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Basic Hadoop MCQ

1. To copy a file into the Hadoop file system, what command should you use?


Correct Answer: Hadoop fs -copyFromLocal

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2. What kind of storage and processing does Hadoop support?


Correct Answer: Distributed

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3. Which file system does Hadoop use for storage?


Correct Answer: HDFS

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4. Hadoop Common is written in which language?


Correct Answer: Java

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5. Which feature is used to roll back a corrupted HDFS instance to a previously known good point in time?


Correct Answer: Snapshot

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6. To view the execution details of an Impala query plan, which function would you use ?


Correct Answer: Explain

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7. Which object can be used to distribute jars or libraries for use in MapReduce tasks?


Correct Answer: Distributed cache

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8. Hadoop systems are _ RDBMS systems.


Correct Answer: Additions for

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9. Where would you configure the size of a block in a Hadoop environment?


Correct Answer: Dfs.block.size in hdfs-site.xmls

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10. In a MapReduce job, which phase runs after the Map phase completes?


Correct Answer: Combiner

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11. Suppose you are trying to finish a Pig script that converts text in the input string to uppercase. What code is needed on line 2 below? 1 data = LOAD '/user/hue/pig/examples/data/midsummer.txt'... 2


Correct Answer: As (text:CHARARRAY); upper_case = FOREACH data GENERATE org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.UPPER(TEXT);

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12. Which type of Hadoop node executes file system namespace operations like opening, closing, and renaming files and directories?


Correct Answer: NameNode

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13. MapReduce 1.0 _ YARN


Correct Answer: Does not include

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14. _ is the query language, and _ is storage for NoSQL on Hadoop


Correct Answer: HQL; HBase

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15. MapReduce applications use which of these classes to report their statistics?


Correct Answer: Counter

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16. If no reduction is desired, you should set the numbers of _ tasks to zero


Correct Answer: Reduce

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17. What type of software is Hadoop Common?


Correct Answer: Distributed computing framework

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18. In MapReduce, _ have _


Correct Answer: Jobs; tasks

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19. Hadoop 2.x and later implement which service as the resource coordinator?


Correct Answer: YARN

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20. To implement high availability, how many instances of the master node should you configure?


Correct Answer: Two or more (

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21. Which Hive query returns the first 1,000 values?


Correct Answer: SELECT … LIMIT 1000

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22. To what does the Mapper map input key/value pairs?


Correct Answer: A set of intermediate key/value pairs

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23. In what format does RecordWriter write an output file?


Correct Answer: pairs

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24. In the Hadoop system, what administrative mode is used for maintenance?


Correct Answer: Safe mode

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25. When implemented on a public cloud, with what does Hadoop processing interact?


Correct Answer: Files in object storage

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26. What is the output of the Reducer?


Correct Answer: A set of pairs

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27. Which library should you use to perform ETL-type MapReduce jobs?


Correct Answer: Pig

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28. A distributed cache file path can originate from what location?


Correct Answer: Hdfs or http

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29. HDFS file are of what type?


Correct Answer: Append-only

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30. HBase works with which type of schema enforcement?


Correct Answer: Schema on read

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31. To connect Hadoop to AWS S3, which client should you use?


Correct Answer: S3A

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32. To create a MapReduce job, what should be coded first?


Correct Answer: A Job class and instance (NOT SURE)

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33. State _ between the JVMs in a MapReduce job


Correct Answer: Is not shared (

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34. If you started the NameNode, then which kind of user must you be?


Correct Answer: Super-user

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35. Which library should be used to unit test MapReduce code?


Correct Answer: MRUnit

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36. In what form is Reducer output presented?


Correct Answer: Compressed (NOT SURE)

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37. Which command imports data to Hadoop from a MySQL database?


Correct Answer: Sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username sqoop --password sqoop --warehouse-dir user/hue/oozie/deployments/sqoop

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38. Skip bad records provides an option where a certain set of bad input records can be skipped when processing what type of data?


Correct Answer: Map inputs

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39. To reference a master file for lookups during Mapping, what type of cache should be used?


Correct Answer: Distributed cache

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40. In a MapReduce job, where does the map() function run?


Correct Answer: On the data nodes of the cluster (NOT SURE)

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41. Which method is used to implement Spark jobs?


Correct Answer: In memory of all workers

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42. DataNode supports which type of drives?


Correct Answer: Hot swappable

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43. For high availability, use multiple nodes of which type?


Correct Answer: Name

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44. To set up Hadoop workflow with synchronization of data between jobs that process tasks both on disk and in memory, use the ___ service, which is ___.


Correct Answer: Zookeeper; open source

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45. What are the primary phases of a Reducer?


Correct Answer: Shuffle, sort, and reduce

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46. Hadoop Core supports which CAP capabilities?


Correct Answer: A, P

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47. To get the total number of mapped input records in a map job task, you should review the value of which counter?


Correct Answer: TaskCounter (NOT SURE)

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48. Which line of code implements a Reducer method in MapReduce 2.0?


