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Basic VMware MCQ

1. Which two of the following are the drawbacks of NFS?


Correct Answer: VM clustering on NFS is not provided.
No control is provided from VMware for file locks and contention.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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2. Which two of the following drivers are helpful for eff‌icient and fast communication between virtual machines on the same ESXi host?


Correct Answer: VMCI Socket driver
VMCI driver

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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3. Which two of the following capabilities are offered by vSphere Data Protection (VDP)?


Correct Answer: El Support for f‌ile-level restores
Maximum data store size of 2TB

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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4. Which of the following statements is/are NOT correct about ballooning?


Correct Answer: Ballooning takes place before the .vswp file is used during memory contention.
Ballooning reduces the physical ESXi host memory from being swapped

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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5. Which of the following ports must be created within the network component of a vCenter server before enabling ESXi to communicate with an iSCSI device?


Correct Answer: VMKerneI Network port

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6. Which of the following features, which is used for selecting network adapters, is responsible for allowing large frames of up to 64 KB. regardless of MTU size, by breaking down the frame into MTU- sized frames with adjusted headers?


Correct Answer: TCP segmentation offload

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7. Which of the following commands prints the hardware information of an ESXi server?


Correct Answer: esxcfg-info —w

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8. Which of the following must be installed with Storage Recovery Manager (SRM) to leverage it in conjunction with storage-based replication?


Correct Answer: Storage Replication Adapter

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9. Which of the following is responsible for determining whether or not a virtual machine will balloon?


Correct Answer: VMkernel

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10. Which of the following statements is correct about hyper threading on virtual machines?


Correct Answer: Hyper threading allows the server to split logical CPU into multiple logical CPUs

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Which of the following features is correct about Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)?

1) It allows the end users to eliminate cables inside their racks.

2) It can only support up to 10 GB of connection.


Correct Answer:

Only statementt is correct 

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12. Which of the following components of a virtual machine provides access to virtual disks?


Correct Answer: SCSI controller

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Which of the following commands is used for viewing the ESXi server's CPU usage?


Correct Answer: esxtop

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Which of the given operation modes, which is/are used by layer 2 security policy of vSwitches and port groups, has/have the following characteristics?

1) This mode lets the virtual machine receive all the traff‌ic that passes by on the network.

2) This is a beneficial mode as it helps an administrator in tracking network activities.

3) It is an insecure operation mode.


Correct Answer:

Promiscuous mode

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15. Which of the following is the correct parameter used to disable the copy option?


Correct Answer: = true

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16. What will be the effect of vCenter Server Outage on ESXi host's Vl function, Maintenance mode?


Correct Answer: The maintenance mode function will be degraded.

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17. Which of the following statements is/are correct about enabling or disabling the copy and paste option?


Correct Answer: The applied changes are only implemented after the virtual machine is restarted.

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Choose True or False.

The IP address on your host ESXi can be changed, if required.


Correct Answer:


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19. While configuring iSCSI in Windows virtual machine, which of the following options must be selected for handling the behind-the-scenes communication of iSCSI traffic?


Correct Answer: Initiator service

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20. Choose True or False.If the VMware Disk Shrinking Option is left enabled then any user can resize the virtual machine's disk, regardless of their permission on the virtual machine.


Correct Answer:


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21. Which of the following statements is correct about Network Adapter Order?


Correct Answer: It is used for indicating the active as well as standby adapters.

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What is the function of the following command?

vdf -h


Correct Answer:

It is used for viewing the information on current mounts and disks that are attached to an ESXi Server   

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23. Which of the following is the correct function of esxupdate utility?


Correct Answer: It is used for checking the patches applied to ESXi server.

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24. Which of the following is/are the correct functions of esxcli storage nfs command?1) It is used for listing NFS exports.2) It is used for mounting NFS exports from the VMkernel.3) It is used for unmounting NFS exports from the VMkernel.


Correct Answer:

All options 1, 2, and 3 are correct 

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25. Which of the following storage types provides you 2, 4 or 8 Gbps of throughput from your ESXi servers to the SAN?


