Guest Experience MCQ

What are the two distinct elements of interest in emotional responses?


Correct Answer: Pleasure/displeasure and arousal

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What does the cognitive experience depend on?


Correct Answer: The knowledge brought into the experience

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What is an example of an information-lean environment?


Correct Answer: Going to a boutique hotel for the first time in a new city

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What is an example of an information-rich environment?


Correct Answer: Being a Hilton Honors rewards member for the past 10 years

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A person getting choked up when they walk onto campus for a college reunion is an example of what type of response to the servicescape?


Correct Answer: Emotionally

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What may affect a guest’s mood when reacting to the perceived servicescape?


Correct Answer: All of these

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Westin Hotels introduced what competitive advantage based on differentiating a functional component of a hotel?


Correct Answer: “heavenly bed”

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What hospitality industry offers a classic example of how the placement of facilities within a space is related to the level and character of the guest experience provided?


Correct Answer: Restaurant

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Which of these makes up the first group of factors in the Servicescape model?


Correct Answer: The organization’s use of its space

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Regarding the value of the setting, what issues has become more important than ever?


Correct Answer: Safety and security

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Which of the following is a co-producer of service?


Correct Answer: The employees

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What test may a guest use to evaluate a restaurant?


Correct Answer: Rest Room test

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What is an example of a particularly potent environmental factor?


Correct Answer: Music

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What term best describes “The organization and presentation of the guest experience around a unifying idea of theme”?


Correct Answer: Theming

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What brand uses the term “The Show”?


Correct Answer: Disney

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The organization and presentation of the guest experience around a unifying idea or theme is known as _______ .


Correct Answer: Theming

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“The show” is disney terms for everyone and everything that interfaces or interacts with guests on a Disney property.


Correct Answer: True

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Information-rich environment is an environment in which guests are expected to be familiar with the setting or have few ________ to make.


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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An environment in which guests are expected to be unfamiliar with the setting is known as ________ .


Correct Answer: Information-lean environment

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