Gender MCQ

Gender identity differs from the ______ category assigned at birth is called Transgender.


Correct Answer: Sex

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A version of feminist thought that employs Marxist paradigms to view women as an oppressed social class is called Socialist Feminism


Correct Answer: True

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A set of expectations attached to a particular status or position in society is called


Correct Answer: Social Role

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Sexual Dimorphism describes The belief that there are two discrete types of people—male and female—who can be distinguished on the basis of real, objective, biological criteria


Correct Answer: True

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The set of expectations attached to a particular sex category—male or female is called


Correct Answer: Sex Role

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Biological traits that distinguish males from females, such as the internal and external reproductive anatomy, chromosomes, and hormones is called


Correct Answer: Sex

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Unpaid housework and childcare done primarily by women, in addition to paid work outside the home is called


Correct Answer: Second Shift

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A version of feminist thought that suggests gender is a fundamental aspect of the way society functions and serves as an integral tool for distributing power and resources among people and groups is called Radical Feminism


Correct Answer: True

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A society characterized by male dominance is called Patriarchy


Correct Answer: Male

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Mothers who earn less than both men and women without ______ are called the Motherhood Penalty.


Correct Answer: Children

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An attempted comprehensive and universal explanation of some phenomenon is called


Correct Answer: Metanarrative

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A type of feminism that suggests men and women are essentially the same, and gender inequality can be eliminated through the reduction of legal barriers to women’s full participation in society is called liberal feminism


Correct Answer: True

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Someone born with anatomical or genetic ambiguity about their biological sex is called ______


Correct Answer: Intersex

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A Intersectional approach that examines how social structures like public policies and laws make intersecting identities the vehicle for vulnerability and exclusion; for instance, being both a woman and a member of a racially subordinated group makes one vulnerable to combined forces of racism and sexism


Correct Answer: True

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Oriented toward goals and tasks is called Instrumental


Correct Answer: True

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The gap in earnings between women and men, usually expressed as a percentage or proportion of what women are paid relative to their male equivalents is called


Correct Answer: Gender Wage Gap

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The way in which the meanings assigned to sex and gender as social categories create disparities in resources such as ______, power, and status is called gender inequality


Correct Answer: Income

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The social meanings and ideas we ascribe and layer onto the biological sex categories of male and female is called


Correct Answer: Gender

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Oriented toward interactions with other people is called


Correct Answer: Expressive

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A sociological approach that seeks to uncover the taken-for-granted assumptions that lie behind the basic stuff of social life and interaction is called ethnomethodology


Correct Answer: True

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A ________ theory that claims gender is an accountable performance created and reinforced through individuals’ interactions


Correct Answer: Doing Gender

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The process of placing someone in a gender category is called determining Gender


Correct Answer: True

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Consciousness-Raising describes A radical feminist social movement technique designed to help women make connections between the personal and the political in their lives


Correct Answer: True

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Gender identity matches the sex category assigned at birth is called


Correct Answer: Cis-gender

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The belief that masculinity and what men do are superior to femininity and what women do is called


Correct Answer: Androcentrism

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The way decisions get made about who does what, who gets what and who does not, who gets to make plans, and who gets to give orders or take them is called


Correct Answer: Allocation

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The ways in which people gear their actions to specific circumstances so others will correctly recognize the actions for what they are is called


Correct Answer: Accountability

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Title IX of the Education Amendments was passed during the second wave of feminism.


Correct Answer: True

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Gender inequality is a persistent feature of all modern societies.


Correct Answer: True

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The first woman senator was Nancy Pelosi, sworn into office on November 21, 1972.


Correct Answer: False

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The fundamental difference between males and females based on fixed physiological differences is referred to as gender.


Correct Answer: False

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Colleges and universities receiving federal funding are required under Title IX to respond promptly and effectively to sexual violence against students.


Correct Answer: True

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The United States is the only society where men and women perform identical functions, and are ranked and treated equally.


Correct Answer: False

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Occupational segregation is a(n) __________ phenomenon.


Correct Answer: Worldwide

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Which component of Title IX requires that schools demonstrate that the percentage of men and women athletes is about the same as the percentage of men and women students?


Correct Answer: The proportionality rule

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Which state has the smallest wage gap?


Correct Answer: New York

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How is intimate partner violence related to women's health?


Correct Answer: Women who experience partner violence are more than twice as likely to experience depression than women who do not suffer partner violence.

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In 2012, for every dollar earned by a man, a woman made


Correct Answer: 80 cents

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According to the interactionist perspective, which question perpetuates gender inequality?


Correct Answer: Are you expecting a boy or a girl?

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Early feminist scholars treated gender as a (n) __________ , while contemporary feminist theorists define gender as a (n) __________ .


Correct Answer: System of social practices; individual attribute

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How many women senators were there in the early 1990s?


Correct Answer: Two

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Social scientists assert that gender differences are caused by all of the following except


Correct Answer: Biological differences.

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