locally. It comes with a requirements.txt file containing all its dependencies. Which command should you use?


Correct Answer: Pip install -r requirements.txt

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51. What is the correct way to begin a class called "Rainbow" in Python?


Correct Answer: Class Rainbow:

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52. Every time a user is saved, their quiz_score needs to be recalculated. Where might be an ideal place to add this logic?


Correct Answer: Model

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53. Which step would NOT help you troubleshoot the error "django-admin: command not found"?


Correct Answer: Make sure that you have created a Django project.

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54. How do you turn off Django’s automatic HTML escaping for part of a web page?


Correct Answer: You don't need to do anything—autoescaping is off by default.

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55. How do you determine at startup time if a piece of middleware should be used?


Correct Answer: Raise MiddlewareNotUsed in the init function of your middleware.

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56. To automatically provide a value for a field, or to do validation that requires access to more than a single field, you should override the ___ method in the ___ class.


Correct Answer: Clean(); Field

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57. In which programming language is Django written?


Correct Answer: Python

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58. To cache your entire site for an application in Django, you add all except which of these settings?


Correct Answer: Django.middleware.cache.AcceleratedCacheMiddleware

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59. A circuit has an output that is determined by the present input as well as the previous output states. The circuit is known as _____.


Correct Answer: a sequential circuit

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60. Which of the following is not a predefined log level in Django?


Correct Answer: FATAL

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Which of the following statements are true about the ImageField class?

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer:

It inherits all attributes and methods from the FileField class.

It validates that the uploaded object is a valid image.

It's default form widget is a ClearableFileInput.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Check all True facts about Django.

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer:

Written in Python

Web Application Framework

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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63. What is the best way to extend the Django user model with extra custom fields in addition to the fields already provided?


Correct Answer: Subclass django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser and add the extra fields.

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64. Which of the following statements is true about the django.template.RequestContext class?


Correct Answer: It takes an HttpRequest as its first argument.

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What is the default max_length value of a SlugField class in Django?


Correct Answer: 50

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Which of the following commands will make changes in the database tables schema?


Correct Answer: python migrate

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If an instance of a form is named ‘form’, which attribute of form instance holds all validated form data?


Correct Answer: form.cleaned_data

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Assume a, b, c, d and e are variables which hold some random integer from 1 to 10. Which of the following is NOT correct in django template?


Correct Answer: {% if a > b > c %}

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Which template command makes a custom template tag/filter available in template?


Correct Answer: {% load %}

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Which form method binds the data in the URL and is passed to the view?


Correct Answer: GET

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Which database is not supported by Django ORM?


Correct Answer: Mongodb

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Django is written in


Correct Answer: Python

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What is the correct way to randomly order a queryset?


Correct Answer: order_by('?')

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What is the correct way to Abstract Model class?


Correct Answer: Add abstract=True in Meta class

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Which of the following is true for model field names?


Correct Answer: Both of the above

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Which of the following gets called when a view raises an exception?


Correct Answer: process_exception()

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Which of the following is not a built-in Django template loader class?


Correct Answer: file.Loader

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Which is the correct way to start a new app inside a django project? [assume new app is called ‘myapp’]


Correct Answer: python startapp myapp

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Which of following statements is true to get a Queryset of all Entries which were published before 2006?


Correct Answer: Entry.objects.get(pub_date__year__in=2006)

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How would you check if a list my_list is empty or not in template ?


Correct Answer: Both 1 and 2

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Which types of users are allowed to login to the django administration site?


Correct Answer: Super users and staff users

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Which query includes a shirt with size 40?


Correct Answer: Both 2 and 3

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Which of the following are valid built-in signal provided by django? Check all that apply.


Correct Answer: request_started

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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What command line can be used to load data into Django?


Correct Answer: loaddata

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Which of the following methods are allowed in django Listview? Check all that apply.

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer: get_context_data

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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What is the exception raised for this query Entry.objects.filter(blog_id=4)?


Correct Answer: TypeError

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What is the exception raised when the object is not found while performing the following query? Poll.objects.get(id=1)


Correct Answer: ObjectDoesNotExist

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Which of the following is NOT correct about Django Models?


Correct Answer: The name of the table is automatically derived from some model metadata and can not be overridden.

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Which of the following will not register a model "Test" to Django admin?


Correct Answer: admin(Test)

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Which of the following are built-in signal provided by Django?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Which of the following is a possible usage of middlewares in Django?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Which is the correct way to allow empty value in CharField?


Correct Answer: models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True, null=True)

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What is TRUE about makemessages command?


Correct Answer: Pulls out all the strings marked for translation and makes a message file in the locale directory.

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Which of the following statements is true about the QuerySet select_related() method?


Correct Answer: Returns a QuerySet that will “follow” foreign-key relationships, selecting additional related-object data when it executes its query.

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Which of the following are determined by Django using field class types?


Correct Answer: The database column type
The default HTML widget to avail while rendering a form field

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Which of the following url patterns is used to register admin urls?


Correct Answer: url(r'^admin/', include(

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What is true about the management command collectstatic?


Correct Answer: Takes all of the static files of your project and puts them in the folder specified in STATIC_ROOT so they can be served in production.

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What is the name of the command line tool that Django provides for managing a newly created project and its applications?


