MCQs > IT & Programming > Adobe ColdFusion MCQs > Basic Adobe ColdFusion MCQs

Basic Adobe ColdFusion MCQ

1. Which of the following are required attributes of the cffile tag?


Correct Answer: action

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2. Which of the following operators returns True if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right?


Correct Answer: GT

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3. Which of the following cffile tag mode attribute value will set permission of read/write (rw) to a file for UNIX ?


Correct Answer: 666

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4. Which of the following should NOT be used as a form field name in ColdFusion 9?


Correct Answer: _integer

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5. While working on a ColdFusion application, which of the following tags will you use to embed Java applets in a cfform tag?


Correct Answer: cfapplet

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6. Which of the following array functions always return(s) False?


Correct Answer: IsArray(elemPath.elemName)

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In the following cfapplet syntax, which attribute holds the name of the registered applet?

cfapplet appletsource = "" name = ""


Correct Answer:


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Which of the following functions is used to process the XML test that includes directives?


Correct Answer:


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9. Which of the following is the correct syntax for using a SQL reserved word as a column name in a query?


Correct Answer: SELECT [Reserved word] FROM mytable

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10. After OEM upgrade, which of the following versions of applications is still NOT supported by ColdFusion 9?


Correct Answer: MySQL 5.5.3

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11. Which of the following are correct syntax for inserting comments in a ColdFusion 9 application?


Correct Answer:

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12. Which of the following functions can be used to perform a RegEx operation in a ColdFusion application?


Correct Answer: reFind()

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13. Which of the following properties must be set in the Application.cfc file in order to utilize the ORM features of ColdFusion9?


Correct Answer: ormenabled = true

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14. Which of the following statements about the cfqueryparam ColdFusion tag are true?


Correct Answer: It allows the use of SQL bind parameters which improves performance.
It ensures that variable data matches the specified SQL type.
It escapes string variables in single-quotation marks.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

15. Which of the following is a valid syntax for caching a user-defined function in ColdFusion Application scope?