1. Electro___________ is a procedure that destroys tissue by burning with an electric spark.
2. One advantage of communicating via e-mail is that it is __________.
3. A _____ is a permanent telephone connection between two points.
4. ________ is an example of an electronic communication tool.
5. For a three phase full wave rectifier, no load D.C output is _____.
6. In a half wave rectifier, the maximum firing angle is restricted to _____.
7. If the RF signal is 600 KHz and the local oscillator frequency is 1000KHz, the output of the mixer will be _____.
8. For a class-A power amplifier, the position of point Q is _____.
9. An operational amplifier can amplify ____________.
10. Negative Feedback in amplifiers increases _____.
11. An oscillator is a _____.
12. In a Wien-bridge oscillator with R=5KΩ and C=0.01µF, the frequency of oscillation will be _____.
13. What would be the increase in the power delivered to the load if the total harmonic distortion is 10%?
14. The gain of an inverting operational amplifier is given as _____________.
15. The latching current of an SCR is _____.
16. If a diode is connected in anti-parallel with a thyristor, _____.
17. For generating a 1 KHz signal, the most suitable circuit is the _____.
18. An R-C phase shift oscillator will not produce any oscillations until and unless the voltage gain of its internal amplifier is _____.
19. For insulators, the forbidden gap is of the order of _____.
20. Suppose the anode current of a conducting SCR is 50A. If its gate current is reduced to one-fifth, its anode current will become _____.
21. An Oscillator has _____.
22. In a complementary – symmetry amplifier, both transistors are used in the ____ configuration/s
23. The alpha of a transistor is _____.
24. The voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 60dB. It decreases to 40dB with feedback. What will be the feedback factor?
25. Which devices uses negative feedback?
26. Which is a general purpose operational amplifier?
27. In an amplifier , the coupling capacitors are employed for _____.
28. The most important characteristic of a crystal oscillator is _____.
29. The oscillator circuit that uses a tapped coil in a tuned circuit is _____.
30. Refer to the given image: The voltage at V1 and V2 of the arrangement shown in the image, will be _________ respectively.
31. Ultraviolet radiation is used in the IC fabriAcation process for _____.
32. The transformer is used for impedance matching . It is expected to match 1296Ω resistance on the primary side to a 16Ω resistance on the secondary side. Calculate the required turn ratio of a transformer, what is the type of transformer?
33. For a full wave controlled rectifier using SCR, the average load voltage is________. (VLdc )
34. To generate 1KHz frequency of oscillations, the most suitable circuit is _____.
35. The output impedance of an operational amplifier is _____.
36. The application where one is most likely to find a quartz oscillator would be _____.
37. What would be the input impedance of an ideal op-amp?
38. Refer to the given image: The circuit shown in the image has a zener regulated D.C power supply. Assuming that the zener diode is ideal, the minimum value of RL due to which the output voltage would remain constant will be ________.
39. Which amplifiers is designed to operate digital signals?
40. In the transistor circuit shown in the figure, the collector-to-ground voltage is 20V. Which of the following is the probable cause of the error?
41. An ideal amplifier has the _____.
42. D.C current of a half wave rectifier is _____. Here, Im = peak value of the input current.
43. The Hall Effect voltage in intrinsic silicon _____.
44. The loop gain of the oscillator to start with is _____.
45. The transistor equivalent of the thyratron tube is _____.
46. In a negative feedback circuit , the feedback factor is always between _____.
47. How much power is dissipated in the individual transistor of a Class-B push-pull amplifier if Vcc=20V and R1=4Ω (primary resistance)
48. Which amplifiers has the highest efficiency?
49. Both positive and negative feedbacks are employed in _____.
50. An emitter follower is found to have a voltage gain of 0.99. What would be the value of ß for its transistors?
51. Which semiconductor power device is not a current triggered device?
52. Which does not cause permanent damage to an SCR?
53. In a class-B power amplifier, the output signal is obtained only _____.
54. The dV/dt capability of the thyristor is _____ that of the triac.
55. What would be the output of a voltage follower if it has an input of 0.3Vpp?
56. For class-AB power amplifier, the output current flows _____.
57. One of the ways to destroy a diode is _____.
58. Most SCRs can be turned-off by voltage reversal during the negative half-cycle of the A.C supply for _____.
59. A differentiator converts a linear ramp into a _____.
60. An amplifier has a bandwidth of 200KHz and a voltage gain of 100. What will be the new bandwidth if 5% negative feedback is introduced?
61. An Emitter follower is used for _____.
62. A transistor is a semiconductor switch which is _____.
63. A crystal oscillator provides very stable frequency because of _____.
64. For designing a Push-Pull amplifier, the type of transistors should be _____.
65. An amplifier has a gain of 10 without feedback. To make it oscillate, ß must be _____.
66. A feedback amplifier has an internal gain = 40dB and a feedback factor = 0.05, if the input impedance of this circuit is 12KΩ. What would have been the input impedance of the amplifier if the feedback had not been present?
67. After triggering an SCR , the gate pulse is removed. the current in the SCR will _____.
68. A half wave rectifier supplies power to 1000Ω load from a 110V (r.m.s) source of supply. If the forward resistance of the diode is 20Ω. What would be the efficiency of the rectifier?
69. A bridge rectifier circuit has secondary voltage of 12Vr.m.s. Assume secondary resistance and diode forward resistance to be negligible. The load resistance is 100Ω. What would be the peak load current?
70. A voltage V=300cos100t is applied to a half wave rectifier with RL =5KΩ. The rectifier may be represented by an ideal diode in series with a resistance of 1KΩ. What would be the ripple factor in this case?
71. A Wien-bridge oscillator is basically a _____.
72. A Colpitt’s oscillator uses _____.
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