Literature MCQ

The canterbury tales can be described as _____. select all that apply.


Correct Answer: An epic poem

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Judge danforth becomes more suspicious of john proctor when _____.


Correct Answer: John Proctor continually defends his wife

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The canterbury tales were mostly written in ________ form.


Correct Answer: Prose

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In the poem "exile" by julia alvarez, the author and the speaker of the poem both fled __________.


Correct Answer: The Dominican Republic

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In the final scene of fat pig, helen __________________.


Correct Answer: Offers to get weight reduction surgery

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In fat pig, carter describes his mother as ___________.


Correct Answer: A sumo wrestler

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In dr. mitchells lecture, he calls __________ tragedy the most extreme form of tragedy?


Correct Answer: Greek

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In an irish airman foresees his death the speaker is motivated to join the war effort by ________


Correct Answer: A personal desire for adventure

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In addressing the west wind, shelley used the literary technique of _____.


Correct Answer: Apostrophe

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In his poems, wordsworths principle object was to _____. select all that apply.


Correct Answer: Show depth in common and rustic life celebrate everyday life

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In the exposition of the poem "exile" by julia alvarez, the foreshadowing hints that __________.


Correct Answer: The family is not really going to the beach

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In the exposition of "exile" by julia alvarez, we discover that the __________.


Correct Answer: Speaker's family is fleeing the country

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In hard times, charles dickens uses names for all of the following reasons except _____.


Correct Answer: To enhance the setting

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In nectar in a sieve, rukmani's family belongs to the _____ caste.


Correct Answer: Vaisyas

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The efforts of the womens christian temperance union eventually led to _____.


Correct Answer: Prohibition

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Pilgrim's progress is about a man _____.


Correct Answer: Whose land is enclosed who fights for william iii who receives salvation for his soul who drowns in the river of death.

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The best prose style for a realistic novel is _____.


Correct Answer: Clear and direct

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Wiesel feels that _____ is a worse emotion than hate or anger.


Correct Answer: Indifference

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A poem or song that tells the story of a hero's adventure is called a(n) ____?


Correct Answer: Epic

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Tone in literary nonfiction refers to __________.


Correct Answer: The attitude that the author or narrator has toward the subject

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_____ characterized the work of the pre-raphaelite brotherhood.


Correct Answer: Religious motifs

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Based on the context of the poem, the family in the display window at macy's symbolizes __________.


Correct Answer: The ideal American family

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The structure of the poem tattoo by gregg shapiro can be described best as __________.


Correct Answer: Free verse

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Tattoo by gregg shapiro is a __________ take on __________.


Correct Answer: Nonfictional . . . the effects of the Holocaust on children of survivors

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Hamlets interaction with _____ provides some comic relief in act v, scene ii.


Correct Answer: Osrick

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Hamlet acts similarly to claudius in the way he treats _____.


Correct Answer: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

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The narrator of the frame story in "the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county" is _____.


Correct Answer: Mark Twain

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Chopin uses irony to show _____.


Correct Answer: The tragedy of racism

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The underlying meaning, or universal truth, found in a story is the storys __________.


Correct Answer: Theme

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The _______ definition of gloomy is dismal or depressing.


Correct Answer: Connotative

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The purpose of a dewey decimal brainstorm is to _____.


Correct Answer: Narrow a topic generate topics by creating a library classification system generate topics using possible

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A kenning for the word sun might be _____


Correct Answer: God's beacon

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The narrator opens the prologue with a tribute to _____.


Correct Answer: The religious devotion of the pilgrims

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Research suggests that subjective well-being is fostered by keeping a(n) ________ journal.


Correct Answer: Gratitude

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Elizabeth barrett browning is best known for her _____.


Correct Answer: Sonnets

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The hunter snuck up on the ____


Correct Answer: Quarry

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World literature texts reveal information about the particular ______________ from which they come.


Correct Answer: Cultures

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World literature texts come from a variety of ___________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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The subtext of their eyes were watching god is revealed through the use of _____.


Correct Answer: Symbolism

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The originator of transformational grammar was _____.


Correct Answer: Hayakawa korzybski richards chomsky sapir

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In a shakespearean sonnet, the first quatrain is usually composed of _____.


Correct Answer: Four lines with ABAB rhyme

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According to aristotle, thought is the __________.


Correct Answer: Use of dialogue to reveal theme

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According to aristotle, the events of a tragedy are connected through __________.


Correct Answer: Cause-and-effect relationships

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According to aristotle, the arrangement of the incidents refers to __________.


Correct Answer: Plot

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Ta-nehisi coates is known for ______.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Literary works like equianos autobiography were helpful in promoting _____.


Correct Answer: The settling of the American frontier the Abolitionist movement

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Greek tragedy grew out of festivals honoring __________.


Correct Answer: Dionysus

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Coherence in a nonfiction writing means that it _____


Correct Answer: Follows a logical pattern

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Chinua achebe is considered by some to be __________.


Correct Answer: The father of African literature

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Freud proposed that the __________ acts as a moral code or conscience.


Correct Answer: Supraego

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An in-text citation is ________________________________________.


Correct Answer: A reference made within the body of text of an academic essay

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The ________ is the entire interwoven mass of one multicellular fungal organism.


Correct Answer: Mycelium

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This version of grendel is more ________ than the version in john gardners novel.


Correct Answer: Vicious

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A(n) __________ learner would benefit most from using all their senses in learning.


Correct Answer: Kinesthetic

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The three characteristics of a sonnet are: _____.


Correct Answer: All of these

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The narrator of the frame story in the canterbury tales is __________________.


