1. When you send a SOAP 1.1 request using the ArchiveWorkspace API as shown below, what will the SOAP 1.1 response be? int
2. The CreateTaskFromCommentResult, which is the child element of CreateTaskFromCommentResponse that is returned when you call the CreateTaskFromComment API, will be in which of the following data types?
3. If you call the IsConceptShareUser API, which of the following elements must you include in the body of your SOAP?
4. Fill in the name of the API call in the code shown below. <________________________ > string string string string string string string
5. Which element is supplied when you call the SelectWorkspaceList API?
6. When you send a SOAP request using the AddWorkspaceMember API, which are acceptable values for the accessLevel element of the SOAP body?
7. What is the response of the SelectConceptsInFolder API?
8. If you want to upload a file to your Workspace, you must send a SOAP request to the UploadWorkspaceFile API. Which child elements will you need to send in the SOAP body?
9. When you call the SelectWorkspaceFolderList API, which element is not included in the SOAP response?
10. Which one is the correct SOAP request body for calling the DisableWorkspace API?
11. Which of the following lines from a SOAP 1.1 request contains an error?
12. Which one is always included in the SOAP header while calling any ConceptShare API?
13. Which error is present in the SOAP request body shown below?
14. Which one is not a ConceptShare Concepts API?
15. Which elements of the SOAP body are always required when sending a CompleteWorkspaceTask API request?
16. Which API passes the username and password elements in the SOAP body?
17. Which elements do you have to send when calling the MoveConceptToFolder API?
18. Study the SOAP response below. From the options given, choose the value that is NOT acceptable for the EventType element (indicated by blank lines in the example)?
19. Which one is the correct SOAP response body that is returned by the SetConceptPermissions API?
20. Which one is not a ConceptShare Workspace API?
21. Shown below is the SOAP body element used to send a request to the AddConcept API. Which element is missing?
22. Which one is the correct SOAP request body for calling RemoveWorkspaceMember API?
23. If you call the UpdateContactEmail API, which one is NOT a valid child element of the SOAP body?
24. Which elements should be included in the SOAP body element when you call CanCreateTrialAccount API?
25. Which child element of the SOAP body is supplied in the AddWorkspaceMember2 API but not in the AddWorkspaceMember API?
26. When you call the VoteOnConcept ConceptShare API, you have to pass values for the vote element. Which one is not an acceptable value for the vote element?
27. The includeTasksAssignedByMe child element shown in the given figure would be in which of the following data types?
28. Which child element MUST be included in the SOAP body when you call the Authorize API?
29. Is there any API function available in ConceptShare that lets users download files from their Workspace?
30. When you call the SelectWorkspace API, the AllowUsersToDownloadConcepts element (marked as A in the given image) will be in which of the following data types?
31. When you call the GetWorkspaceImage API the imageFormat element will be in which of the following data types?
32. Which elements is not returned in the SOAP response when the UpdateConceptWithParameters API is called?
33. Which ones are valid child elements that are returned in the SOAP response when you call the SelectWorkspaceTaskList API?
34. What is the response of the SelectWorkspaceMemberListAPI?
35. Which element(s) of the SOAP body is/are missing in the request below? int string string base64Binary string string