MCQs > Educational Subjects & Techniques > Statistics MCQs > Introduction to Understanding statistical Reliability and Validity MCQs

Introduction to Understanding statistical Reliability and Validity MCQ

How well a test reflects an underlying idea is called


Correct Answer: Construct based

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How consistent a test outcome is with a criterion that occurs in the future is called


Correct Answer: Predictive based

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A type of validity that examines how well a test reflects some criterion that exists in either the present (concurrent) or the future (predictive) is called


Correct Answer: Criterion based

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How well a test outcome is consistent with a criterion that exists in the present is ____ criterion validity.


Correct Answer: Concurrent

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A type of validity that examines how well a test samples a universe of items is known as


Correct Answer: Content based

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How well a test measures what it says it does is called


Correct Answer: Validity

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In which reliability that examines whether observers are consistent with one another?


Correct Answer: Interrater

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In which reliability that examines whether items on a test measure only one dimension, construct, or area of interest?


Correct Answer: Internal consistency

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A parallel forms reliability that examines consistency across different forms of the same test.


Correct Answer: True

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A test retest reliability that examines a test’s consistency over time.


Correct Answer: True

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The part of a test score that is random and contributes to the unreliability of a test is called


Correct Answer: Error score

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The score that is recorded or observed is called


Correct Answer: Observed score

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The score that, if it could be observed, would reflect the actual ability or behavior being measured is called


Correct Answer: True score

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Consistency of a test is called


Correct Answer: Reliability

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The ____ variable that is manipulated or the predictor variable in a regression equation.


Correct Answer: Independent variable

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____ is the outcome variable or the predicted variable in a regression equation.


Correct Answer: Dependent variable

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“A measure of how stable a test is over time” is an example of which of the following types of reliability?


Correct Answer: Test–retest

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The score you actually get on a test is an example of the ______ score, and the TRUE, 100% accurate reflection of what you really know is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Observed; true

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If you want to know that a test is measuring a sociological construct, what type of validity would you use?


Correct Answer: Construct validity

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The variable that one uses to determine the outcome is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Dependent variable

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The coefficient that shows perfect reliability is:


Correct Answer: 1.00

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______ are conditions that impact the obtained score rather than the qualities of the trait being measured.


Correct Answer: Sources of error

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The following are measures of validity:


Correct Answer: Content validity and criterion validity only

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The most difficult source of validity to establish is ______.


Correct Answer: Construct

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How does one know that the test, scale, and form of measurement actually measure what it is supposed to?


Correct Answer: Validity

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The two types of criterion validity are:


Correct Answer: Concurrent and predictive

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Reliability means that the measure is ______ in measuring the construct, whereas validity means that the measure is ______ in measuring the construct.


Correct Answer: Consistent; accurate

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A test cannot be ______ if it is not ______.


Correct Answer: Valid; reliable

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Rater-to-rater consistency is a(n) ______ reliability.


Correct Answer: Interrater

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How often are the observed score and the TRUE scores the same?


Correct Answer: Rarely

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