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Basic OpenStack MCQ

1. Which ofthe following OpenStack projects are NOT available in OpenStack "Havana" release?


Correct Answer: Ceilometer

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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2. Which of the following distinct physical data center networks are NOT available in a standard OpenStack networking setup?


Correct Answer: API network
Isolated network

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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3. Which of the following options are the compelling features of a cloud?


Correct Answer: On-demand self-service
Resource pooling

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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4. Which of the following options are the examples of cloud computing technology?


Correct Answer: Google Drive
Amazon Simple Queue Service

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5. Which of the following statements are correct regarding "Ceph" commodity storage back-end technology?


Correct Answer: It can support the same API as
It can support keystone-based authentication.

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6. Which of the following options is/are (an) automated deployment system(s) for OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Ansible

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7. Which of the following quotas in OpenStack "Liberty" release are used with Block Storage service?


Correct Answer: Gigabytes

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Under which of the following project names are Object Storage and Block Storage OpenStack Services offered?


Correct Answer: Swift


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9. Which of the following disk formats is/are supported by Glance?


Correct Answer: RAW

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10. Which of the following quotas in OpenStack "Liberty" release are used with Compute service?


Correct Answer: VCPUs

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11. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding OpenStack Horizon?


Correct Answer: It is a Django web application.
Use of Keystone is a must to use Horizon.
The location of Memcache Daemon should be conf‌igured for the initial conf‌iguration of Horizon.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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12. While administering Nova, what is/are the function(s) of the following command?


Correct Answer: It is used to upgrade the database scheme for new versions of Nova.
It is used to create the database.

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13. Which Of the following statements are correct regarding OpenStack dashboard?


Correct Answer: Dashboard can be conf‌igured for a simple HTTP deployment.
Dashboard can be conf‌igured for a secured HTTPS deployment.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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14. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Block Storage in OpenStack "Havana" release?


Correct Answer: Volumes can be transferred from one tenant to another.
Default quota settings can be edited.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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15. Which of the following components were included in the f‌irst release of OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Nova

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options are available under the Identity tab on OpenStack dashboard?


Correct Answer: Projects


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17. Which of the following options is a default Nova scheduler?


Correct Answer: Chance

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Which of the following components of the Orchestration service is responsible for the processing of API requests by sending them to a heat-engine over Remote Procedure Call (RPC)?


Correct Answer: heat-api 

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Which of the following options is a command-line utility for Red Hat Enterprise Linux in which Puppet modules are used to provide support for rapid OpenStack deployment on existing servers over an SSH connection?


Correct Answer: PackStack

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Which of the following components of Nova architecture is/are neither custom-written nor Python-based?


Correct Answer: Both options a and b

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21. Which Of the following authorization policies is/are handled by OpenStack Networking?


Correct Answer: Both Options a and b

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In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options is NOT available under the Network tab on OpenStack dashboard?


Correct Answer: Resource Types

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In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following statements is incorrect regarding "Host aggregates"?


Correct Answer: Each aggregate can have only one key-value pair. 

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In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options is NOT available under the Compute tab on OpenStack dashboard?


Correct Answer: Stacks

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Which of the following projects is NOT available in the OpenStack "Havana" release but was available in the earlier OpenStack release "Grizzly"?


Correct Answer: Quantum

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26. Which of the following Nova schedulers is used to f‌ind the least loaded host?


Correct Answer: Simple

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27. Which of the following projects provides the Compute service in OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Nova

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28. Which of the following types of OpenStack storage is used to run operating system and scratch space?


Correct Answer: Ephemeral storage

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Discovery, registration and delivery services for disk and server images are provided by which of the following OpenStack core projects?


Correct Answer: Glance

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Which of the following OpenStack services provides endpoint(s) that can be used to access resources and perform operations?


Correct Answer: All of the above options can be used

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Which of the following components of Keystone is a group that can be used to isolate resources and/or users?


Correct Answer: Tenant

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Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding OpenStack "Havana" release?