Correct Answer: Public void reduce(Text key, Iterator values, Context context){…}

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49. To verify job status, look for the value ___ in the ___.


Correct Answer: SUCCEEDED; stdout

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50. To perform local aggregation of the intermediate outputs, MapReduce users can optionally specify which object?


Correct Answer: Combiner

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51. MapReduce jobs can be written in which language?


Correct Answer: Java or Python

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52. Hadoop Auth enforces authentication on protected resources. Once authentication has been established, it sets what type of authenticating cookie?


Correct Answer: Signed HTTP

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53. Rather than adding a Secondary Sort to a slow Reduce job, it is Hadoop best practice to perform which optimization?


Correct Answer: Add a partitioned shuffle to the Reduce job.

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54. SQL Windowing functions are implemented in Hive using which keywords?


Correct Answer: OVER, RANK

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55. Partitioner controls the partitioning of what data?


Correct Answer: Intermediate keys

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56. The hadoop framework consists of the ________ algorithm to solve large scale problems.


Correct Answer: MapReduce

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57. Which of the following operators is used for un-nesting the nested tuples and bags?


Correct Answer: FLATTEN

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58. Which of the following is the correct syntax for resetting the space quota for directories in HDFS?


Correct Answer: hdfs dfsadmin -clrSpaceQuota <dir1>…. <dirn>

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59. Which of the following objects is used by the RecordReader class for reading data from an InputSplit class?


Correct Answer: FSDataInputStream

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60. Which of the following is the correct data type of the "totalMB" element of the clusterMetrics object used in the YARN ResourceManager REST API?


Correct Answer: long

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61. Which of the following are NOT the properties of the app (Application) object of NodeManager REST API?


Correct Answer: containers

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62. Which of the following Hadoop DFSAdmin commands generates a list of DataNodes?


Correct Answer: bin/hdfs dfsadmin −report

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63. Which of the following Hadoop commands is used for copying a source path to stdout?


Correct Answer: cat 

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64. In case of a Multiquery execution, which of the following return codes indicates retrievable errors for an execution?


Correct Answer: 1

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65. What is the default value of the hadoop.http.authentication.token.validity property that is used in case of authentication via HTTP interface?


Correct Answer: 36,000 seconds

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66. While accessing a Hadoop Auth protocol URL using curl, which of the following command options are used for storing and sending HTTP cookies?


Correct Answer: −b and −c

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67. Which of the following commands is used for distributing an excluded file to all the Namenodes?


Correct Answer: [hdfs]$ $HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ <exclude_file>

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68. Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the InputFormat class for a MapReduce Hadoop job?


Correct Answer: It presents a record view of the data to the Map task and reads from an InputSplit class.

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69. Which of the following is the Hadoop directory service that stores the metadata related to the files present in the cluster storage?


Correct Answer: NameNode

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70. Which of the following are the required command line arguments for the oev command of HDFS?


Correct Answer: -i, --inputFile arg

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71. Which of the following HDFS shell commands is used for setting a group for a particular file or directory?


Correct Answer: chown

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72. While configuring HTTP authentication in Hadoop, which of the following is set as the value of the "hadoop.http.filter.initializers" property?


Correct Answer: class name

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73. What is the default value of the following security configuration property of the YARN architecture?


Correct Answer: 1 day

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74. In case of service-level authorization in Hadoop, which of the following properties is used for determining the ACEs used for granting permissions for the DataNodes to communicate and access the NameNode?


Correct Answer: security.datanode.protocol.acl

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75. Which of the following is the correct syntax for the docs Maven profile that is used for creating documentation in Hadoop Auth?


Correct Answer: $ mvn package − Pdocs

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76. Which of the following Pig commands is/are used for sampling a data and applying a query on it?


Correct Answer: ILLUSTRATE

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77. Which of the following HDFS commands is used for setting an extended attribute name and value for a file or a directory?


Correct Answer: setfattr

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78. Which of the following configuration properties of YARNs Resource Manager is used for specifying the host:port for clients to submit jobs?


Correct Answer: yarn.resourcemanager.address.rm-id

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79. Which of the given options is the correct function of the following HiveQL command?


Correct Answer: It is used for executing a shell command from the Hive shell.

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80. Which of the following HiveQL commands is used for printing the list of configuration variables overridden by Hive or the user?


Correct Answer: set

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81. In order to execute a custom, user-built JAR file, the jar command is used. Which of the following is the correct syntax of this command?


Correct Answer: yarn jar <jar file path> [main class name] [arguments…]

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82. Which of the following commands is used for creating a keytab file used in Kerberos authentication?


Correct Answer: ktutil

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83. Which of the following join operations are NOT supported by Hive?


Correct Answer: Theta join

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84. Which of the following permission levels is NOT allowed in HDFS authorization?


Correct Answer: Execute

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85. For a file named abc, which of the following Hadoop commands is used for setting all the permissions for owner, setting read permissions for group, and setting no permissions for other users in the system?