Correct Answer: Fibre Channel

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26. Which of the following SCSI controllers or Adapter types is used for high l/O VMs (over 2000 IOPS)?


Correct Answer: VMware Paravirtualized

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27. Which of the following is responsible for monitoring all virtual machines in a cluster and managing their resources?


Correct Answer: vSphere DRS

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28. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about a vSwitch used in a virtual machine?


Correct Answer: A vSwitch can be configured with up to 508 active ports.

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29. Which of the following types of storage uses 15,000 RPM drives?


Correct Answer: Fast/l-ligh-tiered storage

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30. Which of the following commands should be used with the esxcli system module command for displaying the ELF header information for the given VMkerneI module?


Correct Answer: get

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31. While creating a network for the software iSCSl initiator, which of the following f‌ields is optional and is only required to be specif‌ied if VLANs are used in the network infrastructure?


Correct Answer: VLAN ID

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32. Which of the following is the default number Of Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) interfaces provided by Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE controller to a virtual machine?


Correct Answer: Two

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33. Which of the following virtual hardware cannot be configured or removed from a virtual machine?


Correct Answer: PCI controller

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34. What is the maximum size of datastore offered by vSphere Data Protection Advanced (VDPA)?


Correct Answer: 8 TB

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35. Which of the following is responsible for the simultaneous execution of a set of threads or processes, for the purpose of achieving higher performance?


Correct Answer: Coscheduling

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36. Which of the following commands is used for adding or customizing ports?


Correct Answer: esxcfg —- f‌irewall

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37. In vSphere virtual machines, which Of the following servers has the VMware hypervisor installed on it?


Correct Answer: ESXi host

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38. Which of the following is the correct syntax of command for entering the maintenance mode?


Correct Answer: vicfg-hostops.p| «server «username root «password «operation enter

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39. Which of the following is the correct command for restarting the vCenter agent on your ESXi server?


Correct Answer: lsbin/ restart

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40. Which of the following is the correct syntax for enabling a specif‌ic service, say SERVICENAME, in the f‌irewall?


Correct Answer: esxcli network f‌irewall ruleset set —r SERVICENAME —e true

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41. What is the function of Port 8000 in VMware systems?


Correct Answer: It is used for vMotion requests.

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42. Which of the following is the correct difference between vNetwork Distributed Switches (vDS) and vNetwork Standard Switches (VSS)?


Correct Answer: vDS allow both inbound and outbound traff‌ic shaping, whereas vSS allow only outbound traff‌ic Shaping.

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43. Which of the following must be enabled before enabling resource pools on a cluster?


Correct Answer: DRS

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44. Which of the following is the correct benef‌it of Raw Disk Mapping (RDM)?


Correct Answer: It can provide direct access to disk for MS clustering.

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45. Which of the following f‌iles should be modif‌ied in order to prevent the addition or removal of unwanted devices in VMware‘?


Correct Answer: .vmx f‌ile

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Which of the given network adapters has the following features?

1) It Offers NetOueue support.

2) It Offers MSl/MSl-X interrupt delivery.

3) It Offers IPv6 Offloads.


Correct Answer:


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47. In order to monitor the storage performance of an ESXi server, such as for displaying the ESXi server‘s SCSI adapters. which of the following keys should be pressed after running the esxtop command?


Correct Answer: d

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48. Which of the following CPU allocation policies is/are benef‌icial when upgrading the ESXi l-lost's memory or CPU?


Correct Answer: Conf‌iguring virtual machine CPU shares

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49. Which of the following commands should be used for managing available add-ons via command line using ESXI4?


Correct Answer: esxcli software

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50. Which of the following is used for connecting port groups and VMKerneI ports to a physical network?


Correct Answer: vmnics

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While monitoring sensitivity of virtual machines inside the vSphere Cluster, which of the given options should be selected it you want to satisfy the following conditions?

1) The checks should be made at an interval of one minute.

2) The virtual machine should reboot after each failure for the f‌irst three failures every 24 hours.


Correct Answer:


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52. Which of the following commands is used for locking a user out of the system after too many failed login attempts?


