1. Which of the following are the valid DeviceType property values for the TMediaPlayer component?
2. Which of the following are valid identifier names for a variable?
3. TDataSet is a base class from which other database components are inherited to encapsulate which database object(s)?
4. Which of the following will add text to a TMemo component called Memo1?
5. What component is used to link two datasets in a master/detail relationship?
6. Which of the following will link a TUpDown control named UpDown1 with an Edit box named Edit1, allowing the TUpDown control to modify the values in the Edit box?
7. What is the purpose of the Break procedure?
8. For a TQuery component called Query1 with SQL of Select * from Student Where Number=500, which of the following is the correct method to run the query?
9. What does the Cancel property of the TButton object do?
10. Which property of TBitBtn allows you to specify what image to display on the button?
11. What is the value of the variable int_temp after the for loop has ended in the code shown?
12. Which of the following will connect a DataSource to a Table where the Datasource component is call DataSource1 and the Table component is called Table1?
13. Which of the following is a event of TPanel?
14. Given the code Edit1.Hint := 'Customer Name|Enter Customer Name in the edit box';, which of the following is the correct code to retrieve the text after the | character, i.e. Enter Customer Name in the edit box, when the OnHint handler is called?
15. Which three properties of TProgressBar are responsible for setting the minimum, maximum and current position for the control?
16. What happens if the TreeView1.Items list is empty when the code TreeView1.Items.AddFirst(TreeView1.Items[0],'X'); is executed?
17. Given that x and y are variables declared as type Char, which of the following is NOT a valid Pascal assignment statement?
18. How does a TRichEdit differ from a TMemo?
19. Which of the following is the correct method to activate a modal open dialog box when using the TOpenDialog component?
20. Which of the following is the correct code to create an object from class TMainForm?
21. What files end with the .dpk extension?
22. What is the main difference between TLabel and TStaticText?
23. Which of the following changes a TDBNavigator component called DBNavigator1 so that it only displays navigation buttons?
24. What value is displayed on screen when the procedure test is called?
25. What is the purpose of the Alignment Palette?
26. Which of the following would cause all the items in a RadioGroup to be appended so that all items appear twice?
27. Which of the following is the correct code to cause a form named Form1 to be displayed as modal?
28. Which of the following is the correct code to 'tick' a TCheckBox component called CheckBox1 as shown?
29. What does the TDBLookupComboBox component do?
30. In the code shown, TMyClass inherits from which parent class?
31. Which of the following removes the SQL statement from a TQuery component called Query1?
32. Which of the following is NOT an event of the TApplicationEvents component?
33. When will the code 'Application.Terminate;' be executed in the code shown?
34. What is the purpose of the AutoMerge property in the TMainMenu component?
35. What is the shortcut key for manually displaying the code completion window while entering code?
36. The TTimer component has a property which determines how frequently the OnTimer event occurs. Which of the following is that property and what does the property measure?
37. Given a ComboBox named ComboBox1 and an Edit box named Edit1, which of the following is the correct code to add the information in the Edit box to the drop down list in the ComboBox?
38. Which of the following properties when set to True, enables an application to gain sole access to a database?
39. What is the purpose of Code Templates?
40. What does the procedure shown do?
41. What is the purpose of the TDataModule?
42. What is the purpose of the AlphaBlend property of TForm?
43. What is the purpose of the Initialization section of a Unit?
44. Which key toggles between the Object Inspector and the Edit Window / Form?
45. Given a TPageControl component called PageControl1 with three TabSheets called TabSheet1, TabSheet2 and TabSheet3 (in that order), which of the following will make TabSheet2 selected?
46. Which of the following is the correct code to cause a popup menu named Popupmenu1 on a form called Form1 to be displayed?
47. Which of the following retrieves the value from the SNumber field as a string for the current record in an open Table called Table1?
48. how many times would the ShowMessage procedure be called if the button in question was clicked three (3) times?