1. Memory cards are to digital cameras as _______ is to film cameras.
2. What term describes when the edges of a photo are darker than the center?
3. Which of the following shutter speeds allows more light to hit the camera sensor?
4. What does the acronym HDR mean
5. What does "dof" stand for?
6. ASA/ISO Film speed refers to...
7. In digital photography, using a high ISO such as ISO 3200 will produce digital images that have...
8. CR2 is a RAW format belonging to which manufacturer of cameras?
9. f/1.8 refers to
10. Which of the following apertures allows more light to hit the camera sensor?
11. What is a low key image?
12. Which adjustable elements are part of the "exposure triangle" ?
13. A "hot shoe" is ...
14. What does DSLR stand for?
15. What does "A" Aperture Priority mode do?
16. What is "rear-curtain sync"?
17. Which definition best describes the F-Number?
18. What is the most common pattern of color filters found in digital cameras?
19. What are the subtractive primary colors?
20. A 12-bit image file has...
Using a longer lens will __________
Digital Photography has eliminated the need to get a good exposure.
Photography MCQs | Topic-wise