1. The Image service of OpenStack can store images in a back—end Sheepdog cluster.

2. Cinder cannot be used as a block-storage back-end for the image service of OpenStack.

3. GridFS distributed f‌ile system cannot be supported by the Image service of OpenStack.


Correct Answer: Only statement1 is correct.

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33. The compute node‘s scheduler is configured, by default, as which of the following schedulers?


Correct Answer: Filter scheduler

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34. The OpenStack dashboard is served to its users through which of the following web servers?


Correct Answer: Apache

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What is the function of the following command?

:2 apt-get install glance python-glanceclient


Correct Answer: It is used to install the image service on controller node

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36. Which of the following features is NOT provided by Glance, an OpenStack image service?


Correct Answer: Glance contains tasks that are intended to offer a front end to end users for small synchronous Operations

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37. In Glance, which of the following is a read-only image store option?


Correct Answer: Http

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Which of the following Shared File System services is/are used to manage back-end devices that provide shared file systems?


Correct Answer: manila-share

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39. Which of the following services is provided by the OpenStack project, Ceilometer?


Correct Answer: OpenStack Metering service

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40. Which of the following OpenStack Block Storage services is responsible for managing back-end devices?


Correct Answer: cinder-volume

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41. Which of the following projects is a Block Storage service of OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Cinder

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42. Which of the following is the default database used by Ceilometer to store all the telemetry data?


Correct Answer: MongoDB

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Within the OpenStack clouds, which of the following options is a service that is designed to manage the applications and life-cycle of infrastructure?


Correct Answer: Orchestration

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Which of the following OpenStack projects helps to provide virtual network connectivity services for other OpenStack services?


Correct Answer: Neutron

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45. Which of the following options is a default scheduler for scheduling virtual machine instances?


Correct Answer: Filter scheduler

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46. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Alarms in OpenStack Metering (Ceilometer)?


Correct Answer: Both options a and c

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47. Which of the following languages is mainly used to design OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Python

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48. The virtual machine (VM) images can be stored by OpenStack inside an object storage system.


Correct Answer: True

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49. Which of the following commodity storage back-end technologies is a Linux-based system?


Correct Answer: LVM

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Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the "Sahara" project in OpenStack?

1. It can use NFS shares to store job binaries and data sources through the shared Filesystem service of OpenStack

2. It cannot use Object Storage service of OpenStack to store job binaries and data sources.

3. It does not allow you to create the resources that can be shared across tenants.


Correct Answer: Only statement 1 is correct

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Which of the following processes are used to manage information sources that fulf‌ill the requests from swift-proxy?

  • 1. swift-account
  • 2. swift-container
  • 3. swift-object


Correct Answer: All 1, 2, and 3

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52. Which of the following commodity storage back-end technologies does not support "thin provisioning"?


Correct Answer: LVM

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Which of the following types of persistent storage are explicitly supported by OpenStack clouds?

1. Object storage

2. Block storage

3. File system storage


Correct Answer: Only 1 and 3 

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54. Which of the following features have been added to the OpenStack "Havana" release?


Correct Answer: All options a. b. and c

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Which of the following projects provides a Cloud Database-as-a-Service functionality for relational as well as non-relational database engines?


Correct Answer: Trove 

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56. Which of the following OpenStack storage types is NOT deleted by a user and depends on the termination of a virtual machine?


Correct Answer: Ephemeral storage

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If you have a standard OpenStack Networking setup, then which of the following physical data center networks is used for virtual machine (VM) data communication within the cloud deployment?


Correct Answer: Data network

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58. Which of the following OpenStack storage types is/are accessible only within a virtual machine (VM)?


Correct Answer: Both options a and b

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Which of the following OpenStack projects is an Identity service that is used to provide authentication and authorization services to other OpenStack services?


Correct Answer: Keystone 

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The additional access controls for the dashboard that can be applied to the Compute service are def‌ined by which of the following f‌iles?