Correct Answer: hadoop fs −chmod 740 abc

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86. Which of the following are the advantages of the disk-level encryption in HDFS?


Correct Answer: It provides high performance.

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87. Which of the following commands is used for setting an environment variable in a streaming command?


Correct Answer: -cmdenv ABC = /home/example/dictionaries/ 

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88. Which two of the following parameters of the Hadoop streaming command are optional?


Correct Answer: −cmdenv name = value

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89. Which of the following statements is correct about YARNs Web Application Proxy?


Correct Answer: It strips the cookies from the user and replaces them with a single cookie, providing the user name of the logged in user.

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90. Which two of the following are the correct differences between MapReduce and traditional RDBMS?


Correct Answer: In MapReduce, the read operation can be performed many times but the write operation can be performed only once. In traditional RDBMS, both read and write operations can be performed many times.

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91. What is the function of the following Configuration property of YARNs Resource Manager?


Correct Answer: It is used for identifying the Resource Manager in ensemble. 

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92. Consider an input file named abc.dat.txt with default block size 128 MB. Which of the following is the correct command that will upload this file into an HDFS, with a block size of 512 MB?


Correct Answer: hadoop fs -D dfs.blocksize=536870912 -put abc.dat.txt abc.dat.newblock.txt

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93. Which of the following Hadoop commands is used for creating a file of zero length?


Correct Answer: touchz

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94. Which of the following statements is correct about the Hadoop file system namespace?


Correct Answer: User access permission is not implemented in HDFS.

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95. Suppose you need to select a storage system that supports Resource Manager High Availability (RM HA). Which of the following types of storage should be selected in this case?


Correct Answer: Zookeeper based state-store

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96. Which of the following is used for changing the group of a file?


Correct Answer: hdfs chgrp [-R] <group> <filepath>

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97. Which of the following statements is correct about the Hive joins?


Correct Answer: In Hive, more than two tables can be joined.

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98. Which of the following is the correct line command syntax of the Hadoop streaming command?


Correct Answer: hadoop command [genericOptions] [streamingOptions]

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99. Which of the following operators is necessary to be used for theta-join?


Correct Answer: Cross

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100. Which of the following are the characteristics of the UNION operator of Pig?


Correct Answer: It does not impose any restrictions on the schema of the two datasets that are being concatenated.

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101. Which of the following functions is performed by the Scheduler of Resource Manager in the YARN architecture?


Correct Answer: It allocates resources to the applications running in the cluster.

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102. Which of the given Pig data types has the following characteristics?
i) It is a collection of data values.
ii) These data values are ordered and have a fixed length.


Correct Answer: Tuple 

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103. In which of the following Pig execution modes, a Java program is capable of invoking Pig commands by importing the Pig libraries?


Correct Answer: Embedded mode

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104. Which of the given options is the function of the following Hadoop command?


Correct Answer: It is used for checking whether all the libraries are available.

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105. Which of the following Hive commands is used for creating a database named MyData?


Correct Answer: CREATE DATABASE MyData

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106. Which of the following Hive clauses should be used for imposing a total order on the query results?


Correct Answer: SORT BY

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107. Which of the following interfaces can decrease the amount of memory required by UDFs, by accepting the input in chunks?


Correct Answer: Accumulator interface 

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108. Before being inserted to a disk, the intermediate output records emitted by the Map task are buffered in the local memory, using a circular buffer. Which of the following properties is used to configure the size of this circular buffer?


Correct Answer:

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109. In Hadoop, HDFS snapshots are taken for which of the following reasons?
i) For providing protection against user error.
ii) For providing backup.
iii) For disaster recovery.
iv) For copying data from data nodes.


Correct Answer: Only i), ii), and iii)

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110. What is the function of the following Hadoop command?


Correct Answer: In case of a file, it displays the length of the file, while in case of a directory, it displays the sizes of the files and directories present in that directory.

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111. Which of the following interfaces is used for accessing the Hive metastore?


Correct Answer: Thrift

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112. Which of the following commands is used to view the content of a file named /newexample/example1.txt?


Correct Answer: bin/hadoop dfs -cat /newexample/example1.txt

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113. Which of the following HDFS commands is used for checking inconsistencies and reporting problems with various files?


Correct Answer: fsck 

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114. Which of the following environment variables is used for determining the Hadoop cluster for Pig, in order to run the MapReduce jobs?


Correct Answer: HADOOP_CONF_DIR

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115. Which of the following is the master process that accepts the job submissions from the clients and schedule the tasks to run on worker nodes?


Correct Answer: Jobtracker

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116. In Pig, which of the following types of join operations can be performed using the Replicated join?
i) Inner join
ii) Outer join
iii) Right-outer join
iv) Left-outer join


Correct Answer: Only i) and iv)

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117. Which of the following is the correct syntax for the command used for setting replication for an existing file in Hadoop WebHDFS REST API?


Correct Answer: setReplication(Path src, short replication) 

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Hadoop Subjects