1. What are the four principles of object-oriented programming?
Correct Answer:
Abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
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2. What parameters are required to be passed to a class constructor?Here they haven't mentioned any specific language so let's consider all languages.
Correct Answer:
None // Above 3 are incorrect so
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3. What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?
Correct Answer:
Abstract classes can contain code or data. Interface do not contain code or data. A class can inherit from only one abstract class but can implement an unlimited number of interfaces
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4. What is the difference between early binding and late binding?
Correct Answer:
Early binding is when a variable is assigned its value at compile time. Late binding is when a variable is assigned a value at run time
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5. How does dynamic typing complicate troubleshooting?
Correct Answer:
It can be difficult to identify variables that are incorrectly typed
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6. What does a concrete class not have?
Correct Answer:
Pure virtual functions
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7. Static polymorphism uses method _ ?
Correct Answer:
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8. In the context of OOP, what is composition?
Correct Answer:
Composition is a part/hole relationship where an object is composed of one or more other objects, each of which is considered a part of the whole.
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9. An instance of which type of class cannot be created?
Correct Answer:
Abstract class
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10. What is the function of a finalizer or destructor?
Correct Answer:
To relinquish resources that are no longer needed
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11. Which choice is not an OOP language?
Correct Answer:
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12. What is the purpose of the finally block?
Correct Answer:
To always run the finally block of code when the try block exits
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13. What is the main idea behind separation of concerns?
Correct Answer:
All of these answers
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14. Assume single inheritance is used with classes A and B while A is the base class. Then assume classes C, D, and E, where C is a base class and D is derived from C, then E is derived from D. Class C is made to inherit from class B. Which type of inheritance is reflected?
Correct Answer:
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15. Methods and attributes that define an object are a kind of blueprint called what?
Correct Answer:
A class
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16. What is the scope of a class nested inside another class?
Correct Answer:
Global scope
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17. What is the difference between a parameter and an argument?
Correct Answer:
A parameter is a variable in the declaration of a function. An argument is the value of this variable that gets passed to the function.
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18. What does the value (0.5,0.5,0.5) indicate in the class diagram specification position: Coordinate = (0.5,0.5,0.5)?
Correct Answer:
A default value of the position attribute
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19. What is the best example of a superclass and subclass relationship?
Correct Answer:
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20. Are you required to return an object if it was passed by reference to a function, and why or why not?
Correct Answer:
No, changes will be automatically reflected in the calling function.
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21. Which type of function can be used for polymorphism?
Correct Answer:
Virtual function
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22. _ describes an aggregation
Correct Answer:
A collection of objects
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23. There are five classes. Class E is derived from class D, D from C, C from B, and B from A. Which class constructor(s) will be called first if the object of E or D is created?
Correct Answer:
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24. What defines the catch block most accurately?
Correct Answer:
The catch block that will be executed is the one that best matches the type of exception thrown.
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25. What is a copy constructor?
Correct Answer:
It is a unique constructor for creating a new object as a copy of an object that already exists. There will always be only one copy constructor that can be either defined by the user or the system.
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26. Why would you override a method of a base class?
Correct Answer:
To define a custom implementation of an inherited member
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27. The open/closed principle states that classes should be open for _ but closed for _.
Correct Answer:
Extension; modification
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28. How do object behaviour and attributes differ?
Correct Answer:
Attributes describe a state; behaviours describe a change.
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29. Why is unit testing harder in OOP than functional programming?
Correct Answer:
Objects may maintain internal state, which is not easily accessible by the tests.
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30. What is a reference to an object?
Correct Answer:
It is the address where the variables and methods of an object are stored.
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31. Which of these keywords are access specifiers?
Correct Answer:
Public and private
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32. What is the relationship between abstraction and encapsulation?
Correct Answer:
Abstraction is about making relevant information visible, while encapsulation enables a programmer to implement the desired level of abstraction.
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33. What type of inheritance may lead to the diamond problem?
Correct Answer:
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34. Can abstract classes be used in multilevel inheritance?
Correct Answer:
Yes, always
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35. What best describes what object-oriented programming does?
Correct Answer:
It focuses on objects that interact cleanly with one another.
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36. Which words in the following list are candidates for objects: trumpet, clean, enrage, leaf, tree, collapse, active, and lively?
Correct Answer:
Leaf, tree, and trumpet
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37. Which type of function among the following shows polymorphism?
Correct Answer:
Virtual function
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38. In addition to attributes and behaviours, what quality must a class possess?
Correct Answer:
A name
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39. Why is inheritance used when creating a new class?
Correct Answer:
To avoid writing duplicate code To separate class behavior from the more general
Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers
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40. Which is false for a member function of a class?
