1. What additional keyboard key do you use to resize an object while maintaining its ratio and proportion?
2. How are colors applied in the color palette?
3. What tool do you use to find any missing elements? (i.e. Pictures, fonts, etc.)
4. What is the CMKY Value of Quark's default 'Black' in the Colors Palette?
5. What is the Keyboard commands to increase kerning values in 1⁄20-em and 1⁄200-em increments?
6. Which does Auto Picture Import do?
7. What is the common shortcut of Command E (Mac) - (Alt E) PC?
8. What is Runaround?
9. Cloner is used to clone what specifically?
10. What would the page orientation for a Newsletter be?
11. After you import a picture, how do you resize it?
12. What does Quark use to edit its Extensions?
13. Is a 'Master Page' a printing or nonprinting page?
14. What standard Quark shortcut does the F7 do?
15. What is 'gutter width'?
16. What does Collect for Output do?
17. What's the difference between Opacity and Shade?
18. Where does Cloner copy the selection to?
19. How do you make a text box?
20. What is the file extension of a QuarkXPress Project?
21. What does the Space / Align feature do?
22. What does Conditional Styles allow you to apply paragraph and character styles automatically to?
23. How do you delete a page in a layout?
24. How do you check spelling?
25. What does changing the 'opacity' do to type?
26. How do you change the order in which two or more items are on a page?
27. What does the term 'collecting for output' mean?
28. How can you change the lightness of an imported photo?
29. How do you do Drop Caps in Quark?
30. Does Quark have a built-in PDF export feature?
31. What is the H&Js menu item for?
32. Can you do Style Sheets in Quark?
33. How do you 'skew' text?
34. Why are style sheets important in a layout?
35. Can you draw things like Stars, with multiple points in Quark?
36. What is a Bezier curve?
37. What menu pops up when double clicking a Text Box?
38. What is the most widely used type format?
39. What is text kerning?
40. Quark can be used to create slideshow and publications for iPhone and iPad.
41. Where do you find the Page size and layout?
42. What does the Trim Preview do?
43. What is the point size of the default kerning?
44. Which is not a ShapeMaker rectangular box corner option?
45. What is the maximum number of columns in a document?
46. What standard Quark shortcuts are F5 and Shift F5?
47. How do you move an object on its X/Y Axis?
48. Which menu command will make text go around a graphic?
49. What 2 options besides quantity does Quark give when using the Step & Repeat Tool?
50. What feature do you use to create vector shapes from text?
51. What does the term Frame mean?
52. Which is not a ShapeMaker wave?
53. What Tool do you use to force an image to fit the entire size of the container?
54. Which is not used in ShapeMaker?
55. How do you display a ruler above the column containing the first selected paragraph?
56. What three options does the Change Case tool give?
57. Can a graphic or photo be imported on the picture box tool?
58. What 2 options does Quark give when beginning a New Project?
59. Which condition should be true for a resource to be synchronized between two projects while linking?
60. Which operator(Expression) would you use for assignment?
61. By default, where are non-embedded Job Jackets files stored?
62. Which type of job ticket is similar to a master page or a QuarkXPress template file?
63. Which colors can not be deleted?
64. What can you do when a Job Jackets file is locked?
65. What happens if you remove all the sections from all the chapters in a book while working with sectioned chapters?
66. When does the Join Endpoints command appear active?
67. To which type of grid lines can text and items be aligned?
68. Which ligature method supports standard ligatures?
69. When does QuarkXPress create a 'book chapter start' for the first page of each chapter?
70. Which can be a library item?
71. If there are no layers in the PSD file, which layer does the PSD Import palette show?
72. Which status for specifications should all the chapters in a book should have to be synchronized?
73. In which location can resource exist?
74. Which merge command deletes the back item?
75. When is a discretionary hyphen inserted?
76. Which file format supports embedded paths and alpha channels?
77. Which type of conditional statements can be used in your multimedia presentations?
78. Which type of menus contain submenus?
79. What does unsynchronizing a Composition Zones item lead to?
80. When you export a graphic elements in Web layout, which objects are converted to pictures in a format suitable for viewing on the Web?
