1. Which Virtual Machine (VM) does the android system use?
2. Is it possible to include code written in C?
3. Relative layout has two types of orientations: vertical and horizontal.
4. What AIDL is?
5. Which ListAdapter subclass is not a direct subclass of BaseAdapter?
6. If the UI begins to behave sluggishly or crash while making network calls this is likely due to ....
7. Which one allows you to instantinate a LocationManager class?
8. Is it possible to reverse engineer an android application using the apk file alone without external app resources?
9. How to enable overlay mode On API level 11 or higher, to create a custom theme for your activity.
10. What does this layout show?
11. invalidateOptionsMenu() method of ActionBarActivity calls:
12. AsyncTask methods can run on the UI thread, but one of them doesn't run on this UI thread, which one?
13. Which database is available for developers in Android?
14. What is likely to cause the UI to behave sluggishly or crash while making network calls?
15. Which AsyncTask method does not run on the UI thread?
16. When an asynchronous task is executed, the task goes through several steps. Which option is not a step of an asynchronous task?
17. Android naming has followed an alphabetical order from Android 1.0 to Lollipop.
18. Which callbacks in AsyncTask get executed on main thread?
19. Valid features that you can request using requestWindowFeature?
20. Which one to include in your project to use the SimpleAdapter class?
21. Which can be accomplished by using the TelephoneNumberUtil class?
22. Which is the immediate base class for Activity and Service classes?
23. Which one to include in your project to use the APIs and classes required to access the camera on the mobile device?
24. Classes that can be used to handle the Bluetooth functionality on a device?
25. How to save the unsaved data and release resources being used by an Android application?
26. Which fields of the Message class should be used to store custom message codes about the Message?
27. Consider the code snippet below: public class MyReceiver extends PhoneStateIntentReceiver { @Override public void onReceiveIntent(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.action == Intent.CALL_ACTION) { } } } Assuming that notifyPhoneCallState has been called to enable MyReceiver to receive notifications about the phone call states, in which of the following cases will the code in get executed?
28. Which are true about Intent.CALL_ACTION and Intent.DIAL_ACTION?
29. Which can be used to handle commands from menu items in an Android application?
30. Which are true about enabling/disabling menu items from an Activity class?
31. Which function calls can be used to start a Service from your Android application?
32. What is the ListActivity class used for?
33. Consider the code snippet below: MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(PATH_TO_FILE); mp.start(); Which should be placed at ?
34. Which are correct with regards to Content Providers? A) A content provider allows applications to access data. B) A content provider must be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
35. Which are Android build modes?
36. Correct way to fix if checking the status of the GPS_PROVIDER throws SecurityException?
37. Which packages provide the classes required to manage the Bluetooth functionality on an Android device?
38. What is 'Android-Positron'?
39. Which superclass do most UI elements extend?
40. What is the purpose of a Loader?
41. What is Espresso?
42. Which of the following are true?
Android Programming MCQs | Topic-wise