Cornerstones of Good Research MCQ

An interval scale of measurement includes the following properties: ______.


Correct Answer: Equal intervals, identity, order

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Researcher has participants frown for 2 min before playing a computer game that requires collaboration among the players. Frowning for 2 min is the ______ of anger in this study.


Correct Answer: Operational definition

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A confound calls into question the ______ of a study.


Correct Answer: Internal validity

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Internal validity refers to the ______.


Correct Answer: Degree to which we can say that changes in one variable are caused by another variable

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Researchers must balance internal and external validity because ______.


Correct Answer: Too much control in a study significantly decreases the settings, methods, and people to which the findings can apply

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Content validity assesses ______.


Correct Answer: Whether a scale includes all aspects of a construct

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Cronbach’s alpha is used to measure ______.


Correct Answer: Internal consistency

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Gender and ethnicity represent the ______ scale of measurement.


Correct Answer: Nominal

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________ of findings or measures is called validity


Correct Answer: Accuracy

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Unobtrusive measure is a measure that is made of behaviors or situations without disturbing the naturally occurring behavior or situation in order to reduce changes that might occur if there was awareness of measurement


Correct Answer: True

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The score of _____ on a scale is a fixed point is called true zero


Correct Answer: Zero

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A measure of the stability of scores on a scale over time is called


Correct Answer: Test-retest reliability

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Correlations between the responses to half the items on a scale to the other half (usually even-numbered items correlated with odd-numbered items); values of .70 or higher are considered to denote acceptable reliability is called


Correct Answer: Split half reliability

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Scale score is the score that is computed from items assessing a particular construct, most commonly a sum or average of the numbers representing responses to individ-ual items in the document.


Correct Answer: True

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The type of response, either participant generated or choice from among listed options, required by items on a questionnaire is called response format


Correct Answer: True

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Replication is conducting the _______ with new par-ticipants (literal replication) or conducting a study exam-ining the same patterns or relationships but with different methods (conceptual replication).


Correct Answer: Same study

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Reliability of study is to check consistency of the _______ are across similar studies.


Correct Answer: Results

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Consistency of findings or measures is called


Correct Answer: Reliability

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A scale of measurement where values measure quantity and have order, equal intervals, and a true zero is known as


Correct Answer: Ratio Scale

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Questionnaire is a document, presented in hard copy or on the computer, consisting of items that assess one or more constructs.


Correct Answer: True

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Numerical measure is called


Correct Answer: Quantitative measure

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Nonnumerical assessment is called


Correct Answer: Qualitative measure

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Positive relationship between scale scores and a ______behavior that is related to the construct assessed by the scale is known as predictive validity


Correct Answer: Future

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A measure that assesses ______ reactions is called physiological measure.


Correct Answer: Physical

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A scale of measurement with numbers that have order so that each number is greater or less than other numbers but the interval between the numbers is not equal; also called rankings.


Correct Answer: Nominal scale

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Operational definition is the explicit explanation of a variable in terms of how it is measured or manipulated.


Correct Answer: True

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Item on a scale that required the respondents to generate their own answers is called close ended response format


Correct Answer: False

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A measure that is rated by observers and sometimes made without the awareness of the person performing the behavior is called


Correct Answer: Observational measure

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________ is a scale of measurement where numbers represent categories and have no numerical value.


Correct Answer: Nominal scale

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Measurement is accurate in that it measures what it purports to measure is called ______


Correct Answer: Measurement validity

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Measurement reliability is consistency of a measure.


Correct Answer: True

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A commonly used type of interval scale response in which items are rated on a range of num-bers (usually between 5 and 7 response options) that are assumed to have equal intervals is called likert type scale.


Correct Answer: True

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________ is a scale of measurement that has both order and equal intervals between values on the scale.


Correct Answer: Interval scale

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Consistency of observations or ratings of a behavior made by ______ different people is known as interrater reliability


Correct Answer: Two

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The degree to which we can say that we found an accurate relationship among variables, in that changes in one variable (the DV) are caused by changes in another variable (the IV). Relevant only to studies exam-ining causation is called


Correct Answer: Internal validity

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The consistency of participant responses to all the items in a scale is called


Correct Answer: Internal consistency

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Each number has a unique meaning is called identity


Correct Answer: True

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Forced-choice response format is a response format in which there is no neutral, or middle, option.


Correct Answer: True

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Whether a particular measure seems to be appropriate as a way to assess a construct is called


Correct Answer: Face validity

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The degree to which we can say that the results of a study are accurate for different types of peo-ple in different settings assessed with different procedures is called


Correct Answer: External validity

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The _______ between numbers on a scale is equal is known as equal intervals


Correct Answer: Distance

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Negative or no relationship between two scales measuring different constructs is called _______


Correct Answer: Divergent validity

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Cronbach’s alpha is a test used to assess the _______ of a scale by computing the intercorrelations among responses to scale items; values of .70 or higher are interpreted as acceptable internal consistency.


Correct Answer: Internal consistency

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______ validity is a positive correlation between scale scores and a behavioral measure.


Correct Answer: Criterion validity

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Positive relationship between two scales measuring the same or similar constructs is known as


Correct Answer: Convergent validity

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Inclusion of all aspects of a construct by items on a scale or measure is called


Correct Answer: Content validity

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Whether a measure mirrors the characteristics of a hypothetical construct; can be assessed in multiple ways is called


Correct Answer: Construct validity

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A concept that cannot be directly observed or measured is called construct


Correct Answer: True

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A variable that varies systematically with the variables of interest in a study and is a potential alternative explanation for causality is called confound


Correct Answer: True

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Positive correlation between scale scores and a current behavior that is related to the construct assessed by the scale is called concurrent validity


Correct Answer: True

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________ Item that provides a limited number of choices from which respondents must select is called


Correct Answer: Closed ended response format

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The relationship between scores on ______ different forms of a scale is called alternate forms reliability


Correct Answer: Two

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