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Basic Spring MVC MCQ

1. Which annotations will not allow you to apply bean property setter methods, non-setter methods, constructor and properties.


Correct Answer: @Isrequired

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2. Which of the following are AOP implementation?


Correct Answer: Spring AOP

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3. What are the types of Advice?


Correct Answer: Before Advice
After returning advice
Around advice

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4. Which of the following class is used for executing the SQL queries in Spring?


Correct Answer: JdbcTemplate

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Which statement best describes the  <context:annotation-config> tag for Spring XML configuration ?


Correct Answer:

activates annotations in beans only by component scanning.  

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Which code will allow you to share services in different applications?


Correct Answer:


public class CheckInService {


  private CheckInCleanup checkInCleanup;

  public void checkIn(Doc doc) {





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7. The target _________ is free to center on its major concern using the ________ concepts.


Correct Answer: Class

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8. Choose the most probable reason why a Spring MVC bean correctly defined in a Java Configuration class is null in a Tomcat server?


Correct Answer: You need to correctly configure the context-parameters in the web-xml

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9. The IoC container gets information from the ______ file.


Correct Answer: XML

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10. What are the advantages of Spring Framework?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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11. Choose the best explanation as to how Spring MVC ensures the @Singelton scope when injecting beans defined in a Java Configuration?


Correct Answer: Spring proxies your class when annotated with @Configuration

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What is constructor mode of autowiring?


Correct Answer:

Similar to byType, but type applies to constructor arguments. If there is not exactly one bean of the constructor argument type in the container, a fatal error is raised.

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13. Weaving is used to create new proxy _______ by applying aspects to target object?


Correct Answer: Object

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14. The core ____________ module provides the fundamental functionality of the spring framework.


Correct Answer: Container

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15. Which Spring's RestTemplate class methods will return a ResponseEntity?


Correct Answer: getForEntity() and exchange()

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16. Which statement best describes Spring Framework implementation of the Inversion of Control?


Correct Answer: A pattern that allows to build very decoupled systems

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17. Which are the configuration types in Spring?


Correct Answer: XML-Based , Annotation Based, Java Based

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18. Which of the following collection types are supported by Spring?


Correct Answer: list, set, map, props

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For the following Java configuration, Explain why the Cross Site Request Forgery protection is not correctly configured?


public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {


protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { 

    http .csrf().disable(); 

} }


Correct Answer:

Need to include the @Configuration annotation in the class definition 

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20. The ____________ module provides class instrumentation support and classloader implementations to be used in certain application servers.


Correct Answer: Instrumentation

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21. Which of the following can be used to provide configuration metadata to the Spring Container?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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22. Which of the following best describes the web module?


Correct Answer: The web module enables the creation of a web application without XML. The web.xml file needs to be configured for using the web module.

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Choose the correct expression needed to replace the error in the following code fragment for the Spring RestTemplate?


Correct Answer:

User returns = rt.postForObject(uri, u, User.class);

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24. Which of the following is the best way to retrieve the response header for a RestTemplate post request?


Correct Answer: Use the RestTemplate exchange method and use responses getHeaders() method

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25. Which statement is correct for @Controller annotation?


Correct Answer: The @Controller annotation indicates that a particular class serves the role of a controller. It does not require you to extend any controller base class or reference the Servlet API.

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26. What are the modules of the core container?


Correct Answer: Core, Bean, Context, SpEL

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27. The SpEL module provides a powerful expression ____________ for querying and manipulation of an object.


Correct Answer: Language

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28. What are the benefits of IOC?


Correct Answer: Loose coupling is promoted with minimal effort and least intrusive mechanism.

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29. Which class can be used to call Stored Procedures in Spring?


Correct Answer: SimpleJdbcCall

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Which is the best explanation as to why this Java configuration fails to correctly override / add a resource handler?


Correct Answer:

public class ApplicationContextConfig needs to extend Spring's WebMvcConfigurerAdapter

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31. Choose the reason why the expression ${user.home} can be null despite the use of @PropertySource annotation?


Correct Answer: Need to use ${sys:user.home}

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Which statement best describes the <context:component-scan> tag for Spring XML configuration?


Correct Answer:

<context:component-scan> logically extends <context:annotation-config/>with CLASSPATH component scanning 

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33. Which of the following is the most efficient way to serialize an Enum to JSON with Jackson 2.1?


Correct Answer: Annotate the Enum with @JsonFormat(shape= JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT)

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34. Which of the following ViewResolver class is widely used?


Correct Answer: org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver

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Fill in the blank:

In Spring's XML-based configuration, the _______ attribute of the <property/> element specifies a property or constructor argument as a string representation.


Correct Answer:


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36. Which of the following statements is true about the @ModelAttribute annotation?


Correct Answer: It can be used to expose reference data to a web view.

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Fill in the blank:

When defining a bean that is created with a static factory method, the ______ attribute is used to specify the class containing the static factory method.


Correct Answer:


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38. Regarding the @Resource annotation, which of the following statements is false?


Correct Answer: If no name attribute is specified, the default name is derived from the field name or setter method.

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39. Fill in the blank: _______ is a class-level annotation indicating that an object is a source of bean definitions.


Correct Answer: @Configuration

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40. Which of the following annotations are supported by classes with the @Bean annotation?