Correct Answer: nova_policy.json 

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61. Which of the following Nova schedulers chooses the available host randomly from the service table?


Correct Answer: Chance

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Which of the following components determines which particular host should a virtual machine launch on?


Correct Answer: Nova-scheduler 

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By using dashboard in the OpenStack "Liberty" release. we cannot edit the name that is assigned to a role.


Correct Answer: False

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64. Which of the following is the correct command that is used to check the availability of "Heat" in OpenStack?


Correct Answer: $ heat stack-list

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65. While creating an encrypted volume type in OpenStack "Liberty" release, which ofthe following parameters specif‌ies the class that is responsible for conf‌iguring encryption?


Correct Answer: Provider

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66. OpenStack can be used to deploy OpenStack.


Correct Answer: True

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67. Which of the following authentication mechanisms is/are supported by Keystone?


Correct Answer: All options a, b, and c are supported

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68. Which of the following types of OpenStack storage can be accessed through the REST API?


Correct Answer: Object storage

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69. Which of the following command-line clients is NOT available in OpenStack?


Correct Answer: python-imageclient

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70. The component "Ironic" is available in which of the following OpenStack releases?


Correct Answer: Kilo

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ln Horizon 9.0 OpenStack dashboard, which of the following is the required set of running OpenStack services?


Correct Answer: Nova. Keystone. Glance, and Neutron

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72. What is the name of the f‌irst off‌icial release of OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Austin

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In the OpenStack release “Liberty", which of the following versions of Python is required for the basic installation of "Horizon" dashboard?


Correct Answer: Python 2.7  

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Which of the following options is used by all OpenStack hosts to publish their hardware capabilities,available resources and status?


Correct Answer: Through the queue  

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In the OpenStack release "Liberty", which of the following Django versions is required for the basic installation of "Horizon" dashboard?


Correct Answer: Django 1.7 or 1.8

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In OpenStack. which of the following components of Orchestration service orchestrates a template''s launching and provides events to an API consumer?


Correct Answer: heat-engine

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77. The Object storage (Swift) in OpenStack always uses centralized database.


Correct Answer: False

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Which of the following statements is/are correct about OpenStack deployment?

  1. Image-based approach can be used for deploying the operating system.
  2. Disk partitioning and disk array set can only be performed before deployment.
  3. Networking configuration for PXE booting can only be performed after deployment.


Correct Answer: Only statement 1 is correct.  

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79. Which of the following options is NOT a log file of OpenStack dashboard?


Correct Answer: syslog

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Which of the following services of OpenStack Metering (Ceilometer) is helpful to gain control over alarm life cycle?


Correct Answer: ceilometer—api 

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An associated rule management interface and a rule-based authorization engine are provided by which of the following services of Keystone?


Correct Answer: Policy 

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Which of the following projects provides a templateodriven service in OpenStack that automates the deployment of compute. networking and storage resources for an application?


Correct Answer: Heat

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While creating a virtual machine on a particular network, which of the following processes communicates with the networking APl of OpenStack to plug each virtual network interface card on the virtual machine?


Correct Answer: nova-compute 

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84. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect about a Flavor in OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Size of a virtual server. which can be launched. cannot be def‌ined by a Flavor.

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85. Which of the following OpenStack integrated projects arranges multiple cloud applications for OpenStack?


Correct Answer: Heat

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86. Which of the following disk formats is/are NOT supported by the "KVM" OpenStack virtualization technology?


Correct Answer: VHD

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87. Which of the following OpenStack storage types is managed by OpenStack project Nova?


Correct Answer: Ephemeral storage

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88. Shared File System storage is managed by which of the following OpenStack projects?


Correct Answer: Manila

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89. Which of the following operations is/are performed manually in OpenStack deployment?


Correct Answer: All options a, b, and c are performed manually.

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Which of the following browsers is/are supported by the OpenStack dashboard "Horizon“ in the release "Kilo"?


Correct Answer: Only options a and c are supported  

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

OpenStack Subjects