Neurochemistry MCQ

Bidirectional, instantaneous synaptic transmission is typical of __________.


Correct Answer: Electrical synapses

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Vesicles are located ____.


Correct Answer: In presynaptic terminals

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A drug that inhibits the action of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase will have the effect of ____.


Correct Answer: Prolonging the action of acetylcholine at its synapses

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Autoreceptors monitor the ____.


Correct Answer: Amount of neurotransmitter released

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________ open or close in response to binding specific molecules.


Correct Answer: Chemically gated channels

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"transporter" proteins transport neurotransmitters ____.


Correct Answer: Back into the presynaptic neuron

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For cells that communicate by electrical synapses, the message travels between cells via ________.


Correct Answer: Gap junctions

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"drugs that block mao-b are ________ agonists, whereas mao-a blockers are ________.


Correct Answer: Norepinephrine; dopamine agonists

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The effect of a neurotransmitter on a postsynaptic neuron is determined by the ____.


Correct Answer: Receptors on the postsynaptic membrane

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A metabotropic synapse, by way of its second messenger, ____.


Correct Answer: Can influence activity in much or all of the postsynaptic cell

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Releasing hormones are synthesized in the ____ and released in the ____.


Correct Answer: Hypothalamus; anterior pituitary

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Ionotropic effects ____.


Correct Answer: ​may depolarize or hyperpolarize the postsynaptic membrane

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Exocytosis is the process by which neurotransmitters are ____.


Correct Answer: Released from the presynaptic neuron

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Depolarization is to ____ as hyperpolarization is to ____


Correct Answer: Excitation; inhibition

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Damage to the ________ dopaminergic system would be expected to impair movement.


Correct Answer: Nigrostriatal

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Cholinergic neurons are thought to ________ within the ________.


Correct Answer: Dorsolateral pons; elicit most of the aspects of REM sleep

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All of the following are neurotransmitters except ________.


Correct Answer: Serotonin (5-HT).

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A(n) ________ is a drug that blocks or inhibits postsynaptic receptor effects.


Correct Answer: Antagonist

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