MCQs > IT & Programming > JSON MCQs > Basic JSON MCQs


1. What is supported by YAML but not supported by JSON?


Correct Answer: Comments

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2. The JSON structure features nested objects and arrays. Sometimes the data containing these features exists in relational databases. How is the relational structure different that JSON?


Correct Answer: It has an array-only structure.

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3. What characters are used to define an object?


Correct Answer: {}

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4. Which code is a valid JSON equivalent of the key/value pair shown that also preserves the data type? variance: -0.0823


Correct Answer: "variance": "-0.0823"

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5. What technique can you use to safely encode very large numbers?


Correct Answer: Store the number as a string

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6. What is the only valid whitespace character within a string that does not require an escape character?


Correct Answer: Space

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7. When parsing JSON, "caching" is a method used to _.


Correct Answer: Temporarily store data for faster access

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8. If an object key contains spaces, how can you access its value in JavaScript?


Correct Answer: Use bracket notation to access the value.

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9. How does JSON represent truth, falsity and nullness?


Correct Answer: True, false, null

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10. In JSON, a set of brackets ([]) is used to denote _, whereas curly braces ({}) denote _.


Correct Answer: Arrays; objects

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11. What is the minimum number of values in an array?


Correct Answer: Zero

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12. How are the values in an array separated?


Correct Answer: With commas

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13. What JavaScript method is used to load JSON data?


Correct Answer: JSON.parse()

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14. What two nonnumerical characters can numbers contain?


Correct Answer: Dash and dot

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15. Does JSON support signed numbers?


Correct Answer: No

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16. What is the recommended term used to refer to multiple resources?


Correct Answer: Multiple resources

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17. What is the maximum number of key/value pairs that JSON supports?


Correct Answer: There is no defined limit.

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18. With what character should object keys be enclosed?


Correct Answer: ''

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19. Can you assume the order of keys in an object?


Correct Answer: No, but you can sort the keys with JSON.sort().

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20. What is the purpose of JSON?


Correct Answer: To provide a simple way to serialize and deserialize data between different sources

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21. What character cannot be part of string within JSON without additional formatting?


Correct Answer: ''

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22. What is the official MIME type for JSON?


Correct Answer: Application/json

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23. What characters are used to enclose an array?


Correct Answer: {}

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24. What technique can be used to represent complex objects with JSON?


Correct Answer: Nesting

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25. What values can arrays contain?


Correct Answer: Any valid JSON value

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26. With which programming language is JSON best used?


Correct Answer: Any language, as JSON is language agnostic.

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27. How are values separated in JSON?


Correct Answer: With commas

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28. How would you make the following string valid in JSON? "name": 'bb-8'


Correct Answer: "name": "bb-8"

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29. How should comments be formatted in JSON?


Correct Answer: JSON does not support comments.

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30. Which key format is valid JSON?


Correct Answer: "key": "value"

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31. What are valid values in JSON?


Correct Answer: Objects, arrays, strings, numbers, booleans, null

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32. What data structure do you use to encode ordered information?


Correct Answer: Array

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33. How should a date value be stored in JSON?


Correct Answer: As a string in ISO 8601 format

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34. Which number types are available in javascript but not supported in json?


Correct Answer: Infinity or NaN

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35. If a string contains line breaks, what should you do?


Correct Answer: Replace any line breaks with \n

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36. What character separates keys from values?


Correct Answer: :

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37. With what character should key/value pairs be separated?


Correct Answer: Colon

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38. Which code is valid JSON equivalent of the key/value pair shown that also preserves the data type?


Correct Answer: "variance": "-0.0823"

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39. Which data format is a JSON schema written in?


Correct Answer: JSON

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40. Which key name is used to specify data type in a JSON schema?


Correct Answer: Type

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41. Which reference to the Unicode character U+1F602 complies with the JSON standard?


Correct Answer: \uD83D\uDE02

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42. Which code uses the correct JSON syntax for encoding a key/value pair with a null value?


Correct Answer: "lastVisit": "null"

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43. How do you assign a number value in JSON?


Correct Answer: Leave the number as is.

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44. When you need to set the value of a key in JSON to be blank, what is the correct syntax for the empty value?


Correct Answer: Null

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45. Which is ignored by JSON but treated as significant by YAML?


Correct Answer: Whitespace

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46. Which array is valid JSON?


Correct Answer: ["tatooine", "hoth", "dagobah"]

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47. How is a true boolean value represented in JSON?


Correct Answer: True

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48. When building dynamic web applications using AJAX, developers originally used the _ data format, which has since been replaced by JSON.


Correct Answer: XML

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49. Why do so many APIs use JSON?


Correct Answer: Because it's based on JavaScript.

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50. Which element is added to the DOM to create a JSON-P request?