Globalization MCQ

Bin laden found friends in _____ radical government formed under the influence of hasan al turabi.


Correct Answer: Sudan's

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When friedman describes globalization 3.0, he discusses 10 forces that ________ the world.


Correct Answer: Flattened

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Today, there are __________ multinational corporations (mncs).


Correct Answer: 82,000

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The initial step toward globalization is ______.


Correct Answer: Exporting

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Globalization appears to have a/an _______ impact on international security.


Correct Answer: Ambivalent and contradictory

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The blending of indigenous religious beliefs and practices with those introduced by inside groups is known as Syncretism.


Correct Answer: False

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Revolution is a _____ change that usually involves the overthrow of a government.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Patron Client Ties are _____


Correct Answer: Informal contracts between people of unequal status

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Communities in which peasants are involved in producing some of their crops for the world market is known as Open Peasant Community.


Correct Answer: True

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Monocultural Dependency is a form of _____ economy that depends on one major resource or crop for export to the world market.


Correct Answer: Political

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Jati is the Hindi term for _____


Correct Answer: Caste

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Jajmani Economy is the Hindi term for the traditional _____ based economy in India.


Correct Answer: Caste

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The Arabic term for a _____ organization is known as hamula


Correct Answer: Clanlike

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Extrafamilial social ties that provide mutual-aid work groups are known as_____


Correct Answer: Fictive Kinship Ties

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A reciprocal exchange arrangement between two individuals is known as Dyadic Contract.


Correct Answer: True

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Closed Peasant Community refer to _____ communities in highland areas of Latin America that were isolated from colonialism and the market economy.


Correct Answer: Indian

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Assimilation is the adoption of the _____ of the dominant group in a society by other groups.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Apartheid is a _____ system developed in South Africa in which the rights of different population groups were based on racial criteria.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The method used to demonstrate the interlinkage of core states that dominate peripheral and semiperipheral zones to create a global economic system is known as World System Analysis.


Correct Answer: True

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In the terminology of the Cold War, _____societies in the global economy refer to Third World.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Countries that have some degree of economic development and profitable enterprises but are not as powerful as core countries refer to _____


Correct Answer: Semi Peripheral Countries

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In the terminology of the Cold War, the industrial socialist societies in the global economy refers to _____


Correct Answer: 2nd World

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Countries that have very weak states and few profitable enterprises and are dominated by the core countries are known as_____


Correct Answer: Peripheral Countries

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Neoliberalism is the post–Cold War philosophical and political theory that emphasizes the development of _____ strategies for economic development throughout the world.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Imperialism is the _____ domination and control of other societies.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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The incorporation of global factors into the local culture is known as_____


Correct Answer: Glocalization

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Globalization is the worldwide impact of industrialization and its _____ consequences for the world.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The physical extermination of a particular ethnic group in a society is known as_____


Correct Answer: Genocide

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First World is the sector of the global economy that is composed of _____ industrialized capitalist societies.


Correct Answer: Modern

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Ethnocide is the process in which a dominant group or society forces other groups to abandon their _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Dependency Theory is the theory that underdevelopment in _____ World societies is the result of domination by industrial capitalist societies.


Correct Answer: Third

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Powerful countries that exercise economic hegemony over other regions are known as_____


Correct Answer: Core Countries

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How did Western colonial forces transform colonized nations into peripheral and semiperipheral dependent economies?


Correct Answer: By encouraging the development of export-oriented economy

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In 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived in Veracruz, Mexico, and by 1521, the Aztec Empire had crumbled. Which of the following strategies did Cortés use in this conquest?


Correct Answer: Fomenting revolt among native groups subjugated by the Aztecs

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Africa experienced slow population growth between 1440 and 1840, likely the result of which of the following?


Correct Answer: Warfare and the slave trade

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Generally, how has globalization affected traditional social institutions such as the Indian jajmani system?


Correct Answer: Globalization has contributed to the collapse of traditional social institutions such as jajmani.

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Maoism fuses the traditional notions of Confucianism with which of the following?


Correct Answer: Marxism

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European expansion into Africa began with the Portuguese, who came seeking gold. What did they find instead?


Correct Answer: Slaves

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In Rwanda and Burundi, German and Belgian colonizers assigned labels of Hutu and Tutsi to the local population. Although this was intended as a form of racial classification, in reality it became a system of ______ classification.


Correct Answer: Economic

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Mohandas Gandhi called for a peaceful boycott of British-produced goods and encouraged villagers to instead to ______.


Correct Answer: Spin their own cloth

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The Portuguese initiated the European slave trade in 1440. By the 1700s, which other European nations emerged as dominant players in the slave trade?


Correct Answer: England and France

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Which key term refers to the South African system of racial stratification, under which different populations were assigned different social and political rights based on racial criteria?


Correct Answer: Apartheid

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By the 1920s, Western Europe and the United States achieved this stage of modernization.


Correct Answer: High economic growth stage

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According to Marx’s historical materialist thesis, the ______ is the primary determinant of human behavior and thought.


Correct Answer: Mode of production

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Why was the Internet developed?


Correct Answer: To make it easier for scientists and engineers to communicate research findings

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Many anthropologists today study “globalization from below,” meaning they ______.


Correct Answer: Study the impact of globalization on people in the local context

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According to modernization theory, preindustrial societies are characterized by ______, whereas modern industrial societies are characterized by ______.


Correct Answer: Tradition; rationality

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According to the text, what is the most difficult issue that faces anthropologists, government officials, and aboriginal people?


Correct Answer: How best to fit traditional patterns in which the modern, industrial world.

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In contrast to modernization theory, ______ emphasizes inequality among different societies resulting from the exploitation of the poor by the rich.


Correct Answer: Dependency theory

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Archaeological and fossil evidence suggests that native populations were reduced by about ______% following contact with Europeans.


Correct Answer: 95

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According to world systems theory, the relative economic positions of core, peripheral, and semiperipheral nations are fixed and immutable (i.e. unchanging).


Correct Answer: False

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Anthropologists have reached some consensus on the meaning of globalization, but they still disagree about ______.


Correct Answer: When globalization began

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