1. Choose the function that can execute an expression from outside of the Angular framework.
2. A developer defines an image tag whose source is evaluated through a binding expression ()- In relation to the image load event, which of the following statements is/are true? 1) A 404 error will be reported by the image tag initially. 2)To prevent the 404 error, ng-src can be used instead of src. 3) ng-src sets the src value of the image as soon as the corresponding binding value gets evaluated.
3. Which of the following directives removes or recreates elements of the DOM tree?
4. if a conditional expression for an ng-if directive on a div element evaluates to false, then which of the following options correctly describes the result of this event?
5. Which of the following CSS classes depicts that the user has not yet communicated with the input control?
6. Which of the following CSS classes depicts that the state of the input control has been changed by the user?
7. in AnguiarJS. which of the following steps is mandatory to enable routing in your application? Also. you have to check whether these syntaxes are valid or not. 1. include the AngularJS Route module: 2. Add the ngRoute as a dependency in the application module: var app = angular.module(myApp, [ngRoute]);
8. Which of the following is the correct syntax of the jsonp()method of the $http service?
9. It is given that there is an HTTP service that receives a transmitted JSON file. In what form will the final data be?
10. Which of the following is the correct syntax of the whenGE() method of the $httpBackend service?
11. Analyze the AngularJS code given in Figure 1 of the image, and choose its correct output from the options given in Figure 2.
12. The following AngularJS expression is used to get data from a server. Which of the given statements is correct? var data = $http.get(uri):
13. AngularJS expressions are written inside which of the following symbols?
14. In the hierarchy of scope with the parent being at one level higher than the children, which of the following types of scope occupies the highest level?
15. Which of the following services is used to create the root scope during the application bootstrap?
16. The ngChange expression in AngularJS is evaluated:
17. Which of the following methods can be used to create a service?
18. The Snormalize(name) method. prefixed with data-, converts an attribute name to which form?
19. What is the use of Sinjector in AngularJS?
20. Which of the following is NOT a correct ability added by the Factory recipe?
21. ln Distributed Architecture Structure. which of the following conditions addresses the issue of data ownership at a storage location?
22. Which of the following ways can be used in AngularJS to send AJAX requests to the server?
23. Which of the following is NOT one of the special variables defined by the ng-repeat directive?
24. var p = $root$copez If you want to create a child of 'p' but don't want it to inherit the scope of 'P'. then which of the following options must be followed?
25. Which of the following Shttp functions CANNOT take a 'data' parameter?
26. Which of the following is the correct syntax of the whenPUT() method of the $htthackend service?
27. Which of the given parameters of $resource() are optional?
28. Which object does the $http.get() function return?
29. in Distributed Architecture Structure. which of the following layers is used to establish and delete the network connections?
30. Consider that a service called Shttp makes server calls. Which of the following examples about the dependency injection in AnguiarJS is correct? Example 1: function fetchDashboard Data() [ var $http = new HttpServicel); return Shttp.get('my/url'); ] Example 2: function fetchDashboardData(Shttp) [ return $http.get['my/url'); 1 Example 1 Example 2
31. The following snippet is used in an HTML file to insert the angular.js framework file: . Given below are some statements regarding angular control over the page. Which of them is true?
32. The given code snippet adds properties in a controller. How will you refer to a property named. BusinessObject. in the view or front-end under an < h1>
33. is it possible to create nested scopes that do not inherit properties from their parent scopes?
34. In Distributed Architecture Structure, which of the following groups undergoes configuration by using the scope? 1. Global 2. Environment-specific 3. Service-specific 4. Instance-specific
35. Consider that you are building a shopping cart application by using AngularJS. Which of the following statements about the given code snippet are correct? < div class= right > 1. The item_striken$index instance denotes each item in the list. Here, the index refers to the index of the array. This is the index that we passed to delete the function earlier. 2. The ng-show directive shows or hides the element based on the given condition. The value of the item_striken$index instance changes on click. Based on true or false, tick or cross is displayed. 3. In span, the ng-class: [striken : item_striken$index] statement will add the striken class to span, if item_striken$index is false.