Correct Answer: Heart

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Written communication involves the exchange of information between a sender and a ______.


Correct Answer: Receiver

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When writing an effective essay, using credible information ________________ for the report.


Correct Answer: Provides support

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When writing a compare/contrast essay, the first step is to ______________.


Correct Answer: Discover similarities and differences

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When revising for writers word choice, you should concentrate on _____.


Correct Answer: Revising

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Understanding the culture from which a story comes _______________.


Correct Answer: Helps us understand the importance behind the literature

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The reading audience for the american crisis was mainly _____.


Correct Answer: Colonists

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The purpose of williamss a key into the language of america was _____.


Correct Answer: To provide information about Native American beliefs to provide a

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The purpose of the reporters formula is to _____.


Correct Answer: Gather details

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The last video on greek tragedy makes an argument against aristotles idea of ___.


Correct Answer: Catharsis

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Shelley wanted the wind to _____. select all that apply.


Correct Answer: Scatter his words

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According to aristotle, the goal of the tragic playwright is to __________.


Correct Answer: Evoke pity and fear in the audience

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The narrator joins the group of pilgrims as a result of _____.


Correct Answer: Talk to

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Some consider chinua achebe the __________ of african literature.


Correct Answer: Father

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The section of the sonnet that sets the theme is called the _____.


Correct Answer: Octave.

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The witches dance wildly around their caldron in a ____ frenzy.


Correct Answer: Clamorous

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Oedipus speaks of _____ as seer and student of mysteries.


Correct Answer: Teiresias.

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The narrators __________ voice is mainly due to the use of __________.


Correct Answer: Exaggerative hyperbole

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The victorian era


Correct Answer: Prosperity and poverty

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A narrator that uses ______________________ point of view could be nicknamed a "know-it-all."


Correct Answer: Omniscient

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A literary work


Correct Answer: Generalization

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The poet who wrote "birches" was _____.


Correct Answer: Robert Frost

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In the weighted point evaluation method, the product that is usually selected is the one with ____.


Correct Answer: The highest overall score

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The greek term anagnorisis refers to the __________.


Correct Answer: Recognition

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Creons tragic flaw is __________.


Correct Answer: Pride

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Pontificating is ________.


Correct Answer: Speaking in a pompous way

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According to poe, there is a radical error in the __________.


Correct Answer: Consideration of an effect

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A metagoal refers to _____.


Correct Answer: The overall amount of energy devoted to any given purchase

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When revising the overall structure of your essay, you should _____.


Correct Answer: Analyze the balance of information

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?tone? refers to the __________.


Correct Answer: The writer's attitude toward the writing and audience

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The stage of plot that comes directly after exposition is called _____


Correct Answer: Exposition

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All of these types of figurative language appear in the excerpt above except __________.


Correct Answer: Simile

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All of the following information should be researched before a job interview except _____.


Correct Answer: The office dimensions

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Elements of tone include _____.


Correct Answer: Diction

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When editing your essay for verb tense, it is important to _____.


Correct Answer: Make time shifts only after your topic has been fully explained

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The written language used by the ________ is hieroglyphics.


Correct Answer: Egyptians

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The structure of "ballad of birmingham" by dudley randall is described best as __________.


Correct Answer: An elegiac broadside

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The quality of making writing short and unified is called _____.


Correct Answer: Conciseness

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The greek term "peripeteia" refers to the __________.


Correct Answer: Scene of suffering

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One reason for making a new outline of your work while revising is to _____.


Correct Answer: Prepare your work for your writing portfolio.

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In autobiographical writing, the purpose of the exposition is to _____.


Correct Answer: Exposition

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During the revising stage in the writing process, the author _____.


Correct Answer: Prewriting

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During the drafting stage of the writing process, you _____.


Correct Answer: Do more investigation of your topic

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Archetypes are useful in literature because __________.


Correct Answer: Archetypes portray characters in conflicts and events ...

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In a topical paragraph, each sentence should support the _____.


Correct Answer: Revolves around a main idea that is expressed in its topic

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Metonymy is best defined as a figure of speech in which __________.


Correct Answer: One noun is substituted for another with which it is closely associated

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It is better to read ______.


Correct Answer: In a quiet location

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Argumentative or persuasive types of writing are also called _____.


Correct Answer: Propaganda

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"o death, where is thy sting?" is an example of _____.


Correct Answer: Apostrophe

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The antagonist usually brings __________ to the __________.


Correct Answer: Conflict . . . protagonist

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Literature in play form is also known as __________.


Correct Answer: Drama

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In ""The Pardoner's Tale,"" Death is portrayed as ____________.


Correct Answer: Both the price of wickedness and an actual person

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Trade occurs, generally speaking, because it is a _______ sum game.


Correct Answer: Neutral

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Sending an e-mail to a client to ask for certain data is an example of a _____.


Correct Answer: Two minute action task.

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School warning markings are __________ or yellow pavement markings that read school zone.


Correct Answer: Green

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Two or more paragraphs that explain and develop a complex, key idea are called _____.


Correct Answer: Paragraph blocks

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______________ is the basic material out of which most plots are made.


Correct Answer: Conflict

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Alternative weekly papers are having ______ circulation.


Correct Answer: Declining

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A _____ sentence helps to give additional evidence for a claim or a main idea.


Correct Answer: Supporting Sentence

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The narrator of a poem is known as the __________.


Correct Answer: Speaker voice

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______________ themes are applicable to any group or culture at any time in history.


Correct Answer: Universal

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In "bernice bobs her hair," bernice is the _______ in the story.


Correct Answer: Protagonist

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