1. Which Bootstrap class is used to create responsive tables?
2. Which button class do not exist? (check any that apply)
3. Which class is used to create a button group?
4. Which is not contextual class?
5. Which class adds zebra-stripes to a table?
6. Which of these list types exist in Bootstrap? (check any that apply)
7. Which class can be used to create a breadcrumb?
8. Which tag can be used to highlight the text?
9. Which class will make table responsive?
10. What is 'sr-only' class needed for in Bootstrap?
11. Correct way to do the pagination with Bootstrap?
12. Which class is used to make a paragraph stand out?
13. How to add badge into button?
14. How do you wrap form set of label and input?
15. Which button class is used to create a large button?
16. Which class can be used to make an inline list?
17. Right way to place link into alert box?
18. Right way to create a page header with subtext inside?
19. Right way to create checkbox with using Bootstrap?
20. What will be the color of the button with btn-primary class?
21. Which image helpers do not exist?
22. Which bootstrap classes can be used to create tabs?
23. Which class is used to create a big box for calling extra attention?
24. Which class can be used for the page header element?
25. Why Normalize.css is used in Bootstrap framework?
26. Which class shapes an image to a circle?
27. How to create block level button which span all width of its parent element?
28. Which CSS codes can be used to add asterisks to required fields in a form?
29. Which class make table look like "zebra"?
30. Which meta tag is important to ensure proper rendering and touch zooming?
31. Which tag is used to show keyboard combinations?
32. Which class provides a full width container, spanning the entire width of the viewport?
33. Which class provides a responsive fixed width container?
34. What is default way to have red button?
35. Is it possible to disable zooming on mobile devices while using Bootstrap?
36. You can Enable Carousel Controls using the following code snippet?
37. What is Jumbotron?
38. Bootstrap provides you with following types of form layouts: (choose all that apply)
39. Responsive utilities are currently only available for block and table toggling in the following classes:
40. What browsers are supported?
41. Which code will create bootstrap button?
42. In Bootstrap, collapsing elements enables you to collapse any element without using external __?
43. What is true about icons in Bootstrap?
44. The Bootstrap grid system has the following class prefixes? (choose all that apply)
45. Correct in order to get the previous active tab's text?
46. Correct way to get previous active tab's text?
47. How can you insert a search icon?
48. Which class is used to create a black navigation bar?
49. What is Twitter Bootstrap?
50. Bootstrap provides the following classes that can be used to apply some simple styles to images? (choose all that apply)
51. The affix plugin toggles among the following classes? (choose all that apply)
52. The following event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called?
53. Which Bootstrap styles can be used to to get different sized items of .pagination?
54. Which Bootstrap style makes a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally?
55. Which variable is not available for changing the default Scaffolding settings using LESS?
56. Which is correct size of image in default media object?
57. Which command is valid to display modal window?
58. How do you create a condensed table which has borders and hover effect on rows?
Which of the following colors is the default color for progress bar?
60. Which of these font-icon libraries is included in Bootstrap 3?
61. How do you flush left and right sides of text using Bootstrap?
62. What is the use of media queries in CSS and in Bootstrap?
63. What icon package is officially included in Bootstrap?
64. What CSS class is needed to display form inputs one after the other in single row?
65. What preprocessor is used to build Bootstrap?
66. What will happen if viewport with resolution of 500x800 will rotate to landscape of site which uses custom build of bootstrap?
67. What scaffolding variables are available to use in classic CSS to override default values?
68. What will happen if sr-only class is added to some div element?
69. What flexbox model css options can be used together with bootstrap?
70. What is needed to create menu which changes active menu item while scrolling contents of div?
71. Difference between text A and text B for end users?
73. Which is the correct description about .offset* class?
74. What are option to make font weight bolder than in parent element?
76. What is needed to be used to make marked text?
77. Which of Bootstrap styles of button provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons?
78. Which is a part of Mobile First Strategy of Bootstrap?
79. Which Bootstrap styles can be used to create a Stacked progress bar?
80. Which is correct about Bootstrap wells?
81. Which should be included inside the head of an html document for proper rendering and touch zooming?
82. Is it possible to create a responsive image?
83. Which is not true?
84. Which is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?
85. Which class is required to be added to form tag to make it inline?
86. Which class applies the hover color to a particular row or cell of a table?
87. Which class can be used to create a responsive table?
88. Which is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
89. Which is correct about data-backdrop Data attribute of Modal Plugin?
90. How is a tabbed content with bootstrap made?
91. How can you make a paragraph stand out?
92. How can you make a footer for blockquote?
93. How do you remove a list styling for nested lists?
94. How is an uppercase text made by only using bootstrap's classes?
95. The following event fires on tab show after a tab has been shown. Use event.target and event.relatedTarget to target the active tab and the previous active tab respectively?