Correct Answer: @PostConstruct

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41. Which of the following is not a built-in Spring MVC bean scope?


Correct Answer: local session

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Which of the following statements are correct, with respect to using the @PreAuthorize annotation in Spring controller methods?


Correct Answer:

@PreAuthorize works with Spring controller methods.

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Which of the following code samples will correctly return an image in @ResponseBody from a byte[] of image data?


Correct Answer:

@ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/photo", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG_VALUE) public byte[] testphoto() throws IOException { InputStream in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/images/no_image.jpg"); return IOUtils.toByteArray(in); }

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What is the difference between the @Repository and the @Controller annotations in Spring?


Correct Answer:

"@Repository" is used as a stereotype for the persistence layer, while "@Controller" is used as a stereotype for the presentation layer. 

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45. Which of the following statements is true about the @RequestParam annotation?


Correct Answer: It indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.

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Which of the following can be used to serve static resources while still using DispatchServlet at the site's root?


Correct Answer:


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Which of the following statements is correct?


Correct Answer:

<mvc:resources> doesn't declare its own handler mapping.

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48. Which of the following enables custom qualifier annotation types to be registered even if they are not annotated with Spring’s @Qualifier annotation?


Correct Answer: CustomAutowireConfigurer

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49. True or false: a factory class can hold more than one factory method.


Correct Answer: True

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50. Which of the following is the default bean scope in Spring MVC?


Correct Answer: singleton

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51. How can an HTTP 404 status code be returned from a Spring MVC Controller?


Correct Answer: Having the method accept HttpServletResponse as a parameter, so that setStatus(404) can be called on it.

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52. Which of the following statements is true about the HandlerInterceptor interface?


Correct Answer: It allows exchanging the request and response objects that are handed down the execution chain.

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What does the following code do?


public void foo(@PathVariable("id") int id, HttpServletRequest request) {

    String restOfTheUrl = (String) request.getAttribute(





Correct Answer:

It retrieves the partial path value (after "**") before the @RequestMapping and @PathVariable values have been parsed.

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Which of the following statements is true for the configuration of the Spring handler adapter(s) in a Spring MVC application context?


Correct Answer:

If at least one request handler adapter is defined the context files, Spring will not create the default adapters.

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55. Which of the following statements is true about the @RequestMapping annotation?


Correct Answer: It has a String[] paramater.
It supports ant-style paths.

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Fill in the blank:

The _______ enables the use of the bean element’s attributes, instead of nested <property/> elements, to describe property values and/or collaborating beans.


Correct Answer:


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Which of the following is true about the use of <context:annotation-config /> in a servlet?


Correct Answer:

<context:annotation-config> activates many different annotations in beans, whether they are defined in XML or through component scanning.

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Given the method below:

@RequestMapping(value = "/foo", method = RequestMethod.GET)

public final String foo(HttpServletRequest request, BindingResult bindResult, ModelMap model) {

    model.addAttribute("abc", 123);

    return "foo";


When the view is displayed in the browser, it's URL is "http://mydomain/foo?abc=123".

Which of the following statements is true?


Correct Answer:

The attribute name-value pair will be included in the URL, regardless of the use of @ModelAttribute in the controller.

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59. Which of the following classes provides built-in pagination functionality in SpringMVC?


Correct Answer: PagedListHolder

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Given the following method:

@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/fooBar")

    public ResponseEntity<String> fooBar2() {

      String json = "jsonResponse";

      HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();


      return new ResponseEntity<String>(json, responseHeaders, HttpStatus.CREATED);


Which of the following statements is correct?


Correct Answer:

It returns a JSON String and sets the mimetype to text/javascript.

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61. Which of the following statements is true about method arguments that have an @ModelAttribute annotation?


Correct Answer: Model attributes have to be explicitly added when using @ModelAttribute.

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62. Which of the following statements is true about the HandlerExceptionResolver class?


Correct Answer: DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver converts standard Spring exceptions and converts them to HTTP Status Codes.

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Which of the following statements is false?


Correct Answer:

By default, a transaction is only marked for rollback in the case of runtime unchecked exceptions.

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64. Select all authentication methods that are supported by Spring Security by default:


Correct Answer: Basic Authentication
Digest Access Authentication

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65. Which of the following interfaces can be implemented to interact with a container's management of the bean lifecycle?


Correct Answer: InitializingBean

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66. Which of the following dependency injection (DI) methodologies are available in Spring MVC?


Correct Answer: Constructor-based dependency injection
Setter-based dependency injection

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67. Which of the following are possible validation methods for user input in Spring MVC?


Correct Answer: Annotation validation
Programmatic validation

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Which of the following are valid sets of constructor arguments for the ModelAndView class? (Select all correct answers.)


Correct Answer:

String viewName

String viewName, Map<String,?> model

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69. Which of the following code samples will get the ServletContext inside an Interceptor?


Correct Answer: @Autowired ServletContext context;

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In an annotation-based Spring MVC controller, which of the following are valid ways to set cache headers for a specific path?


Correct Answer:

Ensuring the instance of "AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter" does not have the "cacheSeconds" property set, and adding an instance of "WebContentInterceptor".

Adding "final HttpServletResponse response" as a parameter, then setting the header "Cache-Control" to "all-cache".

Using a Handler Interceptor and using the "postHandle" method provided by it.

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Spring MVC Subjects