MCQs > Crime & Justice > Criminology (Introduction) MCQs > Criminology (Introduction) MCQs

Criminology (Introduction) MCQ

Criminology (Introduction) MCQ


1. _____ is defined as the underuse of the criminal law to control deviant activity.


Correct Answer: Undercriminalization

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2. _____ is comte’s theory that knowledge has historically progressed from theological to metaphysical to scientific.


Correct Answer: Progression of knowledge

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3. Is overcriminalization the overuse of the criminal law as an attempt to control deviant activity?


Correct Answer: True

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4. _____ is known as prescribed rules of conduct.


Correct Answer: Norms

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5. _____ is defined as more serious informal social controls.


Correct Answer: Mores

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6. _____ is less serious crimes that result in less than 1 year in jail.


Correct Answer: Misdemeanors

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7. Is manifest functions intended or planned consequences of social arrangements?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as acts that are bad due to being prohibited.


Correct Answer: Mala prohibita

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9. _____ is defined as acts that are bad in themselves.


Correct Answer: Mala in se

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10. _____ is codified (written) rules that are more serious norms and contain sanctions.


Correct Answer: Laws

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11. Is latent functions unexplained, unanticipated (hidden) consequences of social activity?


Correct Answer: True

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12. _____ is known as says that crime is defined by abstract meanings and symbols and is a label assigned by society.


Correct Answer: Interactionist model

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13. _____ is defined as an associational or heterogeneous society.


Correct Answer: Gesellschaft

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14. _____ is a communal or folk society.


Correct Answer: Gemeinschaft

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15. Is functional necessity of crime (Durkheim) durkheim’s theory that society defines itself by reacting to crime and wrongdoing?


Correct Answer: True

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16. _____ is known as nice customs, traditions, or less serious norms.


Correct Answer: Folkways

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17. _____ is defined as more serious crimes generally punished by at least a year in jail.


Correct Answer: Felonies

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18. _____ is behavior that is outside the limits of societal toleration.


Correct Answer: Deviance

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19. Is criminology the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior?


Correct Answer: True

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20. _____ is known as violations of law that are enforced by the state in order to protect victims.


Correct Answer: Criminal law

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21. _____ is defined as violations of criminal law.


Correct Answer: Crime

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22. _____ is the costs of crime include financial and other costs, such as psychological and health costs. Estimates have been as high as $1.7 trillion.


Correct Answer: Costs of crime

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23. Is consensus model the belief that criminal law originates in the will of the majority?


Correct Answer: True

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24. _____ is known as the belief that criminal law reflects the conflicts of interest of groups and that the more powerful groups define the law.


Correct Answer: Conflict model

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25. What kind of act is gambling an example of?


Correct Answer: Mala prohibita

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26. The United States of America would be considered an example of a Gemeinschaft-type society.


Correct Answer: False

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27. Which of the following states that “criminality is viewed as a label or stigma attached by a societal reaction that is subject to shifting standards”?


Correct Answer: Interactionist approach

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28. What is the legislation of law to regulate personal conduct that does not include a clear victim?


Correct Answer: Overcriminalization

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29. The development of criminology was closely linked with the development of sociology.


Correct Answer: True

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30. Which of the following terms is important in establishing guilt?


Correct Answer: Mens rea

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31. Not all deviant acts are considered criminal.


Correct Answer: True

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32. Measuring the economic cost of crime is an easy and simple task.


Correct Answer: False

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33. Which of the following is most concerned with the study of the causal explanations of crime?


Correct Answer: Criminology

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34. An example of a mala in se crime would be ______?


Correct Answer: Murder

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35. August Comte argues that the progression of knowledge consisted of three stages. Which stage suggests the earliest explanation of criminal behavior?


Correct Answer: Theological

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36. Which model of law suggests that criminal law is the result among members of society who agree upon what constitutes wrongdoing?


Correct Answer: Consensus

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37. What term refers to traditions and customs that are preferred but not subject to serious sanctions?


Correct Answer: Folkway

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38. According to Durkheim, crime is normal, a positive product, and necessary.


Correct Answer: True

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39. Most of the major developments in criminology have occurred in what country?


Correct Answer: United States

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