1. Which security measures are provided to the Box.net for Business and Enterprise customers?
2. Which are mandatory input parameters when calling the Authentication API register_new_user method?
3. Which output parameters will you get if you call Authentication API get_ticket method?
4. Which are mandatory input parameters when calling the File & Folder Operations API create_folder method?
5. Which one is not a valid access level when you share content with your Collaborated user?
6. Suppose a Pop-up action is executed by the user and Box.net makes a callback request to your initial callback URL with the callback parameters you had specified when creating the OpenBox Action. If your callback parameters are in XML or SOAP format, your client callback URL will get a request that resembles:
7. Which additional input parameters must be supplied for the public_share method but not for the public_unshare method of the Sharing API?
8. What kind of permissions can you set for Collaborators if you want to grant an individual access to a Collaboration Folder in your Box.net Workspace?
9. When you send a request to the Authentication API get_auth_token method, you get the 'user' parameter as a return value along with other output parameters. What are the data types for the 'user' parameter?
10. What will be the output parameters when you send a REST request (using the URL shown below) using valid auth_token and api_key values? https://www.box.net/api/1.0/rest?action=get_file_info&api_key=1d3n4b53tt6b2vh1il6tdtrsxov3v&auth_token=8sdevidfoatqdn39qu6ke7f10nlp4njv&file_id=224
11. What will the REST response be when you send a REST request (using the URL shown below) to the Authentication API get_auth_token method? https://www.box.net/api/1.0/rest?action=get_auth_token&api_key=rrc1d3ntb53tt6b2vhail6rdtrsxov3v&ticket=udd863k39gn9mioc6ym2c6erbqm8qfsh
12. Suppose you call the Authentication API get_ticket method without supplying the api_key, what will be the return value for the 'status' output parameter?
13. Which actions can be taken by a Box user on files and folders under the All File page in the Box.net Workspace?
14. Which documents can be edited with Zoho when you add this service to your Box.net Workspace?
15. Which one will be your Soap Body request that will be packaged in the Soap Envelop when calling the Authentication API logout method?
16. Which one is not displayed under the 'Users' section of the Business Admin Console home page?
17. Which values can you set for the 'params' input parameter while sending a request to the search method?
18. Which one is an invalid value for the 'Action status' attribute when you configure an OpenBox action?
19. OpenBox Actions give your OpenBox service the ability to manipulate files stored on Box.net. Which of the following attributes do you need to specify when you configure an action?
20. What will be the value of the 'status' output parameter when you successfully move a file or folder into another folder using the File & Folder Operations API move method?
21. Which of the following REST requests will be used to call the Authentication API logout method?
22. What will the response be when you send an XML request (as shown in the image) to the Authentication API verify_registration_email method?
23. What is the data type for the 'params' input parameter of the File & Folder Operations API get_account_tree method?
24. Which one is not a valid Commenting API method?
25. Which pieces of information will be entered by the user while creating a New Task under the Box.net Workspace?
26. Which one can you track from the Business Admin Console reports page?
27. Which applications are not examples of Pop-up Actions when you add services to your Box.net account?
28. Which one is not a valid property of the 'friends' object that is returned by the get_friends method?
29. Which one is not a valid input parameter of the move method of the File & Folder Operations API?
30. Using which ways will you send your REST request if you want to add the tag or tags to a designated file or folder using the Tagging API add_to_tag method?
31. Which of the given options is an incorrect value for the 'params' parameter in the request shown below? https://www.box.net/api/1.0/rest?action=get_account_tree&api_key=rrc1d3ntb53tt6b2vhail6rdtrsxov3v&auth_token=263gtmxiy8k8o2ebzs41pilbubvpn91g&folder_id=0¶ms[]= ?
32. Which are mandatory input parameters when calling the delete method of the File & Folder Operations API for the purpose of deleting any files or folders from the user's account?
33. In which way a Box user can view his/her files under All File page in the Box.net Workspace?
34. Which permissions are available when you create a guest account under the Collaborators page in your Box.net Workspace?
35. What is the function of the add_to_mybox method?
36. Suppose a user decides to perform an action like, 'Send to Twitter', on a file. A Server-side action is then displayed (as shown in the image). What will happen when the Ok button is clicked?
37. How can posting on other message boards help drive traffic to a company site?
38. How are keywords utilized by search engines?
39. What is 'bounce rate' in terms of email marketing?
40. What is meant by 'viral marketing'?
41. Why has web marketing become the primary method of marketing for some companies?
42. What is meant by 'niche marketing'?