Which of the following sentences contains an error in grammar or usage.
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: The media is apparently united in their efforts to slander the candidate.
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The Chicago Style is very specific with regards to proofreader's marks. Which of the following is the proofreader's mark to indicate when a proofreader should move something up?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: a square bracket on the top of the text line
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Read the following passage and select the line that contains an error in punctuation.
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: that awful man [her one-time lover.]" Indeed, that passage marks the
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Which of the following is in proper author-date format?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: (Miller 1988)
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Which of the following is the proofreader's mark to indicate that a certain passage is in the wrong font?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: the letters "wf", circled
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Which of these following sentences contains an error in punctuation?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: In stormed the students, the teachers, et. al., to stage a protest against the cafeteria food.
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Review the following examples of main headings for index entries. Which example does not follow best practice for creating main headings?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: yellow marigolds, 55
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Which of the following sentences is correct in terms of number usage, style, or consistency?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: a and b
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What size should the font typically be?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: 12
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Which of the following is the proofreader's mark to indicate where an apostrophe or single quotation mark should be inserted?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: one down arrow, with apostrophes in the corners
Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one
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