Correct Answer:

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Which of the following is not true about testing?


Correct Answer: The command used to run all unit tests is ./ test --all

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Which command runs all test in a django project?


Correct Answer: python test

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Which of the following is not True?


Correct Answer: Django does not support Unicode data everywhere.

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Which of the following is not a layer in Django?


Correct Answer: None of the above

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Which of the following classes uses an HTTP 304 status code?


Correct Answer: HttpResponseNotModified

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Which template tag is used to add another template to the current one?


Correct Answer: include

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How would you iterate through a list called my_list in template ?


Correct Answer: {% for x in my_list %} {% endfor %}

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Which data structure is used to pass context values from views to template?


Correct Answer: Dictionary

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Which query gives the count of vehicles that are private?


Correct Answer: Both 1 and 3

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Which attribute is used to order the objects in django admin?


Correct Answer: ordering

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Which of the following methods is not used in django ListView?


Correct Answer: get_object

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Which is the correct way to create a superuser from command line?


Correct Answer: python createsuperuser

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Which decorators are used to restrict authentication of users?

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer: @permission_required

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Which of the following is true about generators?


Correct Answer: Generators must contain a yield statement

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Which of the following is NOT used as a server for django in production?


Correct Answer: Ansible

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What is the full form of FBV and CBV?


Correct Answer: Function Based Views & Class Based Views

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Which of the following caching strategies are supported in Django? (check any that apply)

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer: File sytem caching
In-memory caching 

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Which of the following caching strategies can be implemented in Django?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Which of the following is the correct way to specify a translation string?


Correct Answer: Both of the above

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Which of the following features are supported by Django?


Correct Answer: All of the above 

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What is the exception raised when a duplicate value is used in unique field while inserting a record?


Correct Answer: IntegrityError

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Which is the correct way to allow empty value in Integer Field?


Correct Answer: models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)

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How can you set up static files in Django?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Django is a web __ in Python to develop a web application.


Correct Answer: Framework

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What does setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True do?


Correct Answer: Ensures cookie can be sent on HTTPS connection only

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Which of the following are correct ways to add a message?


Correct Answer: messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Hello world.'), 'Hello world.')
messages.success(request, 'Hello world.') 

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Using a template tag you tried to load a templatetag as in {% load poll_extras %} and it failed, what could be the problem ?


Correct Answer: The app that contain the template tag is not in INSTALLED_APPS

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Which Django core function can be used to send an email?


Correct Answer: django.core.mail.send_mail

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What is the correct way to insert csrf token for forms in django template?


Correct Answer: form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}

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What is the exception raised if you are using POST against this function?

from django.views.decorators.http

import require_http_methods

@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"]) 

def my_view(request):



Correct Answer: No exception will be raised

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What is the correct way to specify the fields to use in a Model Form?


Correct Answer: Either 1 or 2

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Which of the following is NOT used to represent ManyToManyField in django model form? Check all that apply.

Note: There may be more than one right answer.


Correct Answer: Charfield

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How is the ManyToManyField represented in Django model form?


Correct Answer: ModelMultipleChoiceField

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132. How would you create a ForeignKey from a model named Transaction, to a model named Product, with no reverse relation?


Correct Answer: class Transaction(models.Model): product = models.ForeignKey(Product, related_name='+')

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133. A model's "full_clean()" method is called automatically when you call your model's "save()" method.


Correct Answer: False

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134. Which type of custom template tag returns a string?


Correct Answer: simple_tag

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135. Which of these can be used to retrieve a setting from the settings module, and provide a default if the setting is not defined?


Correct Answer: getattr(settings, "SETTING_NAME", default_value)

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136. Which class is a model field representing a path to a server-based image file?


Correct Answer: django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField

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137. What is the command used to print the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name?


Correct Answer: ./ sql myapp

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138. When customizing validation in a Form subclass named MyForm, how do you add an error message that is displayed as a form-wide error?


Correct Answer: Raise ValidationError in MyForm.clean()

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139. How to create a DateTimeField named created and filled in only on the creation with the current time?


Correct Answer: created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

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140. Given a form with field foo, what should the validation method for this field be called?


Correct Answer: clean_foo

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141. Given an IntegerField named 'widgets' in the Django model 'User' , how do you calculate the average number of widgets per user?


Correct Answer: User.objects.all().aggregate( Avg( 'widgets' ) )

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142. How can you define additional behavior and characteristics of a Django class?


Correct Answer: class Meta:

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143. What is the command to start a new Django project called 'myproject'?


Correct Answer: startproject myproject

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144. How to make django timezone-aware?


Correct Answer: In USE_TZ=True

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145. Assuming you've imported the proper Django model file, how do you add a 'User' model to the Django admin?


Correct Answer: User )

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146. How do you exclude a specific field from a ModelForm?


Correct Answer: Use the exclude parameter in the Meta class in your form

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147. What preferred method do you add to a Django model to get a better string representation of the model in the Django admin?


Correct Answer: __unicode__

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148. How do you define a 'name' field in a Django model with a maximum length of 255 characters?


Correct Answer: name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

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149. What is the command to run Django's development server on port 8080 on IP address


Correct Answer: runserver

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150. Django is written using what programming language?


Correct Answer: Python

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Django Subjects