Correct Answer: esxcfg-auth

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53. Which of the following is the extension of a BIOS/EFI configuration f‌ile in a virtual machine?


Correct Answer: .nvram

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Which of the given answer options provides the following capabilities?

1) Supporting server failover along with IP address reconfiguration.

2) Providing support for disaster recovery SRM to a remote VMware service provider in the cloud.

3) Providing centralized recovery plans that are directly managed within a vCenter Server.


Correct Answer:

vCenter Site Recovery Manager 

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55. Which of the following functions is performed by the Admission Control feature of HA?


Correct Answer: It is used for ensuring that suff‌icient resources exist in a cluster and are reserved for VM recovery during an HA event.

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56. What is the function of a vmmemctl driver in VMware?


Correct Answer: It is used for reclaiming the unused memory and reassigning it back to the resource pool.

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57. Which of the following features of a virtual switch is responsible for enabling the administrator to ensure availability of bandwidth for different types of network traff‌ic?


Correct Answer: Network I/O Control

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58. Which of the following statements is correct about expanding the reservation using expandable reservations?


Correct Answer: The additional resources can be returned explicitly to expandable reservations only after shutting down the virtual machine.

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59. Which of the following is responsible for migrating virtual machines between ESXi hosts without taking down the virtual machines or ESXi hosts?


Correct Answer: VMotion

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60. Which of the following types of iSCSI uses a built-in code in ESXi for running the iSCSI protocol over standard Ethernet cards?


Correct Answer: Software iSCSI

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61. Which of the following storage types does NOT provide RDM support?


Correct Answer: NAS

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62. Which of the following statuses will be available on the cluster if there is no network redundancy on the service console port?


Correct Answer: Yellow

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63. Which of the following ports is used by a vCenter client and a web client for providing mouse keyboard screen (MKS) service from a virtual machine to an end user over the TCP/lP?


Correct Answer: Port 903

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64. Which of the following commands is used for changing the speed of an Ethernet Port?


Correct Answer: esxcli network nic

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Which of the following statements is/are correct about VMware vSphere replication?

1) VMware vSphere replication provides the ability of replicating virtual machines inside the cluster or to a remote site.

2) This solution can only be executed on a per virtual machine basis and it cannot be integrated.


Correct Answer:

Only statement 1 is correct.

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66. Which of the following components of VMware Storage APls is responsible for enabling compliant storage for communicating with vCenter and reporting storage topology, capability and state information?


Correct Answer: vStorage API for Storage Awareness (VASA)

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67. What is the maximum VMFS 5 volume size?


Correct Answer: 64TB

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68. What is the CLI tool that can be used to monitor and collect cpu, memory, networking and storage performance statistics in real time from the ESXi console?


Correct Answer: esxtop

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69. A VM is experiencing processor performance issues. What performance statistic would you look at to see the VM had work to do but could get scheduled access on a physical CPU.


Correct Answer: %READY

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70. Which file contains virtual machine configuration information?


Correct Answer: vmx

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71. It is possible to disable SSO component in vCenter Server ?


Correct Answer: False

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72. What methods can you conduct a vMotion of a VMguest between two vSphere 5.1 VMhosts that are in different DRS clusters and using only Locally Attached Storage?


Correct Answer: PowerCLI and vSphere Web Client

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73. In a shared storage environment, when multiple hosts access the same VMFS datastore, specific locking mechanisms are used. These locking mechanism prevent multiple hosts from concurrently writing to the metadata and ensure that no data corruption occurs. What type of VMFS disk locking is supported for storage devices using hardware acceleration


Correct Answer: ATS

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74. Your ESXi boot-process hanged on “running usbarbitrator start”. What are your actions?


Correct Answer: Wait for system to boot-up, disable usbarbitrator service by running chkconfig usbarbitrator off on host

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75. What license can you buy if you have a host with 32GB of RAM and need Host Profiles?


Correct Answer: Enterprise Plus

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76. How do you initiate vMotion on a VM being managed by vCenter 5.5 without shared storage?


Correct Answer: vSphere Web Client

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77. True or False? Storage device canonical name is persistent across reboots.


