MCQs > Culture & Ethics > Social Problems MCQs > Inequalities due to Gender MCQs

Inequalities due to Gender MCQ

______ is the enforcement of culturally accepted gender norms.


Correct Answer: Gender policing

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1 in 5 women will experience ______ during college.


Correct Answer: Sexual assault

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In recent years, the term ______ has emerged to describe the normalization of rape and other forms of sexual violence against women.


Correct Answer: Rape culture

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______ refers to the institutional barriers within a workplace hierarchy that prevent women from reaching upper-level positions.


Correct Answer: Glass ceiling

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SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are true of the effect of the gender wage gap over the life course?


Correct Answer: It is cumulative.
It is detrimental.

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The ______ is the difference between the incomes of women and men who work full-time and year-round.


Correct Answer: Wage gap

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In a patriarchal culture, male is the default, female is ______.


Correct Answer: “the other”

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SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are features of a patriarchal society?


Correct Answer: Male-identified culture

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A culture is considered ______ when it prioritizes and emphasizes activities of males.


Correct Answer: Male-centered

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______ refers to how our social identities intersect in important and consequential ways.


Correct Answer: Intersectionality

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The ______ refers to the strict gender expectations applied to gender expectations regarding masculinity.


Correct Answer: Man box

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The ______ people disassociate gender from genitals; rather, gender is assigned based on the level of knowledge about certain community practices.


Correct Answer: Dayak

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______ is the idea that there are only two categories of people: male and female.


Correct Answer: Gender binary

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______ is the dominant belief system about how gender should be organized and practiced.


Correct Answer: Gender ideology

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______ is the process of creating social understandings about what it means to be a woman and man in society.


Correct Answer: Social construction of gender

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“Unwanted comments, gestures, and actions forced on a stranger in a public place without their consent and . . . directed at them because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation” is called. Street harassment


Correct Answer: True

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The process of creating social understandings about what it means to be a woman or man (and girl or boy) in society is called Social construction of gender


Correct Answer: True

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“A sexual act committed against someone without that person’s freely given consent” (Smith et al. 2015) is called


Correct Answer: Sexual violence

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When women are portrayed merely as objects of sexual desire for the heterosexual male viewer, without their own personalities or agency is called Sexual objectification of women


Correct Answer: True

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_______ is Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature, or offensive remarks about a person’s gender


Correct Answer: Sexual harassment

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Our physical, sexual characteristics is known as


Correct Answer: Sex

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A culture in which social norms, cultural practices, and social institutions condone men’s objectification of and access to women’s bodies is called


Correct Answer: Rape culture

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_________ is the dominance of pornographic imagery and values in popular culture; women are almost always the targets of pornified images.


Correct Answer: Pornification of culture

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________ is a form of organization, in which men have higher status than women, that provides the foundation from which societies create and maintain gender inequality


Correct Answer: Patriarchal culture

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The idea that our social identities—particularly marginalized identities—intersect in important and consequential ways; also the recognition that many social structures interact to determine life chances is called Intersectionality


Correct Answer: True

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A term used to explain how when men enter female-dominated professions, like nursing, elementary education, social work, and library science, they experience advantages in pay, promotions, and support from colleagues and supervisors is known as


Correct Answer: Glass escalator

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The institutional barriers within a workplace hierarchy that prevent women from reaching upper-level positions is called


Correct Answer: Glass ceiling

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_________ are social problems that have strong gendered patterns


Correct Answer: Gendered social problems

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_________ is the difference between the incomes of women and men who work year-round, full-time


Correct Answer: Gender wage gap

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The process through which we learn gender norms and expectations is known as


Correct Answer: Gender socialization

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The enforcement of culturally accepted gender norms is known as


Correct Answer: Gender policing

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The dominant belief system about how gender should be organized and practiced is called


Correct Answer: Gender ideology

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The idea that there are only two categories of people: female-bodied feminine people and male-bodied masculine people is called


Correct Answer: Gender binary

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Gender-based activism is _______ focused on various forms of gender inequality, ranging from interpersonal to institutional


Correct Answer: Social activism

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A socially constructed concept that we learn through socialization within a specific culture; not something we innately are (like our sex) but something we do is called gender


Correct Answer: True

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