36. Which of the following is NOT a property of the angular.version object?
37. Which of the following statements about the parts of AngularJS frameworks are correct? 1. ng-app defines and links an AngularJS application to HTML. 2. ng-model binds the values of AngularJS application data to a cloud model. 3. ng-bind binds the AngularJS application data to HTML tags.
38. What will be the output of the given AngularJS code?
39. in AngularJS. what is the function of the scope object that is available in the MVC pattern?
40. if the HTML template display causes a flickering effect in an AngularJS application, which directive can be used to avoid that effect?
41. The $scope.$watch() and $scope.$digest() functions are automatically called by AngularJS; they cannot be called manually.
42. Which of the following functions return chaining when used as setters?
43. Which of the following services helps run functions asynchronously?
44. What will be the output of the following AngularJS code?
45. What will be the result of the AngularJS code given below?
46. Consider that you are creating a Service Fabric CLI application. You are unable to view the build definition template. Which of the following options is considered as the major reason behind the given condition?
47. Which options is the function of the given Service Fabric CLI command? sfcti node list --query sort_by(items{‘]. &name)[-1].name
48. Which of the following sentences is correct about the following code snippet? A) The last line of the code will evaluate to false. B) Scopes do not follow inheritance, i.e. 'c' will not inherit the scope of 'p'. var p = $rootScope: var c = p.$new(); p.salutation = 'Sir'; expect(c.salutation).toEqual('Sir‘);
49. Which of the following symbols can be used to add filters to directives?
50. Which directive works exactly like the ngClassOdd and ngClassEven directives except that while it works individually, the last two work together with the ngRepeat directive?
51. Which service does the HTML $compile service use for the purpose of data binding?
52. Which directive executes at priority level 1000?
53. Which of the services indicated below provides primitive DOM manipulation functions to insert, remove as well as move elements within the DOM?
54. You are given a nested Directive Structure. Suppose that the parent node. on receiving the data. broadcasts the information to render to its child directives. How will the broadcast be emitted and received within the parent scope?
55. At which priority level does the nglf directive execute?
56. in Service Fabric. which of the following statements about the guest executable are correct? 1. it is an existing, arbitrary executable that can be run as a service in an application. 2. it is used to call the Service Fabric SDK APis directly. 3. It contains the lifecycle support during the whole application.
57. The GET method using the HTTP service fails to receive a response from the server. How will the AngularJS application react to this scenario?
58. Which part of the MVC architecture holds an application's data and defines the logic that manages that data?
59. Which of the following can be used to associate controllers with scope objects implicitly?
60. < d1> d1. d2. d3 and d4 are AngularJS directives. Find the order in which the post-link event of these directives lifecycle occurs.
61. Which of the following options is NOT a built-in filter component used in AngularJS?
62. in a gaming application of Service Fabric. which of the following statements about actors are correct? 1. Actors are used to create new user profiles. send chat messages. or trade items between the players. 2. Adding more different actor types allow us to scale parts of our backend up and down with higher granularity. 3. The number of division of actors is restricted in the Service Fabric application.
63. Consider the AngularJS code given in Figure1 of the image. Which of the following should replace the ?? symbol shown in the script tag so as to obtain the output shown in Figure 2?
64. Which of the following methods is NOT used by $compileProvider?
65. In which of the following does Angular provide the RESTful functionality?
66. Which of the following statements is/are true about AngularJS?
67. Which of the following are correct about AngularJS?
68. Which of the following can be used to add/remove HTML elements from the DOM. based on the data in the model?
69. TRUE about directives in AngularJS? 1. Custom HTML tags can be created using directives. 2. Directives are functions bound to a particular scope. 3. Directives are singleton objects that can be instantiated only once in an application.
70. $routeProvider can be configured by calling which of the following functions?
71. Analyze the AngularJS code given in Figure 1 of the image. and choose its correct output from the options given in Figure 2.
72. var MainControlier = function($scope) i var person =[ firstName : 'Sunny‘, lastName : 'Kumar', Src : 'localhost/mytest.png' ]; Analyze the given code snippet Which of the following statements is incorrect about the above code snippet?
73. The value of the query parameter P (value: X) in a URL has to be changed to X + 2. Minimum how many times should the search method of the $location service be used to achieve this functionality?
