MCQs > Educational Methods And Research > Research Methods (Qualitative) MCQs > Analyzing Qualitative Methodologies MCQs

Analyzing Qualitative Methodologies MCQ

An experimental condition applied to participants, most often for quantitative research studies is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Treatment

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Secondary data is relevant data derived from other sources and not personally collected by the researcher for analytic purposes .


Correct Answer: True

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The transformation of qualitative data into numeric representations is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Quantize

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An umbrella term for a wide variety of approaches to and methods for the statistical transformation and analysis of numeric data is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Quantitative research

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Pos­itivist is a research paradigm that adheres to experimentation and observation with statistical representation of ________ .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Interviews that use photographs or other digital images, most often created by participants, as stimuli or question prompts are known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Photo-elicitation interviews

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Phenomenology is the study and description of lived experiences; the essences and essentials of _______ meanings of phenomena .


Correct Answer: All of these

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Phe­nomena is a plural of phenomenon .


Correct Answer: True

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A mixed-methods analytic comparison when quantitative outcomes harmonize with qualitative outcomes is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Par­adigmatic corroboration

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A set of assumptions and perceptual orientations shared by members of a research community is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Paradigm

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Ontology is a theory of the nature of reality or being .


Correct Answer: True

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Mixed-methods research is the intentional blending of _________ data collection and analyses for studies that will benefit from the combined outcomes .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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A continuum-scaled quantitative measure of affective reactions/responses and attitudes is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Likert scale

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Interpretation is the personal, subjective way humans perceive and respond to social experiences and construct the meanings of ________ .


Correct Answer: All of these

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A predictive statement field tested or put through field experimentation to assess its reliability and validity is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Hypothesis

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Grounded theory is a theory through detailed coding, categorization, and analytic memoing of data .


Correct Answer: True

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Genres is a methodological approach for qualitative _________.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Evaluation research is a _______ methods research that assigns judgments about the merit, worth, or significance of programs or policy .


Correct Answer: All of these

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A theory of knowledge construction based on the researcher’s worldview is known as _________ .


Correct Answer: Epistemology

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Participants not receiving an experimental condition for purposes of comparison to a treatment or intervention group is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Control group

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Constructivist is an epistemological approach to research that is ________ , cumulative processes of knowledge building .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Case study is a research study on one unit of interest—one person, one setting, one organization, one event, etc.


Correct Answer: True

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Which of the following are correct statements about Bracket ?


Correct Answer: To set aside one’s own worldview in order to understand and respect another’s

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An account written in the first person about the researcher’s personal lived experiences is known as _________ .


Correct Answer: Autoethnographic

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Argot is vocabulary and communication patterns unique to a particular culture .


Correct Answer: True

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Action research is a collaboration between the ________ working together systematically on a particular problem .


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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