96. How many columns does bootstrap grid have?
97. Bootstrap grid system is based on how many columns?
98. What is the default line-height while using twitter bootstrap?
99. Can Bootstrap plugins be included individually?
100. The following event is fired when the tooltip has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete):
101. Which is correct about data-html Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?
102. How does bootstrap grid work?
103. How can you make a notification element with blue background and text?
104. Which classes should be used if the number of items inside a tab is required to be shown?
105. How are striped rows for the table using bootstrap classes to support IE8+, Chrome, Firefox and Safari made?
106. The following event is fired when the alert has been closed (it will wait for CSS transitions to complete)?
107. Which tool is used to compile Less styles for Bootstrap?
108. Which is the correct css class which offsets a div by 2 columns in small viewport?
109. How is an interactive table made, where the user can hover the row and the row gets different background?
110. Which initializes a Bootstrap modal?
111. How can you make a smaller text inside an h1 tag?
112. Which is available classes for containers in Bootstrap 3? Check all that apply.
113. What option is available during initialization of carousel? (choose all that apply)
114. How can you add a footer to a panel?
115. The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes ____ columns.
116. How can you make a text which is aligned by left margin, adjusted letter & word-spacing so that the text falls flush with the both margins (left and right)?
117. How many methods scrollspy plugin has?
118. Correct way to center align text inside the paragraph?
119. What is default grid float breakpoint set by Bootstrap?
120. Which option should be set to make modal window closable on pressing ESC key?
121. What is the default gutter width set by Bootstrap?
122. How to display block only for extra small devices?
123. Which can be used to call a dialog?
124. Which plugin is used to create a tooltip?
125. Which is not a Bootstrap plugin?
126. Which is not Bootstrap plugins?
127. How can you create disabled link in the Nav component?
128. Which is not a Bootstrap component?
129. A standard navigation tab is created with:
130. How is an underlined text made?
131. How to attach navbar to top of window which scrolls away with the page?
132. Which code can be used to produce sticky footer?
133. Which bootstrap classes can be used to create an animated progress bar?
134. Which will correctly call collapse?
135. Which is valid events in Toggle plugin?
136. Is it possible to change table's outline color using Less variables?
137. Which bootstrap style is used to create a .navbar that scrolls with the page?
138. What are mixins?
139. Which contextual class indicates a successful or positive action?
140. In Bootstrap, collapsing elements enables you to _____ any particular element without writing any JavaScript code or the accordion markup?
141. Which dynamic style sheet language are supported for Bootstrap?
142. Which LESS variables does not belong to the Navbar component?
143. Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?
144. Which tag can be used for quoting blocks of content from another source within your document?
145. Is it possible to change the shape of image file?
146. Which class adds a heading to a panel?
147. Which LESS variables related for buttons?
148. Which contextual class indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action?
149. What is Bootstrap's global default font-size?
150. Use of data attributes from multiple plugins on the same element is not recommended.'
151. Which class indicates uppercased text?
152. Which Contextual classes will allow you to change the background color of your table rows or individual cells? (choose all that apply)
153. Which is a valid method in Carousel plugin?
154. Which plugin is used to create a modal window?
155. The following event is fired when the carousel has completed its slide transition:
156. Correct way to activate tab? (choose all that apply)
157. Is it possible to hide something from print view just by using Bootstrap CSS classes?
158. How do you pass data to a modal in Bootstrap ?
159. Which LESS variables can be used to define your own number of columns in the grid? ing is
160. Which LESS variables does not exist?
161. When you are using Active tabs, which is the correct code to Select tab by name?
162. When we are adding .img-responsive class to an image, which of the following CSS-properties are applied on that image?
163. How to wrap series of buttons?
164. Correct way to create full-width layout with two columns ⅓ and ⅔ on all devices?
165. How to create a progress bar using Bootstrap 3?
166. The typographic scale in Bootstrap is based on which Less variables:
167. Which is not a default Bootstrap grid system class?
168. Bootstrap provides a basic page structure with __ System