MCQs > Culture & Ethics > Social Problems MCQs > Social Problems Awareness MCQs

Social Problems Awareness MCQ

An example that exposes and illustrates a broader theme is case study


Correct Answer: True

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The beliefs, values, and behaviors that a par­ticular group of people share in common is called


Correct Answer: Culture

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The disparities among people in their amount of money, power, or status is called


Correct Answer: Social inequality

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Group influences that shape how a person behaves or thinks is social forces


Correct Answer: True

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Sociological perspective is away of understanding social problems that highlights the social forces shaping individual behavior.


Correct Answer: True

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The rules defining appropriate behavior is ____ norms


Correct Answer: Social

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Behavior that violates the rules for acceptable conduct is called


Correct Answer: Deviance

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Individual perspective is a way of understanding social problems that focuses on the person who commits wrongdoing.


Correct Answer: True

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Evidence about how people behave or think is sociological data


Correct Answer: True

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The study of the intricate workings of a society is called


Correct Answer: Sociology

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What you think is true about a topic based on information you’ve acquired over the course of your life is conventional wisdom


Correct Answer: True

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A harm in our society that people believe should and can be fixed is ___ problem


Correct Answer: Social

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