Correct Answer:
Member functions do not need to be declared inside the class definition.
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41. What is the result of using more abstraction?
Correct Answer:
It can limit code readability
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42. Which statement about compositions and aggregations is true?
Correct Answer:
If a composition dies, the contents die
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43. How are contents of a composition different from those of aggregation?
Correct Answer:
If a composition dies, the contents die
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44. What are CRC Cards?
Correct Answer:
Class Responsibility collaboration cards are a brainstorming tool used in the design of oop software
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45. What is the purpose of static constructor?
Correct Answer:
To initialize all the members with static value
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46. When and how often is a static constructor called?
Correct Answer:
It is called initially when an object is created and only one time.
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47. Why is code duplication so insidious?
Correct Answer:
One has to maintain all the duplicates.
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48. Which is NOT one of the basic types of inheritance?
Correct Answer:
Double inheritance
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49. Which class has the highest degree of abstraction in a multilevel inheritance relationship of five levels?
Correct Answer:
The class at the first level
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50. What is a method?
Correct Answer:
The exact same thing as a function and subroutine
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51. If an object is passed by reference, the changes made in the function are reflected _.
Correct Answer:
To the main object of the caller function, too
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52. In multilevel inheritance, one class inherits how many classes?
Correct Answer:
One class only
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53. What are the five Creational Design patterns by the Gang of Four ?
Correct Answer:
Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method, Prototype, and Singleton.
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54. Two classes combine private data members and provide public member functions to access and manipulate those data members. Where is abstraction used?
Correct Answer:
Abstraction is using public member functions to access and manipulate the data members.
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55. A language that does not support polymorphism but supports classes is considered what?
Correct Answer:
An object-based language
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56. Which type of inheritance must be used so that the resultant is hybrid?
Correct Answer:
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57. How are user stories different from use cases?
Correct Answer:
User Stories are shorter and less detailed.
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58. In context of OOP, what is association?
Correct Answer:
Association is a relationship where all objects have their own life cycle and there is no owner.
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59. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using getters and setters?
Correct Answer:
Getters and setters can speed up compilation.
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60. Which statement is true?
Correct Answer:
A default parameter's constructor is not equivalent to the default constructor
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61. Which type of inheritance ,when done continuously, is similar to a tree structure?
Correct Answer:
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62. Why would you implement composition using an id instead of a reference?
Correct Answer:
All of these answers
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63. Which two blocks are used to handle and check errors?
Correct Answer:
Try and catch
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64. F a local class is defined in a function, what is true for an object of that class?
Correct Answer:
The object can be accessed, declared, and used locally in that function.
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65. When is a constructor executed?
Correct Answer:
When an object is created from a class using the new keyword
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66. Which type of constructor cannot have a return type?
Correct Answer:
Constructors do not have a return type
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67. Which code creates a new object from the Employee class?
Correct Answer:
Employee currentEmployee = new Employee();
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68. What is an IS-A relationship?
Correct Answer:
A subclass object has an IS-A relationship with its superclass or interface
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69. What is encapsulation?
Correct Answer:
Hiding the data and implementation details within a class
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70. What is the best reason to use a design pattern?
Correct Answer:
It will result in code that is more extensible and maintainable
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71. When does static binding happen?
Correct Answer:
At compile time
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72. Why would you create an abstract class, if it can have no real instances?
Correct Answer:
To avoid redundant coding in children
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73. For which case would the use of a static attribute be appropriate?
Correct Answer:
The weather conditions for each house in a small neighborhood
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74. What is an example of dynamic binding?
Correct Answer:
Method overriding
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75. A(n) ____ is a variable that is used within a function.
Correct Answer:
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76. A class and its members can be described graphically using a notation known as the ____ notation.
Correct Answer:
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77. In a sequence diagram, the _____ indicates when an object sends or receives a message.
Correct Answer:
Request link
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78. In oop, you declare a class that extends another class. this is called ________.
Correct Answer:
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79. A ____ method is also known as a help method.
Correct Answer:
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80. Class ________ represents an image that can be displayed on a jlabel.
Correct Answer:
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81. By convention, a class diagram contains the ____ following each attribute or method.
Correct Answer:
Data type
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82. ________ members of a base class are never accessible to a derived class.
Correct Answer:
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83. Protected members of a base class are like ________, but they may be accessed by derived classes.
Correct Answer:
Private members
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84. The ________ class constructor is called before the ________ class constructor.
Correct Answer:
Base, derived
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85. When an object of one class is a data field within another class, they are related by ____.
Correct Answer:
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86. Multiple inheritance is when a ________ class has ________ base classes.
Correct Answer:
Derived, two or more
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