1. A Facebook app should have:
2. FBML stands for:
3. What does an access token identify?
4. You can issue a HTTP GET request to /fql?q=query where query can be a single fql query or a JSON-encoded dictionary of queries.
5. What does the 'Registration plugin' do?
6. A user must have a Facebook username to use DIGEST-MD5
7. True or False? Facebook uses Etags
8. True or False? You can read recent page posts with the 'like box'.
9. How does Facebook chat differ from what you would expect from a traditional XMPP service
10. Facebook Chat supports Facebook Platform authentication using the ___________ authentication mechanism
11. True or False? Other Facebook users can translate your application into other languages.
12. True or False? You may publish a photo on a user's timeline with an access token.
13. What does en_US mean
14. If your application does this, you must use Facebook Platform authentication instead of Facebook Chat
15. Which one of these are publicly available when a user accesses your app?
16. True or False? Every application needs an application details page.
17. Instead of calling one of the static openActiveSession* methods, your app can achieve the same flow by:
18. True or False? One ad user may have multiple ad accounts.
19. FBJS stands for:
20. Which of these generate access tokens?
21. In the Ads API, which targeting option is not available
22. FQL stands for:
23. True or False? Access tokens do not expire.
24. What type of requests can be sent from a Facebook App?
25. Running the query "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()" will GET
26. What APIs does Facebook offer
27. Object properties in Open Graph are defined as:
28. Applications on Facebook are loaded on to a:
29. Your instant messaging client connects to Facebook Chat via the ____ service.
30. How is the registered return URL used in OpenID Connect?
31. When is an access token only valid for 2 hours?
32. What should you NOT do when customizing user experiences
33. Where is the App ID located?
34. When you run your ad or sponsored story you will be only charged for the number of:
35. Facebook provides SDKs for ____
36. Which fields are used to create an account in the Ad Account API?
37. What authentication does Facebook use?
38. What is an 'access token' ?
39. In Graph API 2.0, what is the current way to get tag friends in stories (e.g. status update or actions)?
40. How can you get current sessions user's profile via the Graph API in PHP?
41. What is the correct API endpoint to retrieve Facebook Posts for the logged in user
42. What query language do Facebook applications use?
43. Common Dialog Parameters are:
44. What is the current way to retrieve posts from an open Facebook Group?
45. What is the data format to refund a completed payment?
46. The primary way to get data in and out of Facebook is by using a:
47. How do you get a User id in PHP API?
48. How can you get user_id of current session user using graph api in PHP (consider $facebook as the Facebook object)?
49. Which of these is not an option for targeting ads?
50. adaccount, adaccountgroup, adcampaign, adcreative, adgroup, adimage, and aduser are examples of what?
51. The most efficient way to manage ads on the Ads API is via:
52. What are the three elements of Facebook's social design?
53. Which of these is unacceptable for an app detail page submission?
54. When mentioning users in notifications, which syntax should you use?
55. How is Click-To-Impressions (CTI) calculated?
56. How many tables can the FQL FROM clause contain?
57. Which of the following describes the action type that is associated with the creation of the object?
58. Applications that send over 500,000 notifications are required to maintain a weekly Click-To-Impression percentage of:
59. What does the Share Dialog do?
60. What are the four elements of a story on Open Graph?
61. Your application should not send notifications to users who have not visited your application in the last:
62. To how many countries can you set a Facebook ad to target?
63. hCalendar and hCard are examples of:
64. Which of these statements is not true of queries in the FQL API?
65. Is Facebook Markup Language used to create applications?
66. What does this query do? SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid = me() OR uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
67. What are the three different ways of implementing the 'Like' button?
68. What is the function of "Open Graph"?
69. In the Ads API, which Graph API Queries are available?
70. True or False? The time stamp on Facebook pages are in UNIX format.
71. True or False? When a user logs into an app, the app automatically gets access to their public profile and friend list.
72. What would you use a trait for? (add it in PHP 5 as well)
73. How can you find out which of the user's friends are also subscribed to your application?
74. Facebook Applications can use cross-domain scripting by submitting which variable when authenticating the auth token?
