1. To move among the Outlook Window, the Navigation Pane and the Reading Pane, hit:
2. To switch to the calendar, you must quit and restart Outlook?
3. You decide to save your Calendar as a Web Page. What format are Web Pages saved in?
4. In a new message window, the Bcc stands for:
5. What is the difference between Reply and Reply to All?
6. Which of the following views does NOT have its own view bar?
7. The default settings for Outlook Today:
8. To set mail security which section under Outlook Options do you select?
9. Which of the following available views does NOT have its own view bar?
10. Which of the following options provides you with the functionality of a scratch pad in Outlook, to jot down small bits of information instantly?
11. To add a signature you would...
12. How do you remove redundant messages from a conversation in Outlook 2010?
13. What is the "Mini" toolbar?
14. An event is:
15. Which section of the General page of the Outlook Options dialog box contains the option for enabling/disabling the Mini toolbar?
16. What do the big orange dots visible in the image above denote?
17. Which Microsoft Outlook file types is used when you have an Exchange account and you choose to work offline or you use default Cached Exchange Mode?
18. Which view displays contact picture?
19. You have sent several emails to a customer and have not received a response. What option do you set to know whether the customer receives your messages?
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