Critical Theories MCQ

_____ is a framework that examines the way that people make meaning out of symbols, words, and other forms of communication to make sense of the world.


Correct Answer: Symbolic interactionism

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Is stigmatization the process by which a person is marked or labeled as a deviant of disgrace, which can spoil a person’s normal identity and reduce his or her life chances?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as goffman’s term for what happens when a person has been labeled as delinquent, criminal, or deviant, and the negative identity sticks, leaving him or her in a perpetual state of stigmatization.


Correct Answer: Spoiled identity

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_____ is defined as a concept that refers to unfair distributions of power and social control.


Correct Answer: Social inequity

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_____ is youth who are negatively labeled as delinquents may later find themselves shut out or excluded from conventional or beneficial opportunities.


Correct Answer: Social exclusion

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Is sexism the systematic subordination of girls and women based on and maintained by stereotypes of inferiority?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as a concept that refers to the way in which a person views him- or herself.


Correct Answer: Self-concept

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_____ is defined as An act of deviance or delinquency that follows the labeling of a person as a delinquent or troublemaker.


Correct Answer: Secondary deviance

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_____ is youth’s perceptions of how others see them.


Correct Answer: Reflected appraisals

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Is racism the systematic subordination of people of color based on and maintained by stereotypes of inferiority?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the initial act of deviance or delinquency that a person engages in.


Correct Answer: Primary deviance

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_____ is defined as the ability to make things happen and to exert your will or wishes upon others.


Correct Answer: Power

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_____ is a social system that is based on “the rule of the father” and a male-dominated power structure that is evident in the majority of social institutions.


Correct Answer: Patriarchy

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Is moral entrepreneur people who work to garner attention toward a social issue or group that they have decided amounts to a social problem, which is followed by negative labeling of the targeted behaviors and/or actors?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as a status or label that comes to be held as more powerful than others (e.g., “delinquent”).


Correct Answer: Master status

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_____ is defined as the idea that a person imagines how others perceive her or him and then internalizes that idea as her or his own.


Correct Answer: Looking-glass self

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_____ is the ways in which race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, sexuality, and ability (and other social factors) interact to shape a person’s social experience.


Correct Answer: Intersectionality

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Is heterosexism the institutionalized favoritism toward heterosexual people and bias against others?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as pathways to delinquency that are influenced by one’s gender.


Correct Answer: Gendered pathways

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_____ is defined as the many theories that center on gender and the ways it is constructed and reinforced through laws and social practices.


Correct Answer: Feminisms

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_____ is delinquency, crime, or deviance that an individual pursues over the span of his or her life.


Correct Answer: Deviant career

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Is cumulative disadvantage disadvantage that a labeled delinquent youth experiences due to stigmatization in society’s primary social institutions: family, school, peers, and the government-run juvenile justice system; it may result in a narrowing of positive life options and encourage delinquency?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as a subculture in which youth commit acts of delinquency as a means to an end—usually to obtain something material or monetary to gain status in the group.


Correct Answer: Criminal delinquent subculture

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_____ is defined as a theorist who assumes that society is based on class conflict and that laws tend to reflect the interests of the powerful.


Correct Answer: Conflict theorist

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_____ is a subculture in which youth oppose the mainstream through violence, underground economies, and/or gang activity because of a lack of opportunities to succeed.


Correct Answer: Conflict delinquent subculture

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Is class struggle the outward manifestation of discontent that arises after workers realize that their class interests are being oppressed in a capitalist system; it may be expressed in forms such as protests and strikes?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the conflict between owners and workers that Marx and Engels stated was built into the workings of a capitalist economy.


Correct Answer: Class conflict

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_____ is defined as an approach that places boys’ and men’s experiences at the center of scholarly examination, thereby neglecting or ignoring aspects of girls’ and women’s experiences.


Correct Answer: Androcentrism

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Which type of feminism primarily focuses upon heterosexism and how sexism often works hand-in-hand against lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people?


Correct Answer: Queer

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People who work to garner attention toward a social issue or group that they have decided amounts to a social problem.


Correct Answer: True

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Girls are more apt to internalize the delinquent label than boys.


Correct Answer: False

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A theorist who assumes that laws tend to reflect the interests of the powerful is known as a feminist theorist.


Correct Answer: False

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Karl Marx theorized that societies were essentially characterized by class conflict.


Correct Answer: True

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Conflict theory stresses the role of power in socioeconomic class.


Correct Answer: True

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According to labeling theory, the assignment of a label will have no impact on an individual’s future.


Correct Answer: False

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Which type of feminism primarily focuses on the effects of the different socialization and social treatment of boys and girls and men and women?


Correct Answer: Liberal

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Stigmatization is a situation in which a label placed on a person becomes and adopts the main thing that people refer to them, or their master status.


Correct Answer: True

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When a person engages in an act of deviance, it is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Primary deviance

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