75. When using the friends.areFriends method, which form of data can the uid parameters be in?
76. If your API key is invalid you will receive the following error number from the Facebook API:
77. Which formats does the auth.createToken method support when returning data?
78. What is a Post-Add Url?
79. Finished applications that have been submitted show up in...
80. FBML stands for...
81. FQL supports certain string function calls that can evaluate a string before executing a query.
82. How do you change the format that Facebook methods will use to return data to your application?
83. Which FQL statement example is most likely to return the user's friends who are also subscribed to your application?
84. Desktop applications must use which protocol when executing the auth.createToken method?
85. Error code 103 indicates that....
86. Users can leave questions and reviews on your application page.
87. The sig parameter passed to the authentication method is a md4 hash of the current request and your secret key.
88. Email notifications must always include the fb:name tag in the beginning email body.
89. To find out if a user has added your application you should use the following method:
90. What restrictions are put on your applications logo?
91. Which is not a FQL table?
92. The deletion associated to data.dropObjectType is reversible.
93. What is FBJS:
94. The Facebook v1 API supports SOAP protocols.
95. When tagging a photo using the photos.addTag method, the tags parameter is normally in what format?
96. Which non-standard characters can you set as the 'separator' parameter when authenticating your application session?
97. What are the dimensions of the Facebook canvas?
98. Email notifications are sent in plain text only; they do not support html.
99. Email notifications are sent in plain text only; they do not support html.
100. Which is not an event RSVP status?
101. In which situations will you recieve the $API_EC_TIMEOUT error?
102. FQL stands for...
103. When using the Groups.get method, what is returned if both optional parameters are omitted?
104. Which url would allow you to open a Facebook login box without leaving the application page?
105. A developer has to be logged in to use the test console.
106. A Facebook application can have an infinite session:
107. When using the photos.getAlbums method, what will happen if you omit the optional parameters?
108. The FB API requires only one key to be passed when connecting.
109. Which types of interface does the Facebook API use?
110. Within a Facebook Application the 'canvas page' is...
111. With desktop applications which parameter can be used to create a call stack?
112. What are Profile Action Links?
113. Which is NOT optional parameters that can be passed to the feed.publishStoryToUser method?
114. Email notifications can be sent by passing the email param to which method?
115. To stay connected to an external application the user usually must...
116. The url for the Facebook Developer Portal is...
117. To log out of a Facebook application you must link to:
118. An application can check a user's private messages through Facebook's API.
119. Facebook API is only compatible with open source servers like Linux.
120. To override your callback url you must pass the following parameter to the Facebook API:
121. The FQL syntax equivalent to the friends.get method is...
122. On the application's About Page a user will always see all of the developer's personal Facebook account information.
123. Which option is available for Cavnbase page url type in your application settings?
124. For a balanced and centered profile box your content must be about how many pixels wide?
125. What does the Data.getAssociatedObjectsCount do?
126. Which method is used when adding a link under the user's profile image?
127. Which types of applications does the Facebook API support?
128. What is MockAJAX?
129. Which parameter value invokes a redirect after a user logs into Facebook to authenticate your application session?
130. The Facebook Groups.get method returns how many image options for each event?
131. How can an application publish a user action to the public news feed?
132. Error code 103 indicates that your signature is incorrect.
133. Which Hex color code does Facebook use for the Header and Links?
134. The FQL syntax for returning the current timestamp is which of the following?
135. What are Facebook flavors?
136. API stands for...
137. Applications can send notification messages to a Facebook user's inbox.
138. How does the Facebook API tie accepted IP addresses to your application?
139. The only way to get the Facebook ID of the user who is logged in is to use this method: users.getLoggedInUser
140. When tagging a photo using the photos.addTag method you can pass which two parameters to create a box around the persons face?
141. Which non-standard parameter is required when using the photos.createAlbum method?
142. You cannot use an Iframe to render content within a profile box.
143. To send notifications to another Facebook user through your application, that user must be?
144. A user must log into Facebook before using your application.
145. At most an application can send how many notifications per day?
146. Which variable in the php5 Facebook client has the user id saved?
147. When creating a photo album, what is the default return value for cover_pid?
148. How many users must be subscribed to your application before it can be added to the application directory?
149. Which album will be used if no album is specified when using the photo.upload method?
150. Of the allotted amount of notifications that your application can send per day, how many of these can be emails?