MCQs > Crime & Justice > Criminology (Introduction) MCQs > Characteristics of Crime and Criminals MCQs

Characteristics of Crime and Criminals MCQ

Characteristics of Crime and Criminals MCQ


1. _____ is known as crime is highest in urban areas and lowest in rural areas.


Correct Answer: Urban versus rural crime

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2. _____ is defined as socioeconomic status is measured using income, education, and occupation.


Correct Answer: Social class

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3. _____ is the belief that the observation of media violence increases the propensity to violence.


Correct Answer: Precipitation hypothesis

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4. Is institutions organizations that serve a broad range of interests in society, such as the family?


Correct Answer: True

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5. _____ is known as most crime is committed by males historically and internationally with the exception of prostitution.


Correct Answer: Gender

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6. _____ is defined as the trend that poverty increasingly takes place within female-headed households.


Correct Answer: Feminization of poverty

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7. Is fallacy of autonomy the erroneous belief that failings of the family are separate and independent of inequality, racism, and discrimination?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as in the post–World War II period, crime had declined until the mid-1960s, when it exploded. The crime dip began in the United States in 1992.


Correct Answer: Crime trends

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9. _____ is defined as crimes in which criminals imitate crimes that were previously publicized.


Correct Answer: Copycat crimes

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10. _____ is the belief that the observation of media violence serves as an emotional release and lessens violence.


Correct Answer: Catharsis hypothesis

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11. Is androcentric bias the charge that criminology has reflected a male-centered bias?


Correct Answer: True

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12. _____ is known as a disagreement among criminologists as to whether all “mature out of crime” or whether some remain career criminals.


Correct Answer: Age-crime debate

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13. Formal education and criminal behavior and/or arrest rates have an inverse relationship. This means that as the amount of formal education increases, the crime rate ______.


Correct Answer: Decreases

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14. Crime that violates the laws of several international sovereignties or impacts sovereignty is ______.


Correct Answer: Transnational crime

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15. The low crime rate in Japan is achieved by a strong Gemeinschaft.


Correct Answer: True

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16. Which region in the U.S. has the highest overall crime rate?


Correct Answer: South

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17. The group of offenders whose offending does not decrease over time is referred to as?


Correct Answer: Career criminals

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18. Which one of the following is the most important reason attempting to explain differences in criminality among males and females?


Correct Answer: Differential treatment

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19. The peak arrest age for crime is between 16 and 18 years (for property and violent crimes, respectively).


Correct Answer: True

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20. The highest overall crime rates were experienced by the nations of Western Europe during the 1970s.


Correct Answer: False

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21. ______ describes a discriminatory practice by some police departments of stopping and searching a disproportionate number of minorities.


Correct Answer: Racial profiling

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22. According to the authors, ______ is the best universal predictor of criminality.


Correct Answer: Gender

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23. The “Cambridge–Somerville study” discovered that delinquents come from what type of home environment?


Correct Answer: Weak parental discipline and a quarrelsome home environment

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24. Androcentric bias is female-centered.


Correct Answer: False

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25. Fads in crime that are often simulated by media portrayals or depictions are referred to as ______.


Correct Answer: Copycat crimes

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26. Which of the following is not a difficulty in comparing crime across countries?


Correct Answer: Available funding

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27. Cross-cultural comparisons of crime statistics are difficult owing to the different definitions of crime across societies.


Correct Answer: True

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