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Ancient History MCQ

In the book of the dead, ammit is ________________________


Correct Answer: A hybrid of three Nile creatures including the crocodile, lion, and hippo

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Plato was opposed to democratic forms of government because _____.


Correct Answer: Democracy.

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The egyptians used the pyramid form to create the meeting place ____.


Correct Answer: Between life on earth and eternity

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In this passage, the playwright uses allusion to __________.


Correct Answer: Compare Antigone's situation with Danae's

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The depiction of greeks on the ionic frieze of the parthenon was exceptional because ____.


Correct Answer: No human event had been depicted on a temple

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Early wall paintings have been found in atalhyk in modern ________.


Correct Answer: Turkey

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In 776 bce the feuding greek city-states declared a truce in order to __________.


Correct Answer: The Olympic Games.

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Ancient egyptian _____________ used both logographic and alphabetic elements.


Correct Answer: Hieroglyphics

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The first people who dwelt in greek lands about whom we have much information were the _____.


Correct Answer: Minoans

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Many small city-states developed in ancient greece largely because __________.


Correct Answer: The Greek peninsula is divided by mountains and inlets that separated people.

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The minoans were best-known for _____.


Correct Answer: Architecture seafaring

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Julian beever is ________.


Correct Answer: A sidewalk chalk artist working today

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In dresden, primitivism grew in opposition to the current ___________ __________.


Correct Answer: Decadent culture

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The great pyramids at giza were originally faced with a veneer of polished___________.


Correct Answer: White limestone

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The earliest known example of the use of contrapposto is the sculpture known as the ____.


Correct Answer: Kritios Boy

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The ____ day of the dead celebration is a remembrance of all the dead.


Correct Answer: Mexican

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A ____ is the smallest colorable area on a display device.


Correct Answer: Pixel

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