Correct Answer: False

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78. How many ESXi hosts are you allowed to have in VMware Essentials Plus 5.0?


Correct Answer: 3

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79. Use of the bundled SQL Express database included with VMware vCenter is limited to


Correct Answer: Up to five hosts, 50 virtual machines

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80. What is the default storage path selection mechanism in vSphere 5.0?


Correct Answer: Round Robin

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81. Define "VM ready time":


Correct Answer: Ready time is the amount of time a VM wants to run but has not been provided CPU resources on which to execute

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82. Which of the following CHAP settings is available only on Software and Dependent Hardware iSCSI initiators?


Correct Answer: Use CHAP

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83. True or False? The VMware Storage Appliance is the latest version of VMware VSAN that allows you to configure baremetal hosts as a storage device.


Correct Answer: False

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84. What does VASA stand for?


Correct Answer: vSphere API for Storage Awareness

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85. If you want to monitor your VMware Infrastructure from your iPad, what do you have to have running in your infrastructure?


Correct Answer: vCMA

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86. What does "PSA" stand for?


Correct Answer: Pluggable Storage Architecture

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87. You are asked to help troubleshoot a virtual data center that is suffering from poor performance. There are 4 ESXi hosts running vSphere Enterprise Plus, each has dual 8 core Xeon processors, 48GB of RAM and each has 8 local drives configured in a RAID6 + Hot Spare array and 6x 1Gbps NIC configured in an active/standby pairs for management, vMotion, and VM network traffic. Each hosts is running between 30-40 virtual machines. You check esxtop to try and determine the cause. PCPU UTIL (%) is 30% MEMCTL/MB is 0 DAVG/CMD is 30ms %DRPTX is 0 What is the likely cause of the performance problems?


Correct Answer: The virtual machines do not have the necessary throughput or IO from the configured storage. Consider shared storage or reconfiguring the array to meet the demands of the virtual machines.

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88. True or False? VMWare Server is a type 1 hypervisor.


Correct Answer: False

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89. You are asked to design a highly redundant, highly available vSphere environment for your company. Your network engineers require the ability to manage and monitor your virtual switches via SSH and SNMP. How can you provide terminal access into your virtual distributed switch?


Correct Answer: Install the Cisco Nexus 1000v as your virtual distributed switch, replacing the built in vSphere switch

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90. What does TPS stand for?


Correct Answer: Transparent Page Sharing

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91. Minimum RAM required to install VMware Workstation 9 is


Correct Answer: 2GB

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92. What port does iSCSI target running on?


Correct Answer: TCP 3260

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93. True or False vSphere Update Manager is a 64-bit application?


Correct Answer: False

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94. True or False? VMware vSphere is a hosted type of virtualization.


Correct Answer: False

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95. On which layer of OSI model, does virtual switch work?


Correct Answer: Layer 2

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96. When installing VMware Tools in Linux, how do you mount the installer?


Correct Answer: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

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97. Define "network traffic shaping":


Correct Answer: Network traffic shaping is a mechanism for controlling a virtual machine's network bandwidth

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98. Through the Hot Add feature, you can increase resources allocated to a virtual machine without having to power it down as long as:


Correct Answer: You have at least vSphere Standard to have the Hot Add feature available

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99. What is a Host isolation response used for?


Correct Answer: To determine what actions to perform in case of connectivity loss between ESXi hosts

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100. What does "CDP" stand for?


Correct Answer: Cisco Discovery Protocol

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101. Ben is an administraor for AJAX company. He received a request from management to install a business-critical application. SLA's require near zero down time for this application. Application requirements state that a single vCPU is required.


Correct Answer: VMware Fault Tolerance

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102. What license do you need to buy if you need only vMotion and your hosts have 48GB of RAM


Correct Answer: Standard

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103. True or False? A .vmdk file stores only virtual disks characteristics. Actual data is stored in -flat.vmdk file


Correct Answer: True

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104. Which of the following is not a supported storage protocol in VMware vCenter?


Correct Answer: CIFS

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105. True or False? VMware Fusion is a storage technology that provides enterprise grade SSD storage at native bus speeds.


