1. Which CakePHP entities can the Bake console create?
2. Is it possible to define custom data retrieval methods and if so, where would you define them?
3. Which is an example of a model definition in CakePHP?
4. You want to generate three instances of a model form within the context of a view. What syntax is most correct to use with FormHelper::input() ? $i represents an incremented variable.
5. CakePHP will dynamically create a model object for you if it cannot find a corresponding file in /app/Model.
6. What kind of functionality does the Security Component provide?
7. Which file is processed first?
8. In cakePHP 2.x , the recursive property defines:
9. What should be done before deploying a CakePHP application?
10. What is the AppController class?
11. What is a .ctp file?
12. How is the AppController class defined?
13. The Bake console can be used to create:
14. CakePHP favors convention over configuration.
15. What does MVC stand for?
16. CakePHP is based on the MVC design pattern.
17. What is the default action for a controller?
18. By default, what controller action will be invoked if the action is not specified in the URL?
19. Which data retrieval function will return one result only?
20. Which function is executed before every action in the controller.
21. How will you include an element (header/footer etc.) within a layout?
22. Name of the CLI console that comes with CakePHP and helps you get your project up and running fast by generating models, views, and controllers from templates.
23. Which data retrieval function call is most suitable to build input select boxes?