74. How many child scopes can an AngularJS application have?
75. Consider the AnguiarJS code given in Flgure1 of the image. Which of the following should replace the “??' symbol in the form tag so as to obtain the output shown in Figure 2?
76. in Distributed Architecture Structure, which of the following statements about the service layer are correct? 1. The service layer is used to identify and manage the types of services that can be offered. 2. It directly communicates to the resource manager to validate the type of service required by a user. 3. it is not responsible for updating about the resource availability.
77. A bootstrap event of AngularJS is fired in a single page application. In this situation, how many ng-app directives will be processed?
78. Which of the following directives is NOT supported by the ngAria module?
79. 1. You can auto-bootstrapp only one AngularJS application per HTML document. 2. No AngularJS module can be specified to be used as the root module for the application. 3. You can nest one AngularJS application within another AngularJS application.
80. 1. You cannot specify more than one src object in this function. 2. You can pass an empty object as the target to preserve the original objects. 3. This function does not support recursive merge.
81. The AngularJS code shown in Figure 1 of the image was supposed to give the output shown in Figure 2 but is giving a different output Which of the following code lines should be modified to obtain the required output?
82. What is the most ideal and professional approach to store variables in a controller, which you want to later access in another controller?
83. Which of the functions given below is used for serializing common angular objects into strings?
84. in Service Fabric [PowerShell). which of the following commands is used to retrieve me status of each node available in a cluster?
85. When $http.get returns a particular object. what method does this object invoke when getting the response?
86. Which of the services given below parses the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the address bar of the browser and makes that URL available to the application?
87. The ngChange directive in AngularJS executes at:
88. Which directive is used to define the variables to be used in an AngularJS application?
89. I) ng-app=module ii) $injector iiD $compile iv) $rootScope From the options given below. choose the one that describes what occurs during auto-bootstrapping of an angular application.
90. Which AngularJS directive is used to bind data values of an AngularJS application to HTML input controls?
91. It is given that the command. var app = anguianmoduiefMyMainApp'. ['moduie1'. 'moduie2']. was used to inject certain modules as a dependency to the main module. These ng—app modules were developed for a web page.
92. it is given that pagination is implemented to browse the menu of a shopping website implemented in AngularJS. For the click event on the next-page button, how would you implement the change of URL? [Take the URL as www.xxx.com#?page=2]
93. In AngularJS, every bookmarkable URL is called a:
94. Which line ofthe given code contains the attribute that tells which part of the HTML contains the AngularJS app?
95. What method is used to wire up a FormControl to a native DOM input element in reactive forms?
96. What is the difference between the paramMap and the queryParamMap on the ActivatedRoute class?
97. What is the RouterModule.forRoot method used for?
98. What are the two component decorator metadata properties used to set up CSS styles for a component?
99. What is the purpose of the valueChanges method on a FormControl?
100. What directive is used to link an tag to routing?
101. You want to see what files would be generated by creating a new contact-card component. Which command would you use?
102. What are Angular lifecycle hooks?
103. Pick the best description for this template syntax code: Boss: {{job?.bossName}}
104. How would you configure a route definition for a UserDetailComponent that supports the URL path user/23 (where 23 represents the id of the requested user)?
105. What Angular template syntax can you use on this template-driven form field to access the field value and check for validation within the template markup?
106. What is the value type that will be stored in the headerText template reference variable in this markup?
107. What is the difference, if any, of the resulting code logic based on these two provider configurations? [{ provide: FormattedLogger, useClass: Logger }][{ provide: FormattedLogger, useExisting: Logger }];
108. What is the purpose of the data property (seen in the example below) in a route configuration? {path: 'customers', component: CustomerListComponent, data: { accountSection: true }}
109. In order for Angular to process components in an application, where do the component types need to be registered?
110. When a service is provided for root and is also added to the provider's configuration for a lazy-loaded module, what instance of that service does the injector provide to constructors in the lazy-loaded module?
111. In reactive forms, what Angular form class type is used on the native DOM element to wire it up?
112. How does the emulated view encapsulation mode handle CSS for a component?
113. What is an alternative way to write this markup to bind the value of the class field userName to the h1 element title property?