Correct Answer: False

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106. True or False? A thin provisioned disk will only utilize the amount of space defined by the size of hard drive.


Correct Answer: False

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107. In what editions of vSphere is vMotion included?


Correct Answer: All of these

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108. In a fiber channel disk environment what is the correct terminology for disk device identifiers


Correct Answer: WWN

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109. When vMotioning VMs between servers with different CPUs, what do you have to ensure for this to work?


Correct Answer: All hosts in the cluster are capable of running in the same EVC mode

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110. True or False? If you have a host with 2 processors and 48GB of RAM, the lowest tier license you can buy is Enterprise.


Correct Answer: False

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111. True or False? VMware ESXi is a free and Open Source product.


Correct Answer: False

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112. True or False? VDI stands for Virtual Data Interchange, which is the underlying technology used to allow 1 VM to transfer its data and reboot on another host.


Correct Answer: False

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113. Which file do holds vm configuration in vsphere


Correct Answer: vmx

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114. What does "RDM" stand for?


Correct Answer: Raw Device Mapping

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115. What are the vNetwork distributed switches?


Correct Answer: Virtual switches that provide a consistent network configuration for virtual machines as they migrate across multiple hosts

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116. What does "VMFS" stand for?


Correct Answer: Virtual Machine File System

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117. What does DRS stand for?


Correct Answer: Distributed Resource Scheduler

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118. What is a Resource Pool?


Correct Answer: A collection of following resources: CPU, RAM

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119. What is the difference between HA and DRS?


Correct Answer: In the event of a host failure, HA will reboot a VM on another host. DRS will move a VM to a host with more available resources to account for increased/decreased work load

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120. What is the default port number used to access the vSphere web client?


Correct Answer: 9443

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121. Ben is an administraor for AJAX company. He noticed that VM migrations are occuring too often. What steps are necessary to minimize such behavior?


Correct Answer: Adjust DRS settings to more conservative

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122. VMware vCenter is managed by:


Correct Answer: VMware vSphere Client

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123. Which of the following products is available for free from VMware?


Correct Answer: VMware Player

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124. True or False? It is not possible to have more than one vCenter server.


Correct Answer: False

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125. What's the name of the tool to convert a physical machine to a virtual?


Correct Answer: VMware vCenter Converter

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126. What is the latest GA version of VMware ESXi?


Correct Answer: 5.5

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127. What is the name of the tool used to manage stand alone ESX/ESXi hosts?


Correct Answer: vSphere Client

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128. What components or features, are required to enable VMware HA?


Correct Answer: VMware vCenter, Shared storage , vMotion

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129. Virtualization is not:


Correct Answer: All of these

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130. Which process will remove a VMFS datastore from a host, but not affect the data residing on it?


Correct Answer: Unmounting

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131. True or False ? Vmware vCenter is required to perform vMotion.


Correct Answer: True

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132. True or False? Vmware Tools are required to support VMXNET3 network card.


Correct Answer: True

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133. True or False? It is possible to have multiple thin provisioned disk on a single storage array whose maximum combined size exceeds the total capacity of the array.


Correct Answer: True

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134. What does "FT" stand for?


Correct Answer: Fault Tolerance

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135. Vitual Machine sharing is available in VMware Workstation 9.


Correct Answer: True

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136. Ben is an administrator for AJAX company. Ben has to allocate 200GB of storage space to a VM, but there is only 180GB available on the SAN. Can the task can be completed?


Correct Answer: Yes, the VM can be configured with a thin provisioned disk which only utilizes used space (versus configured space).

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137. The latest version of VMware vSphere is?


Correct Answer: 5.5

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138. What is the name of VMware's personal computer application for Windows?


Correct Answer: VMware Workstation

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139. What is the process to relocate a virtual machine from one host to another?


Correct Answer: vMotion

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140. VMware ESXi is a free hypervisor.


Correct Answer: True

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141. True or False? vSphere is an infrastructure virtualization suite that provides virtualization, management, resource optimization, application availability, and operational automation capabilities in an integrated package.


Correct Answer: True

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