1. Which of the following field types is NOT supported by the Dat astore records?
2. Consider the syntax of DBFilesystem method property of sync API: @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isShutDown) BOOL shutdown Which of the folloWing is the correct statement about the given properly?
3. Which of the following is represented by the given icon in your Dropbox?
4. What parameters are sent in the json http request when you make a Datastore API call to the /datastores/get_deltas method?
5. Which of the following is NOT a valid request parameter of the Core API's 'oauth2/token' method?
6. Initially a free storage space of is offered to the users having a free drop-box account.
7. The given image contains an icon that is present under the Events tab of your Dropbox; what does the given icon represent?
8. Which of the following parameters is NOT returned in Json http response. when you make a call to 'ldatastores/list_datastores‘ method of the Datastore API?
9. Which Datastore APi method will you use to write a delta to the server such that the client is up to date?
10. Which of the following is NOT a Datastore APl method?
11. Which of the following will be returned in response. when a Core API call is made to the 'account/info‘ method?
12. What response will be returned when a call is made to the below-given instance method of DBFilesystem sync API? {NSArray ‘)listFolder:(DBPath ’)path error:(DBError ")error
13. Suppose you post a request to a Core APl's 'loauth2/token_from_oauth1' method. In which of the following formats will the response be returned by the above call?
14. Which of the following is not a property of a DatatStore APl, Dropbox.Accountlnfo?
15. Which of the following methods can be set while making a core API call to 'files_put'?
16. If you want to create a link to any file or folder, which of the following options (marked in the image) will you click?
17. Which of the following datastore APl methods is used to check the validity of a private datastore ID or used to create a new datastore with the given ID, and returns its revision and handle?
18. Which of the following endpoints is used to send the Core API request to the 'loauth/authorize' method?
19. Which of the following permissions can be set while sharing a Dropbox file?
20. Which of the following is a valid Json Http response when you make a call to the '/datastores/get_datastore‘ method of the Datastore API?
21. What response will be returned when you make the following core API call? httpszllapi.dropbox.com/1/disable_access_token
22. What does the DBThumbSizeM constant represent in the Sync API?
23. What is the function of LlST_PUT. a list operation of the DataStore API?
24. What is the function of the Core API method '/shares'?
25. Consider the following Sync APl instance method call and answer the question that follows it. (void)linkFromController:(UlViewController ‘)rootController What is the above syntax method call used for?
26. Which of the given Datastore APl methods will you call to get the following response? ::= ['rows': , 'rev': . 'role': ] ::= [. ...] ::= {'tid': , 'rowid': , 'data': ]
27. Which of the following roles has no access to the shared datastore?
What response will be returned when a call is made to the following instance method of DBFilesystem Sync API and an error occurs?
(NSString ')fetchShareLinkForPath:(DBPath ‘)path shorten:(BOOL)shorten error:(DBError
29. What response will be returned when a call is made to the below-given instance method of DBFilesystem sync API and the folder is created successfully? (BOOL)createFolder:(DBPath ‘)path error:(DBError ')error
30. Which of the following is an incorrect declaration syntax for the properties of a Sync API method 'DBAccount'?
31. Which of the following is NOT a datastore identifier?
When we retrieve the information about the user‘s account with user ID “123
33. Which of the following is a valid method of Dropbox.Datastore.DatastoreManager API?
34. Which of the following statements regarding saving of files to Dropbox. is correct?
35. Which of the following is NOT a valid property of the DBAccountlnfo method of the Sync API?
36. Which of the following options is not an instance method of DBAccountManager sync API?
37. Which of the following methods will return the contents of the file decoded as UTF8 format when the file can be read, and return 'nil' in case of an error?
38. endpoint(s) is/are used to create a new datastore having a private ID.
39. Which of the following parameters must be supplied to the ‘loauth2/authorize' method. in order to authorize your app while making a Core API call?
40. Which of the following parameters are returned in response. when application calls '/oauth /access_token' method of the Core API?
41. Which of the following are the valid parameters of a Core APl method ‘ldelta‘?
42. Suppose you created a Dropbox API app named 'XYZ' without any specific permission. Which of the following functions can be performed by your app?