Politics, Warfare, and Law MCQ

Warfare is armed combat among _____ communities.


Correct Answer: Both a and c

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Theatre State is a limited form of state society in _____ Asia.


Correct Answer: Southeast

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Sodalities are the groups based on _____ or other principles that provide for political organization.


Correct Answer: All of these

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A type of political organization in which multiple descent groups form at different levels and serve political functions is known as Segmentary Lineage System.


Correct Answer: True

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Radial Polity is a state that rules more directly through _____ officials that have more centralized control over various provinces and regions.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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The ability to achieve personal ends despite opposition is known as_____


Correct Answer: Political power

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Oracle refers to _____ believed to have special or supernatural abilities.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Office is a _____ position of authority in a group or society.


Correct Answer: Formal

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An attempt to call on a supernatural source of power to sanction and bear witness to the truth or falsity of an individual’s testimony is known as_____


Correct Answer: Oath

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Nationalism is a strong sense of loyalty to the nation-state based on shared_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Galactic Polity is a type of state that rules primarily through _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Feudalism is a decentralized form of political economy based on landed estates, which existed during different historical periods in _____societies.


Correct Answer: Agrarian

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A type of armed combat within a political community is known as Feud.


Correct Answer: True

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Complementary Opposition is the formation of groups that parallel one another as political_____.


Correct Answer: Antagonists

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Authority is a power generally perceived by members of society as illegitimate, and coercive.


Correct Answer: False

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The settling of legal disputes through a formal, centralized authority is known as_____


Correct Answer: Adjudication

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States are unique among forms of political organization because they are not based on ______.


Correct Answer: Kinship

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Tribal political organization is formed through ______ based on kinship, age, or gender.


Correct Answer: Sodalities

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According to Service, in many chiefdoms, the most severe crimes were those that ______.


Correct Answer: Threatened the basis of chiefly authority

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Which of the following political systems is considered the oldest and least complex?


Correct Answer: Band

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In a galactic polity, states rule primarily through which mechanism?


Correct Answer: Religious authority and cosmology

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Leaders of bands typically rely heavily on ______ to encourage cooperation among band members.


Correct Answer: Persuasion

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Political evolution follows a ______ trajectory.


Correct Answer: Multilineal

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The absence of formal law, small-scale societies often employs ______ sanctions to regulate behavior.


Correct Answer: Social

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In most hunting and gathering societies, leadership positions are inherited through the patriline.


Correct Answer: False

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Pierre Bourdieu identified various forms of capital that can be used to acquire political power. What was one of these forms of capital?


Correct Answer: Symbolic capital

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