81. What options are available in QuarkXPress to create clipping paths?
82. Which command would you select to import colors from another article or project?
83. Which type of rollover swaps the image when the mouse pointer is over the rollover box?
84. Which invisible characters does the Invisibles option allow you to see?
85. When can you delete an Image Sequence layout while working with Animation objects?
86. What option would you choose when you need to make changes to the settings in a Picture Effects Preset file?
87. What can you do with the usage feature while working with pictures?
88. Which features are not available for text boxes in Web layouts?
89. What happens when you want to merge a layer and one of the selected layers is locked?
90. When does a book not print?
91. Which state of a multi-state button is not displayed?
92. Which type of file for Video objects can you link if you choose External Reference?
93. What will you do when you want other users to be able to edit your composition layout as a separate file?
94. When are image maps not included?
95. Which type of index has two levels of information with the second level entries immediately following the first-level entries in the same paragraph?
96. When does a locked Job Jackets file become unlocked?
97. Onto which options can drop shadows be applied?
98. Which mode of the Job Jackets Manager provides access to resources such as Rules, and JDF-only Resources such as binding and crossover specifications?
99. What are the possible methods available in Quarkxpress for creating a Composition Zones item?
100. To which option can you attach anchors?
101. What can you do with HTML text boxes?
102. Which type of space/align mode is available for active print layouts that include facing pages?
103. If you want to use some table features like rotate or skew text within cells in Web layouts, what will you do?
104. When you select multiple items to place in the library, how does the library save them?
105. Which background color would you choose in the Colors palette to make a box transparent?
106. When do you select show Other Layers from the Layers palette context menu?
107. Which items are not imported while importing excel tables?
108. Figure shown below: Description: https://www.expertrating.com/qimages/Quark-XPress8-0Image010.gif As shown in the picture, in which class does a character hang over the end margin?
109. Figure shown below: Description: https://www.expertrating.com/qimages/Quark-XPress8-0Image06.gif As shown in the picture, what happens when the Single Word Justify box is unchecked?
110. This question is based upon the figure shown below: Description: https://www.expertrating.com/qimages/Quark-XPress8-0Image03.gif As shown in the picture, how does a table behave if you delete a column or row and the Maintain Geometry option is checked in the table menu?
111. What will you do when you want to create a default meta tag set that can be re-used and customized for each Web project?
112. Figure shown below: Description: https://www.expertrating.com/qimages/Quark-XPress8-0Image012.gif As shown in the picture, what does the Suppress Output of the layer attribute control?
113. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, which option is used to apply equal widths to numbers?
114. When do you specify a table break?
115. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, which alignment options are intended only for rectangular text areas?
116. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, when do you choose the Protected option?
117. What does the given picture represent?
118. Figure shown below : As shown in the picture, which option does not create a clipping path, or simply crops the picture to its box?
119. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, What value would you enter in the skew tab to slant an item to the left?
120. What does the given picture indicate?
121. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, when do you check the Link Layout to New Picture option while exporting pictures?
122. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, when you use the Content tab to import pictures and text, into which of the following does the content go directly?
123. Figure shown below: When is the Wrap Text check box available as shown in the picture?
124. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, when do you choose the display type as Non-modal Window?
125. Figure shown below: Which method of Edge Detection filter considers more surrounding pixels in its calculations?
126. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, what is the use of the Convert check box?
127. This question is based upon the figure shown below: As shown in the picture, which option would you choose in the Convert text to tables box to make the information flow differently in the table?
128. What does the Split command split?
129. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, which option would you select to run text behind an active text box?
130. Figure shown below: What is the use of the Content Only option in the shared item properties box as shown in the picture?
131. Figure shown below: As shown in the picture, what happens if you do not check Share this Jacket box?
132. Figure shown below: When do you select the Keep Status on Page Entry option while configuring an SWF object, as shown in the given picture?
133. The figure shown below: As shown in the picture, for what purpose is Keep with the Next feature in the paragraph attribute box specified?
134. This question is based upon the figure shown below: When do you enable the Link to External Data feature in the Table Properties dialog box, as shown in the given picture?
135. This question is based upon the figure shown below: As shown in the picture, which target type would you choose to specify the same frame or window as the form?
136. This question is based upon the figure shown below: As shown in the picture, what is the use of the Make External button in the Shared Item Properties dialog box?
137. This question is based upon the figure shown below: As shown in the picture, What value would you enter in the opacity tab